All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 996

"Master! According to the information we got in the hallyson Holy Land library, the hallyson eye should be a huge energy crystal connected with the stellar core in the heart of the earth. In ancient times, their ancestors accidentally found a way to manipulate and use this thing, completely weaponized it and destroyed all the enemies on the dark planet at that time..."

On the huge Mothership, bellom\'s projection was kneeling on one knee and told the information he got after the raid on the holy city.

There is no doubt that, similar to most intelligent life in the universe, the Harrisons were not born to dominate the dark planet.

At first, they were just one of the many intelligent lives on the planet. The number and quality of the ethnic groups were far from strong. They were often bullied or even enslaved by other races.

But with the discovery of the "eye of Harrison", this race has become the only intelligent race on the dark planet in less than 50 years.

As for the other competitors, it seems that all of them evaporated overnight and disappeared indistinctly.

Anyone who is not a fool can understand what a bloody and violent history has been hidden in these 50 years.

Needless to say, all the other intelligent races were killed, and even the civilizations and cities they created were completely erased. Only a few ancient books left a few words for future generations to guess.

"Interesting! So, gurus deliberately created an organization to control this secret weapon?" Zhang Cheng asked with interest, touching his chin.

Bellom nodded quickly: "That\'s right! According to my investigation, gurus only absorbs the wisest members of the Presbyterian Council, and once he chooses to join it, he must completely draw a line from the past and disappear from his own ethnic group forever. No one knows how many members gurus have, let alone where they hide. The only thing he knows is that these guys hold the ultimate secret of the harlems Secret, even the origin of life on the whole dark planet. "

"Well done! It seems that you really got a lot of useful information from that raid, and I\'m very satisfied with it. As a reward, I\'ll give you a living weapon, a final weapon enough to destroy the civilization of the Harlem people. Make good use of her and dig out the gurus for me, no matter where they hide." Zhang Cheng gave an order with a cold face.

"As you wish, my great evil master." bellom bent deeply, his face almost close to the ground.

Although he did not know what the so-called "final weapon" was, his heart was full of expectations.

You know, as the Presbyterian Church recovered from its initial shock and began to suppress the riots launched by young people, the organizations he led became more and more difficult day by day, and there were fewer and fewer members. Most of them were arrested and locked up to accept the dual transformation of thought and body.

But now, finally, it\'s time to turn defensive into offensive.


Due to the amazing heat emitted by the huge crystals of underground cities and the temperature difference caused by the terrible low temperature of the surface world, the unspeakable air flow forms a terrible strong wind between cities. Its maximum wind force is enough to roll tons of objects into the air, and then fall hard.

Especially in some specific time and season, its amazing wind can tear the earth and form absolute death areas.

At this time, not to mention the Harrison people, even the beasts living in the harsh environment are reluctant to leave the nest.

With the cover of the terrible strong wind, a large landing ship risked the risk of crash, threw a huge sealed cabin to the designated position, then quickly climbed out of the dangerous atmosphere of the planet and quietly returned to the mothership.

As soon as its front foot left, the rear foot bellom took a team composed entirely of the fear devil to the sealed cabin and input the opening password at a very fast speed.

Next second


With the sound of the opening of the electronic cabin door, a monster with metallic luster all over his body appeared in front of them out of thin air.

The monster has a Titan like majestic female upper body, an ant queen like huge lower body belly, two sides of the body are full of feet like centipedes, and the scarlet eyes are shining with hunger and thirst.

She stared at several fear demons who occupied the body of the Harrison and said in a hoarse voice, "food! Give me food! Or I\'ll eat you!"

"Damn it! Come on! Feed her!" bellom yelled at his men with a big change in face.

He is not a fool. Naturally, he can feel the strong smell of the other party inadvertently.

Needless to say, this monster called the "mother" is far more powerful than itself. If it does not meet its hungry appetite, 100% will be eaten as food.




After realizing what a terrible monster Zhang Cheng sent, every fear demon tried his best to deceive the Harrison people, and let the "matrix" tear into pieces and swallow them into one egg after another.

In less than a few months, the temporary underground hole * * was filled with oval white insect eggs about one meter in diameter.

When the first eggs broke their shells, bellom finally understood why his master said that the "mother" was the ultimate weapon to destroy the dark planet.

Because every hatchling deformity has more than ten times the physical quality and energy affinity of Harrison people.

Most importantly, they grow so fast that they can enter their youth in less than 15 days and start hunting wild animals, or Harlem caravans, patrols and hunting teams.

On several occasions, the Presbyterian Council sent soldiers to hunt down the young rebel army, which were secretly attacked by these guys in the field and killed one by one.

When the number reached a certain level, it directly began to attack and occupy cities with a small population, slaughtered thousands of civilians and turned them into reserve food for future generations.

Standing on the street full of blood smell, bellom stared at the busy deformed larvae around with vigilant and fearful eyes. Without looking back, he said to the same kind behind him, "do you know what these guys remind me of?"

"Is it the natural disaster of naiozu and his dead?" another fear demon asked carefully.

"That\'s right! Despite the gap in strength, their actions are almost indistinguishable. They all take the enemy as the nourishment to strengthen themselves. The more they keep waging war, the stronger they will become and finally become invincible." bellom gave a positive answer without hesitation.

"Unfortunately, we have not been authorized by the owner, let alone limit her unscrupulous expansion."

"Don\'t worry! My dear brother! Don\'t forget that there is a powerful weapon on this planet. When she begins to threaten Harrison\'s life, those hidden old guys will naturally react..."