All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 916

The food chain is the most intuitive embodiment of the dominant relationship between species.

If a species is on the diet of another species, when the former meets the latter, it will often awaken the most primitive and instinctive memory in the gene, and then quickly turn on self-protection in time to make the brain think that running away is the best choice.

There is no doubt that the troll is such a monster that can be called the natural enemy for the human beings in Phelan.

Especially for ordinary people living in the countryside, trolls who can only be killed by fire and strong acid are a real nightmare.

Stories often spread in the north. Several hungry trolls broke into the village at night, killed all the villagers silently, and then ate them bit by bit.

So apart from the elite who often fight with powerful monsters, the rest began to retreat when the troll rushed in. The reason why they didn\'t collapse was that the bards and priests kept adding morale boosting spells.

The military mages dared not continue to make soy sauce, chanted spells one after another, released one strong acid spell after another, and sent those dying trolls to hell.

Feeling the fear and despair emanating from the enemy camp, Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "not enough! Not enough! I want to crush their last hope!"

"Master, the guys in deep water city can\'t hold on. Do you think you can launch a general attack?" asked Gar carefully.

He is not a fool. He understands that the goal of this war is not to win victory, but to wipe out the deep water city coalition army and condense a priest with the souls of those poor people.

"Don\'t worry! Let those white dragons go out first, focus on attacking the mage\'s position and consume their spell positions." Zhang Cheng raised his left hand and collected the dead souls of the whole battlefield, regardless of the enemy or ourselves.

Obviously, although the number of these souls is enough, the quality is far from enough.

Clergy can\'t get things at will!

In addition to snatching from the existing gods or waiting for the gift of his majesty IO, the only way is to make mortals have strong obsessions, such as hatred, jealousy, greed, despair, pain and so on.

When these thousands of obsessions come together, they will form a power recognized by the whole world.

When a God has power, he can become the ruler of this field. All mortals who enter this field should pay high tribute to God in exchange for each other\'s blessing.

In fact, although the mortals of the continent of Fallon can only have one patron saint, when they engage in other industries, they will pray for the gods who control the power of the industry.

The most obvious example is that when making something, all blacksmiths and craftsmen, whether they are believers of Gongde, the God of craft and forging, choose to pray to the God, hoping that their works can be better.

For another example, all men and women who are pursuing the other half, whether they are believers of the goddess of love shuna or not, will beg Ms. huofa for a gift to help them win the favor of their sweetheart.

In fact, there are not many creatures with divine power or divinity in the world, but only when they really get the clergy can they be regarded as a God worthy of the name and get their own seat in the ancient pantheon.

"As you wish!" Gar bowed respectfully, turned and winked at his adjutant.

The latter understood it, quickly ran to the woods in the rear, untied the chains that bound several white dragons, and asked the Dragon seeker to pour the spring polluted by the devil\'s blood.


These giants covered with white scales broke out a painful neighing, their eyes were quickly stained with blood, struggled to rise in the air, dived in the direction of the coalition forces in Shenshui city at a very fast speed, opened their mouths and spewed out a large amount of deadly freezing cold.

"No! It\'s a white dragon!" an officer found the white dragon first and shouted at his throat.

But unfortunately, because the whole formation has long been overwhelmed by crazy trolls, there is no time to organize a counterattack. All the places sprayed by white dragons, whether people are better or war horses, have become frozen sculptures without exception.

In the extremely cold north, white dragon is the supreme overlord and the creature at the top of the food chain.

Except for the frost giants with the same strength, almost nothing can threaten them.

Watching several white dragons wreak havoc on their heads and kill several mages who didn\'t have time to respond, the Lord of deep water city finally panicked, took general Ramses by the hand and roared, "Damn it! Think of a way! We must not lose! Otherwise, the alliance between deep water city and the Lord will come to an end!"

"Shut up! Fool! I\'ve had enough of your backseat driver! Now, gather up those sorcerers immediately, then collect fifty knights to protect them. Next we need the large magic rites and strong crossbow. We must fight these dragons down." general Rams pushed the Lord of deep water city and drove his guard to a bed crossbow. Quickly adjust the angle and aim at one of the hammers.


With a slightly harsh sound, a three edged heavy arrow with a length of one meter soared into the air and plunged into the white dragon\'s fragile abdomen.

Its scales only slightly hindered it, and then it fell from the sky with blood and slammed into the crowd.

However, the dragon, which had been eroded by the devil\'s blood, had strong vitality. Before someone rushed to mend the knife, he waved sharp claws. More than 20 soldiers opened their intestines and broke their stomachs, and the dragon breath from their mouths frozen more than 40 people.

"Go to hell! Dragon!" shouted a knight with a silver spear. With the help of the explosive force brought by the horse\'s sprint, he poured his lance directly into the lower left of his chest.


This time, without any accident, he pierced the white dragon\'s heart on the spot.

It shook left and right twice and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

Just when the knight thought he had killed a dragon and was ready to cheer loudly to boost his morale, the dragon\'s body began to burst out dazzling green light for some reason.

What happened before the people around me reacted!

Next second


The deadly evil energy flame devoured everything within ten meters around!




The blood of the Lord of the abyss turned these monsters that had been favored by magical energy into deadly bombs!

Once they are killed, they will immediately release all the energy in their bodies in one breath, which is far more powerful than most nine Ring Magic