America's Road To Fame

Chapter 151: 20th Century Fox?

Before that, he had already contacted Hastings, the CEO of Netflix. At first, the other party thought that William Chen was here to inquire, but he did not expect William Chen to tell him directly that, as one of the shareholders of Netflix, he thought He is obliged to maintain the company\'s stock price at such a moment, so he is ready to increase his holdings of Netflix\'s stock.

At the same time, William Chen assured that the shares he increased, like the shares he invested in before, would follow his promise to Hastings and would always stand by his side and support his decision to run the company.

For a moment, Hastings was greatly moved. Through this period of observation, he also confirmed that William Chen had indeed complied with the previous agreement, and had never dictated the operation of Netflix, and had always supported his control of the company.

And now when the stock price is plummeting, not only has he not complained, but he will continue to increase his holdings and use this action to support the company. Where can I find this kind of good investor who can help him stabilize the company without commanding indiscriminately.

Completely different from the other coquettish bitches, those other early stage investors have made many calls to ask him what happened to the company.

As long as he can ensure his control over the company, he absolutely supports William Chen to become the company\'s major shareholder, so he expressed this attitude happily on the phone.

It\'s not that he was blindly optimistic. The original agreement was there. Even if Chen William held more shares, he could only negotiate with him at most, and through the company\'s growth, to obtain investment returns, he would not be able to take away his interest in the company. control.

And these were originally William Chen\'s goals. He personally managed the company and would not do better than Hastings. And he retains the right amount of influence over the company. With such a useful tool person, why should he go to the end himself?

Soon, Camilo Hagen gave the results of the investigation against Netflix. At present, most of Netflix\'s shares are scattered in the hands of those institutional investors. After many financings and IPOs, including More than 20 funds with the highest holdings, including the Blackstone Fund, hold more than 40% of Netflix\'s shares.

After being authorized by William Chen, Camilo Hagen instructed his subordinates to start contacting these institutions and negotiate the acquisition of their Netflix shares.

Next, William Chen contacted Wendi Deng and talked to her about charitable foundations for ethnic minorities, mainly Asians.

Wendi Deng is very positive in this regard. Anyone who has lived in the United States for a few years can understand the significant influence of these charities. If they can really unite some rich Asians, develop this foundation and unite the power of Asians in Together, it will bring great influence to everyone, and these Deng Wendi are well aware of it.

To this end, Deng Wendi specially put down the film "Snowflake Secret Fan" and handed it over to someone else temporarily, and went to Silicon Valley with Chen William, where Yang Zhiyuan will hold several charity evenings and invite famous Americans Asian billionaires and company executives discussed the formation of this charitable foundation.

"William, I heard that your private equity fund has a high return this time? I saw your fund manager said that the return rate has exceeded 400%."

On the plane, Deng Wendi, with a look of surprise, talked to William Chen about his private equity fund. Before, she personally invested $5 million in Fund 3, which also means that these investments have now turned into $25 million.

"Yes, Wendi, you should know about the recent subprime mortgage crisis, and our No. 3 fund is mainly shorting the real estate market and the stock market. Because the direction is correct, it is not surprising to have such a high return."

"It\'s unbelievable. I regret it now. I should have invested more at that time. It was impossible. You know, I don\'t have that much private capital."

Deng Wendi said with a little regret in her tone.

At this moment, she looked at Chen William beside her, and felt very emotional. When he first met him, Chen William was more like a rich second-generation who wasted his family property. At that time, his assets were not very much in the eyes of Deng Wendi, but now it is completely different.

As the proprietress of News Corporation, Deng Wendi\'s news is still very well-informed. The news that Chen William is currently acquiring Marvel is not so secretive. After all, Goldman Sachs has begun to contact those shareholders on a large scale, and there will always be news revealed. of.

And when she heard from Murdoch\'s mouth that it is very likely that the biggest beneficiary of this crisis, Chen William\'s assets will exceed 10 billion US dollars, she can imagine the shock in her heart, you must know that because of the economic crisis At this time, Murdoch\'s assets are only this number, and Chen William is only 21 years old!

This is also the reason why when William Chen mentioned this charity to her, she was so enthusiastic that she even left her film job temporarily and came together. Before she knew it, her attitude towards William Chen was completely different.

Although it can\'t be called looking up, William Chen now deserves enough attention from her. Moreover, with her relationship with Ivanta and her previous friendship with William Chen, Deng Wendi also looked forward to the strength of the other party to be stronger.

"By the way, Wendi, does Mr. Murdoch intend to sell Twentieth Century Fox?"

William Chen knows that Murdoch has not been going well recently. On the one hand, as early as 2005, there were allegations in the United Kingdom that their tabloids had wiretapped their phone calls. This year, things started to intensify, although they have not reached the level of two years later. , but it is enough for him to deal with it carefully, otherwise, if he is not careful, News Corp. will probably have a great shock.

Although he has weaved a great network of relationships in the UK, there is also a side who is not good at him.

With the subprime mortgage crisis that broke out, the financial situation of the entire News Corporation began to deteriorate. Therefore, at this time, William Chen also wanted to ask side-by-side, the possibility of him buying 20th Century Fox from Murdoch. sex.

"Twentieth Century Fox? Do you want to buy it? William, you know, this is our core asset." Deng Wendi was indeed stunned by Chen William\'s sudden question.

"I know Wendi, but now the company is far less important to News Corporation than it was at the beginning, isn\'t it? And you know the current economic situation, I believe in Mr Murdoch\'s mind, there is no not-for-sale , it\'s all about the price. So I just want to know the feasibility of buying this company from you."

William Chen said indifferently: "And I have no final target at present. I hope to acquire a film company with sufficient strength, but there are many choices now, Legendary Pictures, MGM, and even Paramount are not unreasonable. possible."

To be honest, William Chen wants to buy 20th Century Fox mainly because they have too many superhero copyrights from Marvel, so since he is destined to acquire Marvel and start building the Marvel Universe, he will try his best to take back these superheroes The copyright is also necessary, otherwise he will work hard to promote the Marvel Universe, and then other companies will launch related movies and pick up ready-made ones. Wouldn\'t that be a wedding dress for others.

So if it wasn\'t for this factor, as he said, those other companies would be more suitable.

"I don\'t know about this either. I can help you ask William when I have a chance, but in my personal opinion, this possibility should be unlikely."

Even though Deng Wendi has re-evaluated Chen William\'s weight, she is still not mentally prepared for him to buy 20th Century Fox from Murdoch.

"It\'s okay, Wendi, it\'s enough to ask Mr. Murdoch. Anything is possible, isn\'t it? I don\'t think there\'s any harm in trying."

"So you\'re really confident in Marvel\'s superhero movies?"

It seems that Deng Wendi is also a smart person, but Chen William will naturally not admit it so easily:

"Which boy is not fascinated by superheroes? I\'m just not satisfied with the filming efficiency of Marvel Studios, and there was a problem with the way I invested in movies before. Now I don\'t expect too much of a company like the future film industry to develop slowly. Going down, it is more efficient to acquire a large company with sufficient weight compared to this.”

"Then why Twentieth Century Fox?"

"I don\'t like trouble very much. Although there are a lot of companies to choose from, it is relatively more convenient to buy 20th Century Fox, isn\'t it? Other companies, the shareholding structure is too troublesome, and there are so many creditors to go Communication, the whole acquisition, takes too much time.”

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