All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 915

Ten thousand Goblins who drank demon blood!

This is the gift that Gar gave to the Allied forces of deepwater city!

When the last one was killed, the battlefield was full of corpses, including countless red skinned goblins and a large number of human soldiers, which was far more tragic than the nobles of the Lord alliance imagined.

They could not believe that goblins, who had always been regarded as pests and cannon fodder, were so ferocious that they forcibly killed more than 5000 of their own people, and countless injured.

But this is not the most terrible!

The most terrible thing is that the goblins, who should have been timid and cowardly, turned around and ran away when they found that the situation was bad, were destroyed. None of them retreated or fled.


That\'s not normal!

General Ramses ignored the priests who were busy treating the wounded and said to the Lord of deepwater city with a magic mask: "Sir! I think we\'d better start retreating now! Luscan must have invented some magic potion or magic to make these goblins so crazy. If even goblins can cause us such terrible casualties, how terrible should big goblins, bear goblins, orcs, orcs, jackals, ogres, giants and other monsters be?"

"No! We can\'t retreat! Let alone fail! Don\'t forget, it\'s not just us who took part in this war, but also many nobles of the Lord alliance. What will happen if they feel that deepwater city is unable to resist the expansion of luscan?" the Lord asked in a low voice with gnashing teeth.

As he said this, he did not forget to turn around and glance at the allies whose eyes showed panic.

You should know that the Lord alliance, like its name, is to unite the rulers of various towns and villages in the surrounding areas of Beidi, so as to save them from fighting and killing for a little dispute and interests, make the people miserable and affect the prosperity of Commerce and trade.

Since it is a loose alliance, it means that most small towns and villages are grass on the wall, all supported by the eldest brother of deepwater city.

Once big brother falls down, or shows that he can\'t live in all kinds of ghosts and ghosts, then it\'s not a shame to surrender.

The Lord can\'t imagine how terrible the political situation in the North would be if the Lord alliance collapsed and about half of them took refuge in luscan.

"Damn it! This is not the time to talk about politics! Sir! Look at those monsters with obviously abnormal skin color across the street! They will rush to kill all of us! No one wants to escape except those mages. This is the last force assembled by the deep water city and the Lord alliance! If we all die, ruskan\'s appetite may not be just annexation There is no winter city, but continues to attack the deep water city directly, "general Ramses retorted impolitely.

"No! I don\'t agree! You\'re showing weakness to the enemy! We have enough mages to deal heavy damage to those monsters!"

"I really saved everyone\'s lives! This battle can no longer be fought! And we have mages, don\'t we have enemies?"


One is from a political point of view and the other is from a military point of view. Obviously, no one can convince anyone.

While they were arguing, a group of tall adults with heavy armor and strange dark yellow skin appeared on the horizon.

They are ugly, have sarcomas of different sizes on the surface of their skin, and their big mouths full of sharp fangs keep drooling. It\'s creepy.

"Giant... Troll?!! An army of thousands of trolls!" a young officer couldn\'t help shouting.

you \'re right!

These ugly and stupid creatures are the trolls that frighten many adventurers in Phelan.

And after drinking the devil\'s blood, they have made up for their weakness of fear of fire. At present, there is only one thing that can really kill them, that is strong acid.

No hesitation!

When the trolls assembled, the gar thugs waved and took the initiative to launch the second round of attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the slight tremor on the ground, more than 1500 trolls began to charge towards the coalition forces in deepwater city.

In their eyes, this is not a war at all, but a happy hunting and eating. Food is nothing else, but living human beings.

"Rocket! Prepare rocket! Shoot! Shoot freely!"

"Fire glue! Apply fire glue to all melee weapons! Only fire and strong acid can kill trolls!"

"Where\'s the mage? We need the help of magic power now! There are too many trolls!"


With panic cries, the soldiers were in a mess.

In particular, those militias who have not been strictly trained for a long time are almost scared to pee by the oncoming trolls.

You know, their usual accusations are only to deal with small monsters such as goblins and dog headed people. It\'s a little hard to deal with orcs, orcs and big goblins.

As for trolls, they are completely creatures of another level.

Sometimes a small group of militia may not be able to defeat a troll. Maybe they will be killed and become the other party\'s food reserve for the next few days.

In just a few seconds, the weapons in the hands of the soldiers in the front row ignited a bright and hot flame.

Fire burning glue is a special alchemy prop invented by mainland mages.

Its surface is colloidal. Once it collides with the air, it will immediately ignite a raging flame and last for a long time. It can be applied to weapons to increase additional lethality. It is the best choice to deal with flame fearing creatures.

However, the price of fire glue has never been cheap. It is estimated that the quantity used by the soldiers of deepwater City alone will cost at least tens of thousands of gold coins.

"Human! Food! Eat! Eat! Eat!"

Facing the weapon coated with fire glue, the troll in the front row was not afraid. He jumped up and fell down on the first row of young people who looked in their early twenties. He bit his neck and tore off his whole throat to chew.

Especially when the bone is chewed by the teeth, it makes the normal people feel creepy.

These crazy trolls don\'t care if they don\'t have water. If they don\'t kill a human soldier, they will bite off a piece of their opponent and put it in their mouth.

Some are even more extreme. Break your arm or thigh directly, wave it as a weapon and bite it from time to time.

The bloody picture dealt a great blow to the morale of the coalition forces in deepwater city. Even the magic and magic of priests and bards to boost morale are not very useful.