America's Road To Fame

Chapter 156: long island estate

When they walked out of the building, they could see that there was an independent wooden reception room not far from the sea. This was a single wooden small room covering an area of ​​about 400 square meters. When the owner needed to meet someone he was not familiar with Guests can do it here.

Seeing this, Fan Bingbing sighed inwardly, this small wooden house is already bigger than most people\'s houses, it really is capitalism.

"Wow, William, there is a lake over there. Does this belong to the manor?"

Seeing the courtyard behind the villa, next to a huge artificial lake, Fan Bingbing couldn\'t help asking the agent beside him.

"Yes, ma\'am, this artificial lake is contained within the estate."

After answering Fan Bingbing\'s question, the intermediary pointed to the sea in the distance and said:

"You can see that there are piers over there. There are three piers in this manor, the largest of which can be docked for medium and large yachts after special dredging."

After her reminder, Chen William thought of the "Eclipse" of Abu\'s that he had seen before. He realized that he should also buy such a yacht, and it didn\'t need to be as big as Abu\'s, but At least not too bad.

Chen William and Fan Bingbing, it has been two hours since they visited the whole manor. According to the introduction of the agent, the price of this manor was 60 million US dollars before, but now because the owner is in urgent need of funds, and the house price has dropped, only need $40 million to get it, plus three years of housekeeping.

This price reduction is already very large for high-end real estate.

The daily cost of this kind of manor is also high. It can be said that money is used everywhere. Such a large manor needs housekeepers, maids, cooks, plus bodyguards and drivers. And the whole garden has to be taken care of on a regular basis, and these have special housekeeping companies, which are responsible for serving these super rich people.

There are many rich Americans, and more companies serve them. As long as you have money, you can choose all young and beautiful maids, and they are all trained from childhood and have high security.

You can even customize it to those companies. Whether you want white, mixed or yellow people, as long as you ask for it, the other party will definitely be able to meet it. Of course, it\'s not that kind of illegal way. Next to the United States, the whole of South America is a place where beautiful women are born, and farther, such as Eastern Europe, there are many people who hope that their children can come to the United States to serve the rich and earn money. Take wealth that will improve your family\'s life.

In order to meet the needs of the rich, these companies can even hold a local beauty contest for you, and then send the winner to your home to serve you after professional training as a maid.

In many third world countries, the endless beauty pageants are mostly held for this purpose.

These things are on the surface, completely legal, and there is no coercion. After all, those girls can be proud to serve the super rich. Compared with their poor life in their hometown, coming here is like a Like in heaven.

The most important thing is that because those girls generally do not have much education and their knowledge is limited, so if they are hired by the rich for a long time, their loyalty will be very high, and they will not be like those who are old and serve in many rich families. The old fried dough sticks have been well-informed and insightful.

Therefore, after seeing this manor, William Chen is still very satisfied, and such a large manor is not far from New York, and here, it is less than 60 kilometers away from Manhattan. Drive faster, and it will take more than an hour to arrive. . If a helicopter is purchased in the future, it will be faster and can park directly on the apron on the roof of the Trump headquarters building.

Moreover, the price of 40 million US dollars is already very good, after all, the floor space is here. So William Chen immediately said that he bought the place, which made the intermediary smile. Sure enough, for such a super-rich customer, the transaction was refreshing.

It\'s just that it\'s not yet possible to move in here. After the formalities are completed, the housekeeping salary will be cleaned up as a whole, and then some daily necessities will be purchased. It\'s fine. It\'s not troublesome.

William Chen then took Fan Bingbing to the villa he had rented on Long Island, where the chef had prepared a sumptuous dinner for him.

"I don\'t know if it suits your taste. I know that you are from Lu Province. The chefs of Lu cuisine here are not so easy to find. Try them to see if these dishes are authentic."

Entering the room, she felt a burst of warmth. Fan Bingbing took off her coat and put it on the hanger. She was wearing a white sweater and black leggings. It was a simple match, but on her, she looked extraordinarily different. grace.

She walked to the dining table and looked at the dishes on the table, which were all traditional famous dishes of Shandong cuisine, including braised prawns, sweet and sour carp, and sliced ​​hibiscus chicken. When she saw Jiuzhuan large intestines, she smiled. With a smile, he said to William Chen:

"Aren\'t Americans not used to eating offal?"

"That\'s another American. You forget, I\'m also Chinese. I like to eat this nine-turn large intestine. I\'ll grab it from you later."

"Well, it\'s more delicious if you rush to eat it, but with such a sumptuous dinner, I guess I\'m going to gain weight again. You don\'t know, I have a fat physique."

Haha, Fan Xiaopang, I understand.

At the end of the meal, the two still enjoyed it very much. When they finished eating, Fan Bingbing also took the initiative to help him wash the dishes.

"No need, just put it there, and a special person will come to deal with it at that time."

William Chen put the tableware into the sink with her and said to her.

"It seems really capitalism, you don\'t have to do anything yourself."

Fan Bingbing was talking, washed his hands, turned around, and was meeting Chen William\'s gaze, feeling the heat in his eyes, and panicked for a while.

In fact, since she came to look for Chen William, some things have become self-evident.

Therefore, the development of things will go with the flow. Listening to her teasing, Chen William didn\'t say anything, but reached out and pulled her into his arms.

At first Fan Bingbing\'s hand was on Chen William\'s chest, and he could feel the muscles he explained. When Chen William lowered his head and kissed her lips, she gradually put her hand down and wrapped her arms around the other\'s waist.

Then, in Fan Bingbing\'s exclamation, Chen William picked her up lazily and walked to the bedroom...

It\'s a long night.


"Now I believe your body in that video is real."

In the morning, Chen William came back from exercising and took a shower. At this time, Fan Bingbing also woke up, she looked at Chen William and said.

"Oh? That video of "Magic Mike"? You\'ve seen it too."

"That\'s not true. When you come to America, many people here are talking about this. That movie is coming out soon."

"Yes, it\'s in the Christmas slot. It\'s going to be released soon. If you can stay here for a few more days, you can watch it."

"I\'m afraid that won\'t work. I have already pushed a lot of arrangements."

Fan Bingbing said helplessly.

She can stay in the United States for a day at most, and she will leave for her home country tomorrow.

Originally, William Chen wanted to spend a day with her today, but she refused. She said that she still wanted to stay by his side and see how he usually worked.

So after dinner, Chen William and Fan Bingbing came to New York, met Camilo Hagen of Goldman Sachs, and reported to him the progress of the acquisition.

"Mr. William, the acquisition of Marvel has basically been We have reached an agreement with almost all shareholders. It seems that they are also very anxious, so some of them are going well."

"The final purchase price is determined to be Marvel\'s overall valuation of $2 billion, but the management of Marvel requires at least another $200 million to be injected into the company for daily business maintenance and investment in two additional films. , Of the $1 billion in debt of Marvel, $200 million is an emergency high-interest loan with an age of up to 15%, so we also recommend repaying this part of the loan as a priority to reduce the company\'s operating pressure."

William Chen nodded and said, "That\'s it, sign the contract as soon as possible. Also, how about Netflix?"

"From our contacts with institutions that hold Netflix shares, many funds are not in a good situation. They are also willing to sell Netflix shares, but the price needs to be negotiated. Although the current share price of Netflix is ​​at 10-11 The U.S. dollar is hovering, but at this price, those institutions will definitely not be willing to sell, because they can also see that Netflix is ​​far undervalued at the current share price.”

"I see that, Mr. Hagen. What\'s their asking price?"

“In summary, if the price can be raised to more than $23, then these institutions can accept it, because this price has already allowed them to make a profit in their investment in Netflix, which is reflected in the net value of the fund, which is beneficial to them. ."

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