America's Road To Fame

Chapter 157: 2 worlds

This also means that William Chen needs to use a price more than double the share price in the secondary market to buy the shares of Netflix in the hands of these institutions, but this is completely acceptable to William Chen.

He doesn\'t simply think that Netflix\'s stock price is less than $11 now, so he can use this price to buy the stock in the hands of institutions. Those institutions are not stupid, can\'t they see that most of the stock prices have fallen excessively because of the economic crisis? Not at all in line with Netflix\'s actual value?

As Camilo Hagen said, these institutions currently hold more than 40% of Netflix\'s total share capital. If they want to buy so many shares in the secondary market, it is enough to double the stock price or even rise several times. times.

For Chen William, even the current price of more than 23 US dollars is an absolute value, so he can fully accept it. After all, after this, he can buy so many Netflix shares at one time. There will be no more.

Once the economic crisis is over, it will be impossible to buy Netflix shares in the hands of these institutions without much bleeding.

"So how many shares can I buy at this price?"

"According to our calculations, there are currently more than a dozen institutions that intend to sell at this price, with a total of about 15 million Netflix shares, accounting for about 22% of the total share capital."

"What about the rest of the institutions?"

"It\'s like this, Mr. William, at present, these institutions that have a greater willingness to sell, their funds have suffered losses this year. After calculating their losses, if they sell their Netflix shares at a price of $23, then It can make up for their losses in a relatively large amount, so there is a willingness to sell.”

"But other institutions, either the loss is not too big, or the loss is very large, so they are not willing to sell Netflix shares at this price. After all, if the loss is too large, it can\'t make up much for the loss. Since some people are willing to If you buy it, then Netflix\'s stock is likely to rise, so they might as well keep holding it, if they want to buy the Netflix stock of these institutions, their asking price is a bit unrealistic, so it is better to give up."

Hearing Camilo Hagen\'s words, William Chen also understood the cause and effect. After thinking about it, if he took 22% of the Netflix stock, plus the 8% he held, he would buy part of it from the secondary market. , then his stake in Netflix is ​​more than 35%, and he is quite satisfied with this, so he directly said to him:

"So be it, make an agreement with those institutions as soon as possible, and I\'ll buy their shares for $23."

Even at this price, it\'s more than a third cheaper than when he first invested in Netflix.

"If so, I suggest that you can also start to absorb Netflix shares in the secondary market, and ultimately it is best to maintain the stock price above $23, so as to avoid the CSRC in this acquisition that may damage the interests of minority shareholders. investigation."

In this regard, William Chen can also understand that if you buy stocks from institutions at high prices, why can\'t retail investors who hold stocks in the secondary market sell at this price? Once someone appeals, it is also troublesome, so simply push the price of Netflix\'s stock on the secondary market above $23, so that this trouble can be avoided.

This is exactly what William Chen wants. Originally, he wanted to increase his holdings in the secondary market. As a major shareholder of Netflix, he is also obliged to maintain the company\'s stock price. Well, it is really too responsible.

And at this time, he invested in Netflix in advance, and the advantage of reaching a tacit agreement with Hastings appeared, that is, he could not be bound by the requirement that the secondary market must show the purpose of buying more than 5% of the stock, So being able to buy more Netflix stock.

Fan Bingbing listened to the two people talking about the hundreds of millions and billions of dollars in business, and couldn\'t help smacking her tongue. Just changing this number into Chinese currency is not a level she can touch now.

After Chen William finished dealing with these matters, he accompanied Fan Bingbing to buy some clothes. Of course, as William Chen, he naturally does not have to go to the store on Fifth Avenue to buy, and it is not convenient for him to do so. If Fan Bingbing appears on Fifth Avenue, it will immediately become the news of the entertainment version.

Chen William just took her back to his home in the Upper East Side, and then made a phone call. The manager of luxury jewelry stores, including Chanel, LV, and Dior, personally came forward and brought the clerk to the season\'s new clothing accessories. Take it to Chen William\'s home and let Fan Bingbing buy it.

Are you talking about the power of the shop assistants? Ordinary people are likely to wink at luxury stores when they go to them?

You know, the world is inherently unequal.

Ordinary people and the rich and powerful are in the same world, but in fact they face different worlds.

There are only two kinds of people in this world. One kind of person has what he wants, and every hair of him is cared for in every possible way;

Those rich and powerful people don\'t even need him to show a wink, and someone will think about everything for you, and think about it a hundred times more thoughtfully than himself.

At this time, Fan Bingbing felt this deeply. Even she had never enjoyed such treatment from these top luxury brands. When purchasing those new clothes of the season, she was just a little hesitant and wanted to When comparing, Chen William had asked the clerk to keep all the styles that she had seen a few times. In the end, they only needed to send him the bill.

To be honest, this kind of life, after really experiencing it, is hard to give up.

After another unforgettable night, Chen William sent Fan Bingbing on a flight back to China the next day.

He, on the other hand, continued to return to the company and instructed Martin Stephenson to start turning the $2 billion in the gold futures account with 10x leverage to establish long orders.

Today, December 21st, according to the forecast of the [Volatility Master Experience Card] in the future bank, after 10:00 this morning, there will be the lowest price until January 5th—$774.5 per ounce, and from the previous In the eyes of the future, he knew that by May, the price of gold would reach an all-time high of $1,400 an ounce.

So after January 5th, between the end of April, the price of gold will drop sharply, and is there any chance that it will fall below $774.5 per ounce? There must be, but the probability should not be large. After all, the increase after that is really too big, almost doubled, so it is still worth taking a gamble.

"William, Ms. Alicia is here. She said she has an appointment." Erica pushed the door into William Chen\'s office and said to him.

"Okay, honey, let her come over and make me double the coffee by the way, an American, you know my taste."

When Alicia walked into William Chen\'s office, William Chen saw that her hair was cut a little bit shorter, showing a bit of a strong woman\'s aura, he couldn\'t help smiling and said:

"Hello, dear Alicia."

"William, you said something important?"

"Yes, my Uncle Tom, through Deloitte\'s audit, found that Kushnar Group has some problems in the accounts of the 666 Building Asset Management Company, so we suspect that they have misappropriated some of the funds used for the building renovation for other purposes, Therefore, I hope you can represent me to negotiate with them and, together with Deloitte, once again conduct a careful review of all accounts."

"This is no problem. I remember that in the agreement at the time, there were special clauses restricting this. If the Kushnar Group really did something, then we could sue them. UU"

"This is what I was guarding against at the beginning. After all, you know that the subprime mortgage crisis has made life difficult for these real estate developers. Banks tighten their money, and their capital chain is in danger of breaking, so I don\'t want to affect 666. Building No. 1, and when necessary, we will use the terms of the agreement to forcibly buy back their shares."

From the very beginning, William Chen has been waiting for this day. In his opinion, if it develops according to the plan, Kushnar Group will definitely not be able to do so. Sure enough, in a recent Deloitte investigation of Building 666 Asset Management Company During the audit of the accounts of the special fund account for building renovation, some problems were discovered.

Uncle Tom immediately told William Chen about this matter, and now what he wants to know is how serious this matter is, or is it just a small test by the Kushnar Group? After understanding clearly, the next step must be taken, which is why he called Alicia to deal with this matter this time.

Not only the Kushnar Group, but William Chen also needs to temporarily hide his ultimate goal to avoid making a fool of himself.

"Okay, I see. I\'ll contact Mr. Tom right away to follow up on this matter."

After thanking Erica for the coffee, when she left the office, Alicia said this to William Chen.

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