America's Road To Fame

Chapter 152: Ali shares are in hand

At the charity gala in Silicon Valley, William Chen met many Asian friends, including Asian rich people in various industries, as well as many Asian executives who are currently in management positions in large companies, most of which are Chinese and Indian.

This is normal. Among the engineers in Silicon Valley, most of them are Indians, except for Chinese. In recent years, Indian executives have begun to increase, mainly because Indians are in a serious group, and an Indian executive comes. , will promote and recommend more executives of Indian origin.

However, in terms of improving the status of Asians and helping Asians overcome the crisis, everyone\'s appeal is the same, so this time the charitable foundation has also received a positive response from the Indian community.

"It seems that Ali\'s stock is really going to be sold to you, William."

At the party, everyone was pulling relationships in twos and threes, and Yang Zhiyuan chatted with William Chen about his acquisition of Yahoo\'s Alibaba shares. Thinking of this, he couldn\'t help but sigh.

"I know you\'re very optimistic about Ali\'s future, Jerry, but it\'s also a good choice for Yahoo, isn\'t it?"

Chen William touched a glass with him, took a sip of lemonade, and said with a smile:

"Yahoo is different from me, you are a technology giant, you have your own core business, that is search, other than that, everything has to give way to this core. I don\'t deny that Ali will develop very well, but it It is always a Huaguo company. Yahoo should not only value this kind of financial investment, because you have already left the Huaguo market. Your investment, except for the future financial returns, will not have any effect on Yahoo\'s core business. Help. At a time like this, it\'s time for Yahoo! to focus on its own business, isn\'t it?"

Under Yang Zhiyuan\'s consideration, he had to admit that Chen William\'s words were quite reasonable. If it is only for the economic benefits of investing in Ali, then after tasting the sweetness, Yahoo can easily change from a technology company to an investment company.

This is just like when the real estate boom, many companies do not have the heart to focus on their own business, but put their capital into the real estate market.

Everyone will have path dependence. It is not easy to carry out scientific research and expand their own market, especially the investment in scientific research. Get enough returns, and it\'s easier to make money by investing that money elsewhere, like real estate or the stock market.

This can be seen from many large companies. How many companies have declined because they invested heavily in the wrong research direction. Therefore, R&D must be risky.

But once you rely on capital operations and invest in other industries to make money, it is easy to go in the wrong direction and finally be surpassed by other companies in the main industry.

The reason why Yang Zhiyuan mentioned this is also because, as the chief of Yahoo, he is very clear that because the subprime mortgage crisis is becoming more and more destructive, the predicament faced by Yahoo is really difficult to persist, so the board of directors has made a decision to accept William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company made an offer for the 40% Alibaba shares they held. After nearly half a month of negotiation, the acquisition was finally signed.

Chen William came to Silicon Valley this time, in addition to participating in the formation of this charitable foundation, the more important reason is to sign the final acquisition contract after reaching an agreement with Yahoo.

In the end, the organization, named the National Asian American Mutual Aid Charity Fund, raised a total of up to 500 million US dollars in start-up funds in a few days, of which Yang Zhiyuan and Chen William both donated 100 million US dollars to this fund, Deng Wendi Also on behalf of News Corp, donated $50 million in funding.

The three of them also became the honorary chairman of this charitable foundation, and they also chose Guo Xibin, a well-known Asian who has worked in the charity field for many years, to be the executive chairman of the foundation.

The charitable foundation is headquartered in Silicon Valley and will start recruiting staff to provide assistance including donations, interest-free loans, job creation, etc. to Asian Americans who are in trouble during the subprime mortgage crisis. Vulnerable Asian-Americans in China, provide free legal aid.

After finishing this matter, Chen William came to Yahoo to complete the final contract confirmation for their Ali shares.

This time, the acquisition of Ali shares held by Yahoo was not complicated, so William Chen did not entrust Goldman Sachs, but they still participated in his financing of the acquisition.

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According to the agreement, William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company will complete the acquisition of 40% of Alibaba\'s shares held by Yahoo for $4 billion in cash. Among them, Meta Investment Company only needs to actually pay 2 billion US dollars, and the remaining 2 billion US dollars will be financed by Goldman Sachs.

This acquisition is also a rare pure cash acquisition in Silicon Valley recently, and the amount is as high as 4 billion US dollars, which is especially rare in the context of the economic crisis at this time. Therefore, after the transaction was completed and disclosed, it immediately became a leader in the financial field. Big news.

This acquisition has also greatly increased the popularity of Ali, a company that is not so well-known in the United States, in the whole society. Many people are curious, what kind of company is this, and it is worth paying such a large price to buy it shares.

Thanks to various media in the United States, many Americans now know that there is such a Chinese Amazon.

In China, it is the opposite of the situation in the United States. The popularity of the acquirer William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company and Ali are reversed. At this time, Ali is one of the three Internet giants in China. BAT, such a company\'s share transaction, Naturally, it has attracted the attention of the Internet industry and even the whole society.

After the news reached Huaguo at night, countless media flocked to Alibaba in the morning. After completing the signing of the agreement, Chen William notified Boss Ma as soon as possible, so in the face of many reporters, Boss Ma\'s performance was still very calm.

Boss Ma said that Ali already knew about this matter. When he decided to make the acquisition, Mr. William Chen from Meta Investment Company made a special trip to Huaguo to communicate with him. The two sides got along very happily. Mr. William also said We will firmly trust Ali\'s management and will provide the greatest support for Ali\'s development.

And last night, after the acquisition was completed, he also communicated with Mr. William. This was just an ordinary equity transaction. Yahoo\'s early investment cashed out, and now he is more optimistic about the entry of Ali\'s future investors. The operation of the company will not have any impact, and if there is an impact, it will only be positive.

"A major shareholder of domestic e-commerce giant Ali has changed hands."

"What is the origin of his purchase of Ali shares with a huge sum of 4 billion US dollars?"

"Once the most well-known prodigal in America, now he has become a major shareholder of Ali."

For a time, relevant news spread all over the Chinese media, and Chen William\'s name began to be known to the public.

The interesting thing is that This time William Chen acquired Yahoo\'s Ali stock, and the other impact was...

Huayi\'s stock has been trading at the daily limit for two consecutive days. The reason is that according to media reports, Chen William currently has two investments in China. % of the shares, and is an important shareholder of Huayi together with Boss Ma.

And Huayi Company has reached a series of cooperation with Chen William\'s future film industry. Among them, its well-known actor Deng Chao will go to the United States recently to participate in a series of films of the future film industry.

Therefore, under the hype of this kind of news, it is not surprising that Huayi\'s stock is very popular.

It\'s just that behind the news, it is unknown whether Huayi Company is promoting it.

In fact, the Wang brothers were confused at first. After learning that William Chen had acquired Yahoo\'s Ali stock, they were still a little skeptical. After all, this amount is really amazing.

It wasn\'t until they called Boss Ma to confirm the matter, and after a moment of silence, the two brothers looked at each other and couldn\'t help but say, "Niu X!"