America's Road To Fame

Chapter 138: true surprise

When William Chen was exercising in the gym at home in the morning, the door was suddenly opened. When he turned his head to look, he only saw Paris dressed in... Dressed up, really dressed up, not only wearing a dress, but also wearing a hat. He even had gloves of the same color on his hands.

And behind her were two cameramen, carrying cameras, facing William Chen who was wearing only a pair of sports shorts at this time.

"I said I couldn\'t find anyone, so you were exercising, William, looking at you, sweating all over..."

Paris said with a look of disgust.

William Chen quickly recovered from his dazed state and said to Paris:

"Why didn\'t you tell me in advance and just came here?"

"Haha, this is a surprise, how about it, it\'s not unexpected."

I am surprised that you are an eggplant. If the camera hadn\'t been there, William Chen might have said this sentence, but at this time, under the filming, he could only helplessly say to Paris:

"Uh, Paris, this is really a surprise, you wait for me, I\'ll take a shower."

After Chen William got out of the shower, he saw Paris and the photographer who were still waiting for him in the living room. After Chen William appeared, the photographer turned the camera on and pointed at him. Chen William smiled and said to Paris. :

"Cut off those just now, shall we start over again? It starts when you enter the door, and then I open the door."

"In that case, there are conditions, William, I heard Ivanta say that your Chinese food is very good, I want you to cook me a delicious Chinese food for noon today, if I can be satisfied, then I will Consider your proposal."

Paris said with a bit of arrogance.

"But I don\'t have materials at home now."

William Chen knew that Paris was talking about the episode she filmed with Ivanta before, and Ivanta had told her with a bit of bragging that she had tasted it when she was in China, and William Chen The craftsmanship of Chinese food is very good.

At that moment the camera captured Paris\'s eyes almost rolling out.

Interestingly, it can be known from the comments on the Internet that in the first issue Ivanta participated in, countless viewers were looking forward to the scenes of their show.

Some people even recorded this program on purpose, looking for this kind of plot from the dialogue and expressions of the two people, so as soon as this scene appeared, it was already hot on Twitter, and some people even took screenshots of this scene on the Internet, which is very popular .

Of course, this situation is also in Paris\'s arms. The reason why she chose to invite Ivanta in the first phase of this reality show is for this effect.

The two of them are naturally tacit about this kind of thing. Through this kind of appearance and the popularity of the topic, the traffic of both of them has increased, and it has also helped the sales of their respective products.

"It\'s fine without the materials. It\'s still early, William, we can go to the supermarket to buy it. Well, we should go to the supermarket in Chinatown."

In fact, the general content of today\'s shooting, Paris also communicated with him last night, but at that time Paris said that he would come in the afternoon, and it was really a sudden attack in the morning. Of course, the effect of the program was also achieved.

I have to say that Paris is indeed more experienced in filming this kind of reality show.

Therefore, at this time, Chen William made a helpless expression and said, "Okay, I promise you, then let\'s start shooting again."

So Paris took the photographer out and knocked on William Chen\'s door. William Chen opened the door and said in surprise, "Paris, who are you?"

"Look, William is really at home."

After Paris finished saying this to the camera, she turned around and gave Chen William a hug, and said, "William, I\'m shooting a reality show about my friend today. You\'ve seen the previous show, but today\'s protagonist is you."

At that moment, when Paris hugged him enthusiastically, to be honest, William Chen was really worried that she would habitually jump on him, so the scene was a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, we\'re done shooting, now go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, William."

Uh, Paris immediately changed her face and said to William Chen with a cold and arrogant face.

But when William Chen and Paris walked out of their yard and saw the scene in front of them, they couldn\'t help but look like they had seen a ghost, and said to Paris in disbelief:

" actually..."

"Haha~" Paris looked at him proudly, and asked excitedly, "How is it, William, it\'s beautiful, this is the second surprise today~"

I should have guessed!

I saw that in front of William Chen, the extended version of the Bentley that he had given Paris had completely changed. Wearing a pink suit, he was looking at William Chen helplessly.

"I just modified it, does it suit me well? I believe that after this show is broadcast, Bentley\'s manufacturers will definitely thank me for providing inspiration and are willing to specially launch pink cars..."

Of course they have to thank you, thank you for your eight-life ancestors... William Chen watched Paris open the car door, and the interior was changed to pink. He felt that he really didn\'t see this scene for a while.

"Uh...what a surprise, Paris, very...chic."

What can William Chen do at this time, he must be proud of his teeth.


The reality show shooting this time was not complicated. After Paris accompanied William Chen to Chinatown to buy ingredients, and then with her hurried help, William Chen finished a Chinese meal smoothly.

The two were filled with balloons and all kinds of specially made tableware with their names by Paris\'s team. After eating and chatting in that luxurious and artificial environment, they were basically completed. After the shooting, a lot of interspersed introductions will be added later.

The next day, after William Chen came to Meta Investment Company, he learned that Goldman Sachs was very efficient and that $1.6 billion had been credited.

Yes, at the end of the meeting between William Chen and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein that day, he still made a partial concession to Goldman Sachs, allowing them to buy back their guaranteed amount at the current price of $600 million. CDS bonds worth around $1 billion.

As compensation for Chen\'s concession, Goldman Sachs will give Meta Investment Company a long-term low-interest loan of $1 billion.

Through such an operation, Lloyd Blankfein successfully recovered Goldman Sachs\' loss of $400 million, and for a while, he was able to take credit for the board.

As for the $1 billion low-interest loan, that\'s a different story. It\'s a one-off loan business with a completely different nature.

In addition, the short contract of CDO bonds that will lead to the profit of Meta Investment Company exceeding 1 billion US dollars is much less important to him, because most of the counterparties of this contract are the purchasers of Goldman Sachs CDO bonds, although So they will be accused of fraudulent behavior by these people when they sell CDO bonds, but even without this part of the short contract, the CDO bonds they sold are still huge and there is no substantial change.

For William, Goldman Sachs made $400 million less, but getting a loan of $1 billion with almost negligible interest is not a big loss. After all, with these Funding, the extra money he can make is far more than the $400 million he can make less.

Therefore, after knowing that 1.6 billion US dollars had been transferred to the account of Meta Investment Company, William Chen notified John Paulson to add these funds to short the four investment banks that were destined to suffer heavy losses in this subprime mortgage crisis. \'s stock.

Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Bear Stearns, and Lehman Brothers, these four are the stocks that William Chen chose to short this time, no more or no less, each with 400 million US dollars of funds for shorting, anyway, their plates are large enough, enough To accommodate so much capital plus a short order with a certain leverage.

William Chen even suspects that Goldman Sachs will follow him this time to short these usual competitors. Anyway, they have recovered most of their losses. Now they really don\'t need any hesitation to switch camps.

The capital market is like this. When there is a prey, all the jackals will swarm to grab it; and when you make a mistake, you will also become the prey to be grabbed.

ally? Only when you are strong enough, you deserve to have allies, this truth, the Italians have been very vivid in the two wars.