All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 810

Three days later, in the evening, a cruise ship named Phoenix sailed slowly out of New York harbor and headed for the deep Atlantic Ocean.

Although on the surface, it is not much different from other recreational sea ships. There are luxurious restaurants, dance floors, swimming pools, guest rooms, casinos and even some live performances.

But all the guests who can board the ship know that all this is just an illusion used to confuse and deceive ordinary people.

In fact, if you don\'t receive the invitation from the host, even if the president of the United States or the world\'s richest man comes, don\'t expect to take a step on the deck.

Because this is a special group Club similar to the membership system. Only through layers of screening can they be qualified to become one of them. Moreover, each member should ensure that he consumes at least 200 gold dinars and $5 million a year, otherwise he will be ruthlessly dismissed.

But in return, they can enjoy the bloodiest, most violent and most sensual life and death struggle on the planet.

There are no restrictions!

There are also no rules!

As long as you can kill your opponent, it doesn\'t make much difference whether it\'s barehanded or using weapons and magic.

As the Phoenix sailed out of U.S. territorial waters, the first game was soon staged in a huge cage on the front deck.

As an appetizer before a big meal, naturally it can\'t be too wonderful. It\'s just that two transformed werewolves fight each other. Although it\'s quite enjoyable on the surface, the technical content is really not very good. Only nearly one third of the people stand around and watch. It\'s not difficult to judge from the extremely excited expression on their faces that they are all newcomers who have just stepped into the circle.

Young people, in particular, keep waving their fists and shouting, and some directly throw tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to bet, enjoying the strong stimulation that the modern civilized world can never give.

"Go! Bite him! Bite that damn bastard!"

"Tear open your chest with your claws! Blood! We want to see more blood!"

"Fark! It\'s fucking great! Don\'t say 100000 dollars a ticket, I think it\'s worth 200000 or 300000!"


Glancing at the blood thirsty expression on the faces of these upper class elites in expensive suits and sexy evening gowns, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and sighing: "human beings are always so hypocritical, aren\'t they? They shout against war, violence and killing, but they are extremely eager for blood in their hearts."

"You\'re right! You know what? I\'ve been running this business for more than 40 years. I\'ve sent invitations to countless dignitaries who work for the Supreme Council, but I\'ve never been rejected. On the contrary, every guest who has come to participate in the fight of death will indulge in it and can\'t extricate himself, even those ladies and ladies who claim to be gentle and virtuous." old nazes grinned, Expose sharp fangs hidden under the appearance of normal people.

Generally speaking, as an operator, you don\'t need to sail with the ship every time.

However, in order to satisfy the young alchemist and member of the North American Supreme Council, he took the initiative to follow up, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to improve relations.

The most ideal state is to reach an agreement in private and exchange the above profits for the shelter of the other party.

In this way, although you earn less money, your safety can be fully guaranteed. No matter who wants to make trouble again, you should consider the seriousness of the consequences.

Collusion between officials and businessmen is the highest level pursued by a businessman.

Many people may mistakenly believe that the so-called "free capitalism" in the west is that the government does not interfere in the market and allows enterprises to compete with each other, so as to finally make better enterprises stand out and become the leader of an industry.

However, this is only a theoretical state. In practice, no country will suppress foreign enterprises, support domestic enterprises to expand and occupy the market without a series of administrative means such as tariffs, subsidies and fines.

All enterprises with a certain scale can not go too far without the support of the state. They are either acquired and merged by terrorist financial capital groups, or frantically suppressed by more powerful foreign peers, and finally inevitably move to the edge of bankruptcy.

Although old Nazis has not studied these complex problems, he is very aware of the importance of having a strong background.

It is the so-called thigh to pick up a thick hug, and Zhang Cheng is the thickest thigh he can touch at present.

"Yes! Today\'s human beings always feel that they are civilized and desperately want to deny the violent and bloody history of the past and the instinct of killing and destruction contained in their genes. They simply don\'t understand that the reason why human civilization can reach today is barbarism and violence. On this ship, everyone has released their nature, so they will feel happy , I feel that there is a release of power from the heart. "Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and commented meaningfully.

There is no doubt that he likes the atmosphere on the deck at the moment and prefers the strong resonance caused by his soul breaking free from bondage.

Just as Nazis was about to say something more, an earth shaking cheer burst out around the cage.

I saw one of the werewolves tear off the other werewolf\'s arm with sharp teeth, spit out the blood and meat in his mouth, bite his opponent\'s throat, bite off his whole head from his neck, raise his hair and howl.


Such a bloody scene immediately ignited the enthusiasm of all the audience. Some people took out a lot of chips and threw them into the cage to reward the winner of this life and death struggle.

Elizabeth took her sister from a distance and shouted excitedly, "honey, I won! I won!"

"Oh? How much did you win?" Zhang Cheng asked pretending to be interested.

"300000! I won 300000 dollars! And the killing just now, it\'s like a beast." the girl\'s spirit was obviously in a state of extreme excitement, and her whole body was shaking slightly.

Aisha took off her coat and only wore a close fitting vest. It seemed that she had not recovered from the shock. From time to time, she looked back at the staff handling the bodies in the cage. She couldn\'t believe that a fight really wanted to distinguish life and death.

"If only you like it! Have a good time today. I still have something to talk to Nazis." Zhang Cheng gently kissed his girlfriend on the cheek and handed her a suitcase of gold dinars.

"So much! Give it to me?" Elizabeth stared in surprise when she saw that there were thousands of gold dinars.

"Of course! Don\'t restrain yourself and do whatever you want. Isn\'t that the meaning of the ship?"

After saying that, Zhang Cheng gave a look to the old man around him.

The latter understood and immediately recruited a subordinate to whisper a few words close to his ear.

After a while, this guy disappeared at the end of the corridor with two girls