America's Road To Fame

Chapter 10: Lecturer Erica

"William, if you can think so, then I can rest assured. What do you want to study?" Tom said with a look of relief: "The better universities in New York are Columbia University and New York University. I suggest you go to New York University, your father\'s alma mater, he once donated to New York University, it will be more convenient for you to go there, and New York University is relatively close to home, which is more than ten minutes\' drive."

"Well then, let\'s choose New York University."

In the United States, most prestigious schools are private schools, and donations from alumni are one of the main sources of their income. In addition, it is the high tuition fees.

The United States pursues elite education. If you want to study in a prestigious school, you must either have excellent grades and get a scholarship; or you have money in your family and can spend money to study.

The culture of alumni donations to their alma mater is very popular here. On the one hand, those who graduated from prestigious schools are more likely to succeed through the resources of alumni, and after they succeed, they will thank their alma mater and give back; Donations can also make it easier for their descendants to gain admission to their alma mater.

Ordinary people can hardly afford the high tuition fees of those famous schools if they don\'t have scholarships. Many people can only pay off their university loans more than ten years after graduation. The high tuition fees of these famous schools can be seen.

"Then what are you going to learn?" Tom continued to ask.

"Economics, I hope I can systematically study those economic theories and gain a deeper understanding of the laws of economic development."

Although there is a joke that economists\' ability to make money is generally not too great, but William Chen doesn\'t need to really learn how to make money. What he hopes is to be able to make better use of the memory of his previous life through learning. and experience, so starting with economics should be a better direction.

"Okay, I\'m waiting to talk to New York University. Economics is also a relatively strong major at New York University. You went to a business school in the university before, and it has something to do with economics, and it is not a complete cross-disciplinary. , taking advantage of the current vacation to hire a few teachers to supplement the get out of class, and in September, I should be able to go directly to the master\'s degree." Tom heard William Chen\'s answer and already helped him plan it.

NYU will have two long vacations a year, similar to the winter vacation and summer vacation in Huaguo. Now it happens to be during the vacation. Summer will be from mid-May to early September, but the regulations are not so strict. After the exam, you can leave the school directly.

Therefore, even if Chen William goes to New York University to study, he has to wait until September. Now, he can hire teachers from related majors to help him remediate his undergraduate courses in economics.

Although he entered this school through the "back door", he couldn\'t really behave too well. After all, his main purpose was not to get that diploma, but to really learn something. .

In fact, it is very common in the United States to enter a famous school in this way, and it is still very common in the family of powerful people. Just like Gared, who he met at a party before, he has always been boasted about his education from a famous school, but it is said that he was an undergraduate at Yale at the time. It\'s because his father donated $2.5 million to Yale, and he is now at NYU, and his father donated $3 million to the school.

Speaking of which, William Chen realized that he seems to be about to become an alumnus with this Gared. He doesn\'t know what kind of interesting scene it will be if he meets him on campus at that time.

But by that time, his views on himself should have changed a lot, provided that the report from Eye of the Future is reliable.

Sure enough, this day William Chen received the bank\'s notification of the arrival of the funds, and the loan he mortgaged the villa had entered into his account.

So he immediately transferred the $20 million into his stock account and notified Jos. The other party has already negotiated with Chen William before, and will invest the money in the potential stocks in the shipping sector other than the stocks he has delineated.

After all, $5 million was invested in DryShips stock before, and $30 million was also invested in the remaining stocks that appeared in the report. These funds are already the limit that these stocks can not be affected too much. too obvious.

In addition to the previous $15 million, $35 million will be invested in the shipping sector. Joss analyzed that if the sector collectively rose, it would be among the stocks that would perform better.

Because Chen William fulfilled his promise before, he asked Tom to accompany him to the best hospital in New York for a full-body examination. Not only did he not find anything wrong, but in the doctor\'s words, Chen William was not only in good health, but also in good health. Much healthier than most people, and this result makes Tom feel a lot more at ease with him now.

Tom also acted quickly and contacted New York University, because Chen William\'s father was an alumnus of New York University and had donated more than 10 million US dollars to the school before his death, so the other party happily agreed to Chen William\'s admission. , he will enter New York University for a master\'s degree in economics after the semester begins in September.

At the same time, after the consultation, he also hired an economics lecturer for William Chen as his tutor before the school started.

In fact, if it is just for him to complete the undergraduate courses of related majors, the lecturer is enough to deal with it. As for those professors, for the current Chen William, I am afraid it is equivalent to anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes, and those professors, more It is academic achievement, and in teaching, it is not necessarily better than a lecturer.

In this way, William Chen\'s schedule for the day is quite full. After he gets up in the morning for a morning run, he will take a bath, eat breakfast, and then go to Building 666 on Fifth Avenue.

Now, there is an office specially arranged for him next to the trading team. After learning about the operation of the stock market, William Chen will wait in the office for the arrival of the lecturer from New York University. The lectures will be three hours in the morning and afternoon. After that, he will continue to communicate with Jos about today\'s stock market operations, and finally return home after dinner, review today\'s lessons alone, go to the gym to sweat, and finally sleep.

It can be said that from now on, William Chen will start a two-point and one-line life at home and office. There was no way out. After all, at this time, he had seen the perseverance of American journalists.

Even when he came home from his morning run, he encountered reporters asking him questions, mainly about his love life and financial issues. I am afraid that many people are now paying attention to the fact that he sometimes does not appear in Hollywood. Chen William, is it really going to go bankrupt?

Therefore, he wisely chose to live a secluded life. It is estimated that after this investment is completed and the looming bank debt is settled by himself, all kinds of rumors will be broken.

However, when William Chen met the lecturer Tom hired for him for the first time, he was stunned for a while. Before, Chen William only knew that the other party was a woman named Erica. In his impression, the lecturers in the university were not too young, and women, even women, could be more patient. After all, he also knew his predecessor. what the level looks like.

Now, when the other party came to his office and introduced himself, Chen William looked at the beautiful woman who was under 30 years old, tall and tall, and said that she was a supermodel and had no sense of disobedience, and couldn\'t help but doubt Uncle Tom\'s Seriously, does this really mean that you want to study hard?

"Mr. Chen, shall we start now?" asked Erica, the lecturer who looked like a young Heidi Klum in front of her.

"Ms. Erica, you can just call me William in the future. After all, I\'m your student now. It\'s always a little strange that you\'re being so polite. So, let\'s start now, Uncle Tom told you, we There are three hours each in the morning and afternoon.”

In order to hire a good teacher, William Chen offered a relatively generous salary, $1,500 a day, although six hours of teaching a day was a bit more tiring than in a university.

But at this time, the annual salary of a lecturer at New York University was about 90,000 US dollars, and Erica could get a salary of 45,000 US dollars a month with Chen William, which would be the same as her annual salary in college in two months.

"Okay, William, you can also call me Erica directly in the future. That\'s what my students call me. In order to know your current level and give more targeted teaching, I have prepared several sets of test papers, UU reading books. is an exam for the undergraduate level of economics at New York University, you take it first, and I will focus on your shortcomings later." Erica took out a few papers from her bag and handed them over William Chen, watching him start to do it.

Erica is not just a vase with beautiful appearance. She can become a lecturer at New York University at the age of 27, which is not an easy task in itself. When she first heard that it was for William Chen, the most famous prodigal in America, to be a teacher, she subconsciously wanted to refuse.

After all, there was too much news about this person before. Whether it was his love life or his bad movie investments, they all became the talk of the American people after dinner.

To be a teacher for such a son, you can imagine how difficult it is. She even felt that this so-called teacher was just for this son to cope with the cover of the elders. If this is the case, the work can be easier.

But she is not ignorant of her own beauty. Even on campus, she has encountered the pursuit of countless bold students. At New York University, you can imagine how many descendants of the rich and powerful are among them. For those pursuits, she It was a general refusal, and now you have to face this prodigal and **** every day, you can imagine how hurtful it is.

But what moved her in the end was the expensive reward. And she also knew that although the prodigal son had a lot of negative news before, but in terms of women, his reputation was not bad, and there was no record of overstepping or coercion against the opposite sex.

This is also understandable. He is the kind of man who is so handsome that women scream. With a lot of money, he doesn\'t need to play anything exciting at all, and it is enough for many women to embrace him. Therefore, after hesitation, Erica still accepted the job.