All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 998





"In the c1240 region of the sixth dimensional universe, commander Zhang Cheng launched a clean-up agreement to target the dark planet."


"The purge agreement will be launched in 15 minutes! At that time, the first round of stellar main guns will launch saturation bombing!"


With the harsh sound echoing in the base, every member of the organization realized what had happened and gathered in the conference room as soon as possible.

In particular, Lao Chen, who is quite familiar with Zhang Cheng, stared at the glare emitted by the charging of the main guns at the front of several motherships in the three-dimensional projection, and finally couldn\'t help exclaiming: "Damn it! This guy is crazy? He started the purge agreement so close to the main string! He doesn\'t know that the attack of the stellar main gun can easily cause the resonance of the main string, resulting in the instantaneous explosion of the energy of the surrounding material in hundreds of thousands of light-years?"

"We must stop him! Start the emergency limit valve! Terminate the purge agreement!" another member proposed with a serious expression.

However, before others around him agreed, the initiator stood up and said, "enough! I have said many times before that the theater commander has the right to make what he thinks is right, even if the result violates well-known common sense. Because superstring war has never been a war that can be inferred from common sense."

"But the initiator! His reckless move is likely to turn the c1240 area into an inaccessible death zone and greatly hinder our expansion speed." a woman stood up and said the possible serious consequences.

"Don\'t worry! So far, we have almost expanded to the limit, and it\'s nothing even if we stop to digest for a while. In addition, please don\'t forget how long our real enemies have been silent, and they will come back soon. At that time, being a sharp and bold commander will bring us unimaginable advantages."

After that, the initiator ignored anyone and focused on the three-dimensional projection without even a little expression on his face.

The huge fleet was moving very fast. It surrounded the dark planets in just ten minutes and aimed countless muzzle at the surface of the planet. The dazzling lights were clear to all who were not blind.

Sitting in the Mothership, Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t know that his actions had caused a considerable degree of confusion, and countless pairs of eyes were staring at the every move of the fleet.

After the red button kept flashing, the clone adjutant bent down and took the initiative to report: "commander, your excellency! All main guns are charged! For the last time, do you really want to start the purge agreement?"

"That\'s right! Start!" Zhang Cheng crossed his hands and dragged his chin, giving a positive answer without thinking.

"Confirm! Clear the agreement! Start the shelling!"

With the beautiful voice of the clone adjutant, thousands of dazzling high-energy particle beams gushed out of the main gun and launched a devastating attack on the proven Harlem dungeon city.

Almost 90% of life on the dark planet was destroyed in this round of shelling, and even the 20000 meter thick rock layer on the surface could not escape.

If you think this is a clean-up agreement, you are very wrong.

Before the remaining Harrison people on the ground could react to what had happened, thousands of antimatter bombs carried by small high-speed aircraft launched a secondary saturation attack on the ground.

No mercy!

No pity!

There are no ridiculous rules of war!

There is only destruction and slaughter!

This is the clean-up agreement!

Destroy a planet or galaxy at any cost!

In fact, when the organization conquered the whole three-dimensional universe, it had initiated purge agreements in many places.

Although the fleet at that time was not as large as it is now, and the technology was much more advanced, it still left many horror legends.

After the antimatter bomb ploughed the ground twice, the landing ship dropped a large number of land combat units in an orderly manner.

Among them, the first are naturally war machines completely controlled by artificial intelligence.

Although they are not big enough and only less than half a meter high, they look like spiders. They not only move very fast, but also are very flexible. They can find the hidden enemies around in time, transmit the data to the terminal in time and share it with each combat unit.

It can be said that these little guys are the eyes and ears of the marine forces.

When more than one-third of the landing ships dropped the fully loaded ground units to the designated position, the eye of Harrison finally started again, instantly destroying 70% of the ground units and more than half of the space fleet.

Similarly, since most of the soil layer on the surface of the dark planet has been overturned, the other party has also revealed its position.

"Ha ha! Great! I knew you wouldn\'t let me down!" Zhang Cheng laughed wildly and jumped out of the Mothership, directly restored the magnificent and extremely huge body of the star Titan, aimed at the Harrison people around the early huge energy crystal column, and threw a powerful group of instant death magic.


The negative energy symbolizing death immediately enveloped the whole area, which not only emptied all other energy around, but also squeezed the air and disappeared.

Ten Harrison people burst their blood vessels on the spot and fell straight to the ground. The rest, without exception, were severely damaged and lost the guidance of the energy column.

"No! Don\'t stop! For the future of the group! We\'ll kill these invaders even if we risk our lives! Get up! Get up!" the first old man, who was so old that only skin and dog head were left all over, roared loudly.

Needless to ask, he is the supreme leader of gurus, an old monster who has lived for many years.

But the old man obviously didn\'t realize that the most dangerous enemy was behind him.

Bellom, disguised as a Harlem, took advantage of the other party\'s failure to pay attention, directly recovered the real body of the fear devil, raised his sharp claws and passed directly through his chest, dug out the hot heart, and then smashed it with a snap.

"You... You..." with the unique strong vitality of the race, the old man didn\'t immediately swallow his breath. Instead, he turned around and raised his trembling right hand to the demon of fear.

The latter grinned and said sarcastically in a mocking tone: "yes! It\'s me! From the beginning, I was sent by the master to mess up your chess pieces. It\'s funny that you think I\'m your compatriots. You failed, poor maggot, you and your people will become the food for the expansion of the Legion."

"Wake up, my countryman!"

"The great Legion will be invincible!"
