America's Road To Fame

Chapter 117: windfall

When the car stopped at the pier, Chen William and Ivanta got out of the car and were amazed when they saw the behemoth in front of them.

In front of William Chen is the largest yacht in the world, the Eclipse.

The yacht is about 162 meters long and has 2 swimming pools, 24 cabins, and even a missile defense system. It was bought by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich for 300 million pounds.

The reason why he and Ivanta came here is because of Deng Wendi\'s invitation. There will be a party here tonight. The organizer is Abu\'s wife, Dasha Zhukova. This Russian lady is also related to Deng Wendi. One of the best girlfriends.

To be honest, when entering the yacht, seeing the luxurious interior and complete supporting facilities, Chen William said it was impossible not to be envious.

Although his current wealth is enough to buy such a yacht, it is not enough to spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a plaything.

If you think that every dollar he spends now will become ten dollars or even dozens of dollars after the subprime mortgage crisis, then let alone let him spend 300 million pounds now, maybe 30 million dollars is a little hesitant.

Moreover, although his assets now exceed 3 billion US dollars, almost all the funds are in the capital market, and there are really not many that can be used. It can be said that he has been a little stretched recently.

There are nine floors in the Eclipse. This time the party was held in the bar on the eighth floor. In addition, there was a swimming pool on the eighth floor. There were also many people gathered there. Swimsuit and feel the ambience of the swimming pool on this yacht.

Wendi Deng introduced the organizer of the party to William Chen and Ivanta, Abu\'s wife Dasha Zhukova.

Before marrying Abu, she was already a world-renowned Russian socialite. Her father was an oil and arms tycoon, and her mother was a molecular biologist.

Dasha came to the United States with her divorced mother when she was ten years old, so she is very proficient in English. Today, she is wearing a red dress, looking dignified and elegant.

Here, William Chen also saw several acquaintances, including the South Korean actress Quan Zhixian, who had just met before, and Li Bingbing from Huayi Company. After the two of them greeted William Chen and the others, they sat and chatted together. Get up.

"William, Ivanta said that you launched a private equity fund?"

Unexpectedly, Wendi Deng asked about this first, and she seemed very interested.

After Ivanta and Paris learned about Chen William\'s No. 3 Fund, they each invested $5 million into this private equity fund, which made Chen William even wonder if the two had a secret relationship. discussed.

Uh, if there is no negotiation, this is a tacit understanding, true sister!

After seeing Deng Wendi ask this sentence, several other women also looked at him with curiosity, and Chen William briefly talked about the situation of the No. 3 Fund. Unexpectedly, Deng Wendi was also willing to provide $5 million was invested in Fund No. 3, indicating that she would go to the Troup headquarters building tomorrow to sign the contract.

Dasha is even more embarrassed. After thinking about it, she said that she can take out $20 million to test the water...

Chen William did not expect that this trip, and this kind of harvest, his No. 3 Fund will now have assets of 200 million US dollars.

Regarding these, Chen William is of course the more the better. No matter what, he can make money for himself, and he can also make good friends with these people, and have interests.

There are still a lot of topics for everyone, and there are many designers in the fashion circle who attended the party this time, like one of them, a Chinese female designer named Christina Tang, who was founded together with Dasha. a fashion brand.

And Dasha\'s original intention to create this brand was just because she often couldn\'t buy her favorite styles, so she simply created a brand with a designer she admired and made clothes she liked, but Dasha\'s ability is really good. , The fashion sales of this brand are unexpectedly good.

And Dasha\'s other identity is that of the editor-in-chief of a British fashion magazine. The magazine was about to stop publishing because of losses. After being bought by Dasha, it was revised and now it has achieved success.

In recent statistics, the magazine has a circulation of more than 80,000 per issue, returning to the top 10 most popular fashion magazines for British women.

For these fashion topics, Chen William also lacked interest. Seeing Ivanta chatting with them, he got up and started to visit this luxury yacht. He couldn\'t help thinking that he would have to buy such a yacht in the future. Wouldn\'t it be beautiful to go out to sea for a party or something, and then call on a group of hot model stars.

Of course, there is no need to make it so big, and he has no interest in grabbing the title of world number one.

While thinking about the star, he heard not very fluent English coming from his side:

"Mr. William, are you also interested in yachts?"

It turned out that Quan Zhixian did not know when she came to him and took the initiative to speak to Chen William. She could still hear some Korean accents in her English.

"It\'s okay, who wouldn\'t be tempted to see such a luxurious yacht?"

"These are the toys of your rich people. We want to be moved, but we are just moved."

Listening to Quan Zhixian\'s soft words, coupled with the shy expression on her face, this scene is quite different from the image of the savage girlfriend in the movie Chen William watched in the previous life.

Chen William couldn\'t help but move in his heart. Could it be that... er, no, is the effect so strong? The doubling effect on women of Korean descent seems to be very powerful, or is it because I am too attractive?

It seems that I need to reflect on why I am so attractive. Oh, forget it, today\'s reflection coupons are used up.

"As a well-known big star, Gianna, your income should not be low. Even if it is such a luxury yacht in the world, we can\'t match it, but there should be no problem with ordinary yachts."

The two stood by the railing outside, the wet and salty sea breeze blew through, and Quan Zhixian\'s hair fluttered with the wind.

She smiled wryly and said: "Like our stars, although in the eyes of ordinary people, the income is relatively high, but the cost is also large. So it still takes a lot of hard work. If you only make movies and TV series, the income can only be It’s okay, if you want to earn more, then you have to get more endorsements.”

"But that\'s something that can\'t be helped. After all, I\'ve been in this industry for a long time and I\'m used to this kind of work. If I want to change jobs, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to adapt. In fact, I admire you very much, William, I Listening to Wendi, UU Reading You have also been an actor before, but now you are very good at investing, if only I had one-tenth of your ability."

I love to hear your words, you speak so nicely, you can say more, I can overcome your sticky accent...

Although he thought so in his heart, Chen William said to Quan Zhixian:

"In this case, I should actually envy you, Gianna, you see how successful you are as an actor and your acting skills are so good, and I..."

William Chen smiled and shrugged:

"Don\'t mention it, it\'s full of criticism."

His words made Quan Zhixian smile for a while, as if thinking of something, Quan Zhixian said:

"By the way, William, I heard you guys talking about your private equity fund just now. I wonder if I can participate in the investment?"

"Of course you can, but Gianna, are you so assured of me? Aren\'t you afraid that I will lose your money?"

Seeing Quan Zhixian\'s serious and cute look, William Chen couldn\'t help teasing her.

"Since Wendi and Ms. Zhukova believe so much in your investment ability, and have given you money to help you invest, why should I worry?"

"In that case, Gianna, don\'t worry, with your trust, I will try my best to earn more dowry for you."

Hearing Chen William mention the word dowry, Quan Zhixian didn\'t know what to think, her face became more and more ruddy, she glanced at Chen William coquettishly, and immediately made him feel that the woman in front of him was full of amorous feelings.

"Hmph, if I lose all my money, I can only rely on you."