All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 995

"Bah! Shit! It\'s been three months in a row! I don\'t believe these damn mercenaries can persist!"

Warren didn\'t realize that his every move had been presented to a group of audience. He tore open a fat mouse, stuffed the bloody meat into his mouth, and his two eyes like hungry wolves burst out terrible green light.

Since escaping the betrayal of queles merchant, he has been lurking in the complex sewer of King\'s landing for more than half a year, of which more than half of the time is constantly running away. As long as he stops and contacts anyone in the future, he will immediately attract endless pursuers.

To some extent, he is almost equal to the public enemy of all mankind in the world. The civilized world has no place at all.

Because xiuma, the death knight, with his mount, almost ran all the gathering places of human beings on the planet, spreading the power of the dead recklessly, even those in power would spare no effort to find Warren and calm the anger of those monsters with his head.

It has to be said that there is basically no happiness in such a life except pain and suffering.

The main reason why Warren is still insisting is that he doesn\'t want to admit defeat. Moreover, he has the magical ability to see through the fate and know that he still has a glimmer of vitality to completely reverse the current unfavorable situation.

Feeling the rat meat full of stench and bloody smell, it entered the stomach along the esophagus. The strong burning feeling caused by gastric acid corroding the stomach wall gradually dissipated, and the tired body finally recovered a little strength.

But Warren didn\'t dare to take it lightly. He still maintained a very high vigilance. Even if he didn\'t have a good sleep for two days, he still forced himself to stare at the movement in the distance.

no way out!

Although the sewers in Junlin city are complex and huge, there are only a few places for people to hide. Maybe some mercenaries, thieves and beggars will come in sometime.

In order to obtain the high reward offered by her majesty danilis tangaryan, as well as the title of territory and nobility, the residents of the city have fallen into a state of madness. Even if it is just a clue and news, they can sell hundreds of gold coins.

Everyone felt that he would be lucky to get rid of poverty and hunger and become an aristocrat admired by everyone.

In particular, the poor living in the "flea nest" only have a rotten life. Many have eaten the "Brown soup" mixed with dead people\'s meat. Naturally, they will not mind risking their lives to fight for a happy life for the second half of their life.


"Unbelievable! Is this the guy mentioned last time? Are you sure he just blackmailed the newcomer, and then suffered such terrible revenge?" a man in his thirties raised his eyebrows in surprise, staring at the three-dimensional image composed of countless light refraction.

While drinking beer, Lao Chen replied with a smile: "yes! It\'s incredible, isn\'t it? Normally, ordinary people\'s revenge should never be so strong, but he did not hesitate to choose the most cruel way. There was no negotiation, no compromise, and no giving up."

"Your consciousness is... His mental state is not very normal?" another woman subconsciously frowned.

Although Zhang Cheng has joined the organization for some time, unlike most newcomers, he takes the initiative to integrate into this group. On the contrary, he is very cold and lonely. He has never left his Mothership since taking over the task.

"No! My consciousness is that he has almost abandoned all his humanity in the process of trial, so you\'d better not simply regard him as the same kind." Lao Chen drank up the light yellow liquid bubbling in the glass and gave a meaningful answer.

"Human nature? Are you sure some of us still keep this?" the man who first spoke pursed his lips and smiled disdainfully.

After all, almost everyone who is doing is carrying the death of hundreds of millions of lives. Genocide and the destruction of galaxies are even more common.

"Ha ha! Your joke is very funny! Yes! Although we have done many inhumane things, it is undeniable that many members of the organization still retain some human nature, at least when they are human. For example, I like to drink when I am free, and some women retain the habit of flirting with the opposite sex or talking about love. These are essentially No longer needed, but perfectly preserved habits are the embodiment of our human nature. But unlike him, he has abandoned all his habits when he was a human, leaving only a heart chasing power, knowledge and transcendence. "Lao Chen explained with a laugh.

"So? What do you want to express?"

"I don\'t want to express anything. I just want you to understand a truth. Don\'t try to use those small skills to deal with this new recruit, otherwise you will be endless revenge. Moreover, it won\'t take long for him to become the most powerful assistant in the eyes of the initiator. Maybe he will get a main string as the forward base and get the permission to expand independently to the outside world 。”


"It\'s impossible!"

"There\'s nothing impossible! I suggest you take a look at the latest progress of the dark planet. The race that easily destroyed the expedition fleet has fallen into fratricide. It won\'t be long before he can destroy and occupy the planet and clear the obstacles for capturing a new main string."


While Lao Chen was talking about Zhang Cheng with more than a dozen internal members of the organization, in the independent room on the top floor of the base, the initiator was sitting on a very shabby wooden recliner, squinting his eyes and enjoying the real-time picture transmitted by advanced instruments. It took ten minutes to smile and sigh: "He\'s smart and more capable than all of us think. If he finds out like this, the universe will soon be under our control."

"I admit that he is indeed the best of all newcomers. But please don\'t forget that this guy didn\'t show the intention to integrate into the group from beginning to end. On the contrary, he seems to be stronger to meet and establish a small group independent of the organization. This is a dangerous signal and may become a hidden danger of division." A man with a black eye patch at the door warned.

"Ah! I know. But considering the huge threat that the organization will face, what can he do if he is allowed to be independent temporarily?"

While saying this, the initiator\'s eyes glittered with horror, raised his left hand and took out a small golden box from the cabinet.

When I opened the box cover, I saw a round black meteorite inside, constantly releasing amazing energy, so that all the surrounding equipment could not help losing control, and the space seemed to have lost its most important fulcrum and began to collapse.

Fortunately, this state lasted less than a minute and returned to normal with the box cover closed