America's Road To Fame

Chapter 137: appetizer

At this time, Goldman Sachs is fortunate that they also purchased a large number of CDS bonds issued by other institutions in a timely manner in order to hedge risks. It is conservatively estimated that if a crisis breaks out, they can completely hedge their losses, and even dozens of billions of dollars.

But now they are facing a possible loss of more than 1 billion US dollars, and naturally they hope to recover these CDS bonds in advance to reduce the loss.

Of course, Lloyd also knows that it is not easy to get the other party to agree to this request, but you can try to talk about anything, and this project involving more than 2 billion US dollars is also worth seeing as a CEO. A young man who may soon become a new billionaire.

After all, at any time, such a person is the object that Goldman Sachs needs to win.

"William, it\'s a pleasure to meet you. I have met your parents before. They are very good people. It\'s just a pity... But if they can see your achievements today, they will be very gratified."

As soon as we met, Lloyd said so, but he did not exaggerate, especially William Chen\'s mother, who was born in the Drey family, had countless suitors throughout the United States, that is, she was a low-key person, otherwise The fame will be even greater than the current socialites such as Ivanta and Paris.

To be able to marry such a famous lady, one can imagine how outstanding Chen William\'s biological father is. Therefore, it is not surprising that Chen William\'s appearance is against the sky, after all, his parents are rare handsome men and beautiful women.

After the exchange, the two sides talked about the bonds purchased by Meta Investment Company at Goldman Sachs.

"Congratulations, you\'ve won your bet, you\'ll get an amazing return this time, but I hope you\'ll let us buy back those CDS bonds that we bought from us, and of course we\'ll give you a good price. Also, you also Get Goldman friendship and know that we can help you in every way."

Even if he hopes to recover those **** CDS bonds, Lloyd will not expect that William Chen will let them repurchase at the original price. The necessary bleeding is still required, but he can try to recover the losses as much as possible, and he handles it properly at this stage. , I believe that my decision-making will definitely satisfy the board of directors. After all, the foil of peers is the key.

"Sorry, Mr. Blankfein, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult for me to do this. You know, we don\'t only have CDS investments in your company, it can be said that almost all CDS guarantee agencies have our contracts. , so if we compromise with Goldman Sachs, then the redemption of other contracts will be in trouble, which is impossible for us to let it happen.”

"Of course, you can say that we make a non-disclosure agreement, but there are no impervious walls in the world, right? No matter what, this matter will not really be kept secret, and once it leaks, it will not be for us, nor for Goldman Sachs. What a good thing."

Seeing that when he finished saying this, Blankfein\'s face was a little unswerving, and William Chen continued:

"But that doesn\'t mean Goldman Sachs will suffer such huge losses. Why should we focus on CDS bonds? Even in CDS bonds, we are more cooperative than confrontational, don\'t we? Bran Mr. Kefen, I know that Goldman Sachs now has a lot of CDS bonds from other institutions. We should cooperate more in seeking the payment of guaranteed funds. This also requires you to set an example to prevent other companies from malicious evasion. Pay."

"But you have more CDS contracts in your hands, William, and I don\'t see any greater benefit for us at Goldman Sachs by your words."

"Yes, it will require more patience from you, Mr. Blankfein, you know that I have a lot of business, and I can work with Goldman Sachs. If we can stand together, the benefits you will get are compared to these ten In terms of losses that would have occurred in the first place, it is probably more worthy of our attention.”

"Do you mean?"

"Let\'s talk about some appetizers first. For example, you know our private equity fund, the No. 3 fund currently chaired by Mr. John Paulson, our custodian is your Goldman Sachs. This is the beginning of our cooperation, isn\'t it?"

"Sorry, I don\'t know much about this. After all, it\'s not a big business."

William Chen understands what the other party means. The amount of funds in Fund No. 3 is indeed not large. Even with the recent profit, it does not exceed 2 billion US dollars. If only the custody fee received by Goldman Sachs is included, it is less than 1 per year. % ratio, naturally he will not be in his eyes.

"Yes, the size of Fund 3 is not large now, but you should see that with the disclosure of our earnings, you can imagine how fast the size of this fund will expand. When the size of our fund reaches 10 billion US dollars, or even 20 billion US dollars, then the one-year custody fee is probably worth your attention. In addition, I will personally set up a permanent investment fund in the future. The scale will not be less than 10 billion US dollars, then Bran Mr. Keffin, is this appetizer worth your attention now? I wonder if Goldman Sachs is interested in continuing to be our custodian and partner?"

At this time, Lloyd Blankfein finally had a solemn look on his face, he turned and said with a smile: "Of course, with William\'s investment record this time, as long as you form a private investment fund, then Don’t say $10 billion, any more is easy, and we at Goldman Sachs will also be willing to help you raise funds.”

"I believe our cooperation will be very pleasant, Mr. Blankfein, you see, don\'t we have a good foundation for cooperation now?"

The other party\'s reaction was not beyond Chen William\'s expectations, he continued:

"In addition, you should know that after this investment, I will have a large amount of capital and will also make some acquisitions. At that time, Goldman Sachs will only act as a partner of these acquisitions, and I believe the benefits I will get will wipe out your interest. Loss again."

"Oh? Do you have a goal now? William."

"It\'s too early, but I can disclose that the total value of these acquisitions will exceed $20 billion. I believe that Mr. Blankfein should understand that as a member of my acquisition group, Goldman Sachs will be able to obtain the What a profit."

At this moment, Lloyd Blankfein finally showed a sincere and kind smile on his face. He understood that there was no need for William Chen to deceive himself, because deceiving himself means deceiving Goldman Sachs. Can\'t afford it.

"William, you can rest assured that in these areas, we are the most professional and will seek the best interests for you. Our Goldman Sachs has always had a good reputation in this regard."

It has to be said that Lloyd’s words do not have much water. Goldman Sachs has always acted like this. For those countries or public corporate groups, Goldman Sachs may do everything possible to obtain profits, even at the expense of fraud. s method.

But for the private wealthy group, their reputation is still very good.

Because they understand that those they deceive are all managed by the appointed executives, and they will be pitted if they cheat. When the time comes, another person will come up and continue to build a good relationship. Who cares about the money lost by the ex?

The rich people are If they lose money, they are their own property with real money. If you cheat them once, they will never cooperate with you again.

Therefore, in terms of these matters, whether it is Goldman Sachs or other investment banks, they are all clear.

William Chen knew very well that the money he made at Goldman Sachs would not affect his relationship with the other party, as long as there were greater benefits to be given.

It just so happens that he can give these benefits now, just like these large-scale acquisitions, it is difficult to complete in a short time with his own equity investment department alone, because the whole process is very complicated when it involves billions of dollars of acquisitions What\'s more, whether it is Marvel or other big companies, there are many shareholders and debtors behind it. Often, this kind of acquisition is not like his acquisition of those startups. As long as the founder is secured, it is not a big problem. , definitely need the assistance of a big investment bank like Goldman Sachs.

Whether it is to persuade those shareholders, creditors, or the financing transaction process, it is not something that William Chen Meta Investment Company can easily accomplish with its current size. Changing to Goldman Sachs is different. Even many shareholders and creditors are their customers or have business dealings with them. Letting them operate can fully ensure the success rate. Even in order to obtain more fees, they will take the initiative. Help you get the best price.