All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 999

With the loud cry of the first lord, hundreds of fear demons have recovered their true form, walked out of the crowd in a leisurely manner, and completely ignored the mixed expressions of shock, fear and disbelief of the surrounding Harrison people.

After a while, they swaggered together and stared at the refugees who were less than 1% of the original population with eyes full of ridicule and irony.

There is no doubt that disintegrating a race countless times stronger than itself from the inside and slowly pushing it into the abyss of eternal doom can bring incomparably strong satisfaction to those who are full of dark and evil desires.

To be exact, what they like to do most is to break into the enemy and make the originally United opponents fight with each other through a series of provocations, incitements and conflicts, so as to consume their own potential to the greatest extent.

Now, looking at the proud and confident Harrison kneeling on the ground, fear and despair appear in his pupils. Every fear demon can\'t help grinning and laughing wantonly.

Most importantly, by swallowing the souls of the harlems and occupying their bodies, the nasrezm demon group has completed a qualitative leap, leaving behind arida, the abyss Lord and the doomsday guard, who were originally stronger than themselves, and becoming the strongest force of the new Legion.

Although the new demons also show great adaptability, they are still too young to threaten the status of old lords for the time being.

"Surrender or die! Choose! Harlem!" belom threatened fiercely with outstretched wings and sharp claws.

At the moment, he no longer covered up his powerful and evil ambitions and ideas, hoping to take this opportunity to bring the remaining Harrison people into control.

But unfortunately, the fear demon obviously underestimated the pride and power of a race on the occasion of life and death.

"Dream! We will never give in! Let alone be slaves to you bastards!"

"Come on, soldiers! It\'s time to show our last courage!"

"Maybe we will die! We will perish! But we will never live in humiliation!"

"For courage! Dignity and pride!"


Before the panic stricken civilians responded, thousands of soldiers suddenly stood up, shouting slogans and quickly activating the energy crystals they wore.

In the blink of an eye, countless energy crystals, like stars, release dazzling light one after another.

Although these small crystals worn on the body do not store much energy, once there is a chain reaction, there is a great chance that they will resonate with the whole dark planet, and the consequences are unimaginable.

So Zhang Cheng, floating in outer space, finally stretched out his huge right hand when these energy crystals reached the critical point.

Next second!


With the purest physical attack, he directly ground tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians into pieces, more than half of them are old, weak women and children who have little resistance.

However, for him who completely abandoned human nature, this casualty is nothing at all.

Ignoring those unlucky people who fell to the ground and kept crying, and their bodies or hands and feet were flattened, Zhang Cheng ordered without thinking: "take these prisoners to the transport ship! If anyone dares to resist, kill them!"

"As you wish, great and evil master." bellom bent down and bowed deeply.

Soon, driven by the search of hundreds of millions of login units, all the remaining Harrison people were found one by one, or humiliated like livestock into landing ships, or killed on the ground and transported the bodies back.

As the losers of the superstring war, they don\'t even have the right to survive or even commit suicide. The only hope for survival is to integrate into the organizational combat system. In addition to giving birth, women give birth. A small number of men will become stallions and continue to mate with women to produce offspring, and the other part will become more advanced war cannon fodder.

It can be said that the history and civilization of the Harrison people have been extinct from this moment!

They have no future!

No hope!

There is no so-called beautiful tomorrow!

Seeing the last Harrison roughly thrown into the transport ship by clone soldiers, Zhang Cheng narrowed his body and came to the front of the huge crystal column standing in the center of the far north of the planet. He narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the ancient words engraved on the stone slab next to him.

As one of the greatest life forms in the universe - Titan, he easily understood the symbols above without any translation.

As expected, in the distant past, the Harlem people who were still in the era of drinking blood and eating hair accidentally found this place, regarded it as a gift of God, and established the primitive religion and belief system.

Through prayer and research day and night, some religious believers gradually found that they can release a super energy wave from this huge crystal column in a specific way, resonate with specific targets, and really treat all substances as high-energy particles.

So, taking this crystal pillar as the bottom card, the Harrisons continued to attack the enemies who threatened them, and finally succeeded in climbing to the top, becoming the only intelligent race on the dark planet that continues to this day.

These ways of controlling the crystal column are precisely the mysterious relationship between string, matter and energy.

"Interesting! The cosmic dimension is connected by strings! It can not only break the narrow cognition of all time, space, matter and energy, but also restore all matter and energy to the most primitive state. No wonder controlling a main string means having endless energy and resources..."

Just as Zhang Cheng touched his chin and muttered to himself, the matrix with only a small half of his body struggled to climb over from a distance and shouted in a trembling voice: "help... Help me! Don\'t abandon me!"

"Hmm? You\'re not dead yet!" Zhang Cheng turned around and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

You know, according to the data given by the Mothership detector, this guy was almost hit head-on by the "Harrison\'s eye", and it is estimated that the probability of surviving is no more than 0.05%.

"I\'m still alive! Don\'t let me die! I don\'t want to die! I can create an army for you! An invincible army!" the mother\'s eyes widened, showing her strong desire for life.

"Sorry! For me, you\'re just a disposable consumable. I don\'t intend to leave too dangerous things around. If you guess correctly, you should always keep Arya\'s memory and strong hatred for me, right?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

Leaving a high-risk scourge?

He\'s not that stupid!

After making full use of it, direct humanitarian destruction is the practice of smart people