America's Road To Fame

Chapter 11: Are you sure this is William Chen?

After getting several exam papers completed by William Chen, Erica quickly completed the review without seeing the final results, but during the reviewing process, she couldn\'t help but sigh, it seems that the job is really good Not so easy.

Sure enough, although this prodigal had a bachelor\'s degree in management from Caltech, one of the top 10 universities in the United States, but now it seems that he has almost forgotten what he learned at that time, or he didn\'t learn it in the first place. how much stuff.

After all, who knows, this gentleman has had a cameo role in movies since he was a freshman, and then he got out of control. In the end, he even started a film company and plunged into Hollywood.

Therefore, at this time, Erica also prepared the worst plan, which is to teach him the undergraduate course of economics from beginning to end. As for how much he can learn at the beginning of the school, this matter is only God knows.

However, the next study was somewhat beyond Erica\'s expectations. William Chen was unexpectedly serious, and judging from the effect of one day\'s study, his progress was also relatively fast, far exceeding what she taught at New York University. Those students, even for many moments, Erica would have the illusion that the one in front of her was not the rumored prodigal, but a talented, smart and studious college student.

And when she saw the handsome face of the other party that could fascinate all women, she immediately realized that the person in front of her was indeed the William Chen.

When William Chen returned home after a day\'s study, he received a call from Tom not long after.

"William, how was your study today?"

"It\'s not bad, it\'s just Uncle Tom, you haven\'t said that my teacher is a **** stunner." When William Chen spoke, Erica\'s stunning face appeared in his mind. And even in a more conservative style of professional attire, she still can\'t hide her good figure.

"Haha, but Ms. Erica is indeed a more suitable candidate for the economics major at that university. And at your current age, I can understand, although I don\'t want you to hang around all day, but you don\'t need to be like Now it\'s like a monk. Compared to hanging out with those little stars who only have exposure in their eyes, I would prefer that there are more learned people like Ms. Erica among your contacts."

William Chen could clearly feel that Tom was in a good mood now. He said, "Since it\'s going well, then you can enjoy the peaceful life now."

understand? You understand an eggplant, you haven\'t dated a few women yourself, okay? William Chen was a little speechless about Uncle Tom\'s words. He didn\'t know about Uncle Tom when he was young, but as far as he knew, he had never seen him talk about his girlfriend in recent years, let alone married. Now, where is his position with William Chen? Talk about enjoying life.

But if you think about it carefully, his words are not unreasonable. Compared with the kind of old pedants who are getting older, the beautiful Erica will teach the course, at least it will be more pleasing to the eyes. As for other ideas, he really doesn\'t have too many ideas right now, and his main energy is on the most important investment.

On July 7th, Jos finally ran into William Chen\'s office excitedly. This was the first time he interrupted William Chen during class. After apologizing to Erica, William Chen walked out of the office and asked, "What\'s the situation?"

"Many stocks in the shipping sector are showing signs of starting, especially the stocks you pointed out to me have risen sharply today by more than 15%, and the stock of DryShips has risen by more than 45%."

Jos reported with excitement on his face. When William Chen found him at first, he asked him to help with the operation, and he delineated the scope of the operation, and even specified a few stocks. Very incredulous.

After all, William Chen has a good reputation. When did such a famous prodigal learn to trade stocks like others? However, seeing that the other party had paid enough fees and introduced him, Hunter He used to be his boss and had taken care of him a lot. The other party was also well-connected in the financial industry, so Jos still agreed to this time. plate.

Anyway, he is only responsible for doing the best he can within the technical scope. As for the final result, whether it can actually make a profit or not is really beyond his control. After all, this trade is different from other times. The specific scope is set, and they are just operations.

However, through recent research and some shipping-related indices in the last two or three days have shown positive signals, Joss found that there may be opportunities brewing in this sector.

However, it was before that individual stocks would rise, and the trend of the entire sector had not yet formed, so he still needed to wait and see. Until today, most of the stocks in the entire sector have risen as a whole, and he finally confirmed that the shipping sector The opportunity has come.

Now the biggest doubt in his heart is, how did William Chen, known as the prodigal son, discover the opportunity in this sector earlier, earlier than a week ago? Is he really such a strong financial talent? Or does he have a high-level guidance by his side? Or where did you get the confidential information?

However, it is naturally impossible for him to ask this question. He is not the first day to do this business. He knows that unnecessary curiosity absolutely cannot exist, and even if he really asks, he will not be 100%. To get the real answer, why bother asking for it.

"Okay, I understand, continue to observe, anyway, we have not all invested the funds, I will notify you when we can sell it." William Chen nodded, and did not show too much The color of excitement made Jos see it, and he felt more and more unpredictable.

After Jos left, William Chen still had a smile on his face. Although he already knew the general trend of the shipping sector from the previous reports from Future Eye, but today he really confirmed the news and saw the shipping sector. It really went up as the report said, he finally felt relieved, and his mood naturally improved.

"My business is done, Erica, let\'s continue, where did we just talk about it?" William Chen walked into the office, sat down, and said with a smile to his current teacher, Erica.

"Okay, let\'s continue to talk about this problem in statistics..." Erica pointed to the corresponding position in the textbook and continued to talk to William Chen.

William Chen wanted to study for a master\'s degree in economics at New York University. When Erica learned about this situation, he told him that the master\'s degree in economics was the MA program of New York University\'s College of Arts and Sciences (Art&Science). MA is the abbreviation of MasterofArt, which can be understood as partial A degree in liberal arts, but as economics, there are also high requirements for mathematical foundations.

If Chen William chooses this degree, he will enroll in the fall, that is, the semester starts in September. The total duration of the degree study is three semesters (autumn, spring, and autumn semesters), requiring at least 32 credits and writing a project report.

Among them, at least 24 credits should be taken in the Department of Economics, and the other 8 credits can be from other departments or colleges; students’ cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) is at least 3.0 (B) in order to graduate with a degree certificate.

For this degree, applicants must have a four-year undergraduate degree with two calculus courses (or one calculus and one linear algebra course), one statistics course, and one econometrics course. There are also courses such as Intermediate Microeconomics and Intermediate Macroeconomics.

Of course, there will be many other requirements for ordinary students, but William Chen has always entered the school "through the back door". As long as he chooses this course and can meet the above basic requirements, there will be no resistance at all. And in fact, the above requirements can be omitted, but if you really want to learn this course, the above requirements are the most basic, without these foundations, it is impossible to study smoothly.

Therefore, after William Chen finally considered it, UU Reading believed that this course was indeed more suitable for him. After deciding to apply for this degree, Erica started to teach William Chen according to the above requirements. Now they are learning , which is a course in statistics.

At this point, after she finished explaining, Erica nodded silently as she watched William Chen carefully reading the textbook and understanding the content. After this week of contact, she found that the real William Chen was not like those reported and rumored. Compared with the image of William Chen she imagined before, the person she came into contact with was completely different. people.

In his usual lectures, William Chen did not go beyond anything, and behaved very well, with a gentleman\'s demeanor. And unlike what she had expected before, the other party, whether in terms of learning ability or quick thinking, belonged to the outstanding class among the students she had met. And the degree of diligence and seriousness made her extremely sigh.

Sometimes she even wondered why the person in front of her was written like that in those newspapers? Why are there so many negative rumors?

Because no matter how she thinks, William Chen should be the kind of young man with a good family background, polite, smart and talented. These are all what she observes in her daily contact. If someone had described William Chen like this to her before, then she would definitely think that person was crazy.

Therefore, she is still very satisfied with her work now. The knowledge of the professor can be received. Seeing that William Chen is making progress every day, she is also very fulfilled as a teacher, and the pay is not cheap, and you can see it from time to time. That 360-degree face with no dead ends, Erica felt very funny when she remembered how her best friend persuaded her to give up when she was going to teach Chen William.