America's Road To Fame

Chapter 116: Drey Family Foundation

When William Chen received a call in the office today and returned to his home, he saw his uncle John Del Rey sitting on the sofa, looking at the newspaper that was on the table before.

He had just read this newspaper this morning, so he still remembered that John Del Rey was speechless for a while about the report on the page he was looking at.

The thing is like this, after William Chen and Ivanta were photographed together by the media yesterday, the scandal between the two of them was fired again, and then a reporter asked about Ivanta\'s father, so today\'s newspaper Published what Trump said at the time:

"William? I know him, he\'s a great lad, very much like when I was younger in many ways, he\'s been through periods of disorientation before, and I can understand and see him reinvigorated like me. I\'m happy to get up."

"About Ivanta and him? No matter what, I support my dear Ivanta, I\'m not surprised to hear this, after all Ivanta is so charming, everyone will be fascinated by her, right? Is it? If she wasn\'t my daughter, I wouldn\'t hesitate to pursue her."

"Yes, I can fully understand William. After all, we are very similar. He has made some achievements now. Believe me if I stick to it, he will achieve the same success as me. For those scandals about him, I hope to give him some Advice, that is, when you are young, you will be attracted by all kinds of temptations, but if you want to be with Ivanta, you must learn to mature. For lovers, loyalty is the most important thing, just like me, Family always comes first."

Well, since you like her, you must accept some of her, right? Including her big mouth dad.

Although he thought so, to be honest, when William Chen saw this report, he was still a little embarrassed, but thinking of the good time he spent with Ivanta last night, um, these little troubles are still bearable.

But let me tell you in particular, the bad news is that Gared\'s 20% ability seems to be better than nothing, but the good news is that it also reflects the strength of William Chen... Without comparison, there is no harm.

"Uncle, when did you come here?"

William Chen sat down opposite John Drey and said to him.

John Drey looked up at him, then put down the newspaper, took off his glasses, and said, "I just arrived in the morning, I just talked to Roger for a while."

After speaking, he couldn\'t help but sigh:

"William, I\'m very pleased with your performance now, but Roger, it\'s still worrying."

"Cousin just looks cynical. In fact, many things are still very clear, but he doesn\'t want to be too thin and restrained."

At this time, what can William Chen say, and the praise is over, isn\'t it the one who scolded him with his uncle?

"Stop talking about that, William, I heard Roger say you got a private equity fund?"

It\'s not surprising that Chen William knew about this. In the United States, private equity funds are not allowed to advertise and publicize in the media, so they often raise funds through some receptions or word of mouth from investors. Among them, the past income of the fund is naturally the best. publicity effect.

However, William Chen\'s private equity fund was newly established, and his company was not well-known before, so there was no promotion for the time being.

But this fund was originally designed to allow him to get more support and assistance. Those who can invest more than 1 million US dollars will have more or less energy. Gathering together is a great help, so there is no need for him to go. Confidential.

After Roger knew that William Chen had set up a private equity fund, and Rick Walton directly contributed $100 million to join, he also took out $2 million and put it into the fund, so at present William Chen The No. 3 Fund, the capital scale has reached 115 million US dollars.

At that time, he said proudly:

"Although I don\'t know much about finance, there are always people who do. Rick is confident to invest 100 million US dollars. I will definitely not lose money if I invest together."

Hehe, you still invested because of Rick Walton. At this time, William Chen thought that his cousin had invested $5 million.

He really had an urge to grab his collar and yell at him:

"Roger, stay awake, I\'m taking you to make money!"

However, William Chen still held back, let him go. When the time comes, don\'t regret it.

Now hearing John Drey ask, William Chen said:

"There is a good investment opportunity recently, you know, uncle, I made good profits in the securities market before, so at their request, I founded this private equity fund, and now this fund has raised more than 100 million US dollars funds."

It seems that John Drey is more interested in his fund and asked a lot of questions in detail.

William Chen certainly won\'t tell all his cards, but only talked about the general investment direction of the fund and the basis for making these judgments.

In the end, John Drey didn\'t say anything else, just chatted with William Chen and left.

On the second day, William Chen received a call from Cere Sanda, who was in charge of the Dre family\'s family fund.

When Cere Sanda came to William Chen\'s office, he also brought $50 million in funds. The money was invested into William Chen\'s No. 3 Fund on behalf of the Drey family.

After Cere Sanda completed the capital contribution procedures and left, William Chen received a call from his uncle John Del Rey. He told William Chen that he could use so much investment funds at present, but if William Chen\'s fund was later If the income is satisfactory, he can also add additional funds, and introduce some mutual funds in California and some overseas sovereign funds.

In this way, with the addition of this part of the capital, the capital scale of Fund No. 3 has reached 165 million US dollars. John Paulson has already begun to use these funds to build positions to buy CDS bonds and short related stocks. These are The specific operation will be handed over to him by William Chen. After all, the more income the fund gets, the more John Paulson\'s personal share will be, and no one will have a hard time with money.


William Chen received news from Rick Walton. After his inquiries, he confirmed that Marian Bentley, the black-haired woman who appeared beside Gared that day, was indeed a member of the Bentley family.

At the same time, Rick Walton also sent William Chen a piece of information about the Bentley family.

After reading it, William Chen secretly sighed at Gared\'s good luck.

The Bentley family belongs to one of the old money families in Europe. The family\'s fortune can be traced back to the First World War, which has a history of over a hundred years.

With so many years of development, the Bentley family has different branches in many countries in Europe, and. Marianne Bentley belongs to the branch of the Bentley family that developed in Germany.

The assets and energy of the old money family who have experienced many years have been difficult to find out.

However, it is conservatively estimated that, as a branch of the Bentley family in Germany, the assets under the control of the Marianne Bentley family should not be less than 10 billion US dollars.

It\'s just that as the younger generation of the family, it\'s hard to say the funds she can use. After all, it can be seen from the information that Marianne Bentley is not the only heir of their family. In her generation, there are more than five young people in the family. of adult members.

Therefore, William Chen doesn\'t need to be overly nervous. If you think about it, you can know that if he is very fond of the family, how can he become a man with a family wealth of only a few billion dollars like Gared licking the dog? In every respect, William Chen is not as good as he is to this extent.

Thinking like this, Chen William felt much more relaxed, but many of the above are still his guesses. As for the specific situation, he still needs to wait until later to investigate slowly.

The reason why William Chen is so concerned about Marian Bentley\'s situation is that, from the current situation, if the subprime mortgage crisis breaks out, plus the contract he signed with the Kushnar Group about Building 666, then he is very It is possible that the building can be recovered directly.

The only difference is the amount of money spent at that time.

But if Marian Bentley is a strong supporter, then he will definitely need to use the black swan scroll in his inventory in order to recover the building.

This kind of system item is very rare for him, so it is the best situation to avoid using it, but when it is a last resort, he can only choose to use it.