All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 809

A few hours later, in the office on the top floor of the violet House Entertainment Center, an old man who looked 70 or 80 years old was standing in front of the table sweating, his face full of tension and fear.

Because he is no one else, it is another guy engaged in smuggling magical creatures in the underground world of New York, who is called the Half Blood Sea demon - nazes.

Of course, compared with Abraham boroman, the old fox was much more cunning. He not only opened a freight company in the open, but also did not forget to manage up and down with the money he earned, so that the Lords and congressmen knew what he was doing secretly, but they all chose to turn a blind eye.

But today, the old fox finally stumbled.

He never dreamed that the task he used to block his competitors was taken away by a beautiful young witch.

What\'s more terrible is that the little witch is also the girlfriend of the Supreme Council member.




After all, he is not an idiot. He knows that no matter how many people he buys, he can\'t change the established fact of violating the rules. Therefore, if the young supreme councilor is determined to kill himself, he will never have any chance to resist.

"Nazes, tell me, what should I do with you?" Zhang Cheng tapped the table gently, his eyes revealing a hint of playfulness.

"My Lord, I swear, it\'s just a misunderstanding, a coincidence. I didn\'t take advantage of the young lady." the old man quickly bent down and bowed deeply, trying to explain.

There\'s no way not to work hard!

The underground world never pays attention to any legal system, and there is no almost ridiculous jury system. As long as the Lord and members confirm that a unlucky guy violates the rules, they have the right to catch him, and more seriously, they will be executed directly.

"Why should I trust you? Or, to put it another way, what qualifications do you have for me to let you go?" Zhang Cheng made no secret of his inner malice.

As a person who likes to guess each other\'s psychological activities from the perspective of the dark side of human nature, he would rather believe that this is a test of his bottom line than a shit coincidence.

There are so many coincidences in the world!

Compared with coincidence, ubiquitous intrigues are the norm in this world.

"What do you want?" Nazis ventured with courage and caution.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m not going to kill you, at least not this time. But you should understand that everything you do wrong needs to pay a price. Abraham boroman paid all his savings over the years for life. What about you?" Zhang Cheng hinted.

Buy your life with money!

Old Nazis had this idea in his mind and hurriedly calculated in his heart how much property he needed to give in order to satisfy the young Supreme Council member in front of him.

You should know that he is not Abraham boroman like a nouveau riche. In addition to smuggling magical creatures, he also involves a series of gray businesses such as underground casinos, death fighting clubs, adventure hunting erotic services, and some also cooperate with the Lord, which can be said to affect the whole body.

On weekdays, through these interest alliances and relationships, he has never been the only one who has been in trouble with others. When has he been in trouble.

But now, facing the power of truly standing at the apex of power in the underground world, the old man suddenly found that the power he had worked hard to establish was like a wooden house built on the beach without foundation. Once the terrible storm came, everything would come to naught.

Full of strong reluctance, old Nazis hesitated for about two or three minutes, quickly clenched his teeth and replied: "I am willing to pay 100000 gold dinars! Plus 1.4 billion US dollars!"

"Wow!" Elizabeth screamed and hurriedly put her hand over her mouth.

At this moment, she realized the incredible richness of the underground world.

In particular, the dollar that ordinary people dream of is completely like an accessory here. It is used to make up the price difference in important transactions, rather than being used as a main currency.

Zhang Cheng glanced at the girl with a smile, followed by the old man and said, "you are very smart and offered me a satisfactory price at one time, so we are clear about this matter. Remember, don\'t try to play your little smart, let alone provoke my bottom line, otherwise I guarantee that you will never have such a chance again next time."

"I see! I swear by my life that I will never do these little moves again." Nazis wiped the sweat from his forehead, bent down and bowed deeply.

"Very good! I hope you can do what you say. In addition, I seem to hear that you have a cruise ship in New York and regularly hold gambling and fight competitions on it?" Zhang Cheng asked with great interest.

Nazis nodded quickly: "yes, sir. Once a week, only residents of the underground world, politicians and rich people who know the underground world and serve us are invited."

"It sounds interesting. What about the so-called death fight?"

"As the name suggests, it means that two people bet their lives on the arena and fight unrestricted until one of them dies completely. In fact, this tradition originated in the arena in ancient Rome. Later, it was abolished for various reasons and began to rise again a hundred years ago. Please rest assured that our contestants are from their own Yes, they fight each other for wealth, reputation and status, without any performance. That\'s why countless people are willing to spend a lot of money to watch and even participate in gambling... "

As an organizer and initiator, old Nazis obviously invested a lot of energy and emotion in this cruel fight, and his tone was full of pride.

After all, in the depths of human nature, there has always been a desire to destroy and kill. Otherwise, sports such as free fighting, boxing, wrestling and martial arts will not be so popular. They can generate tens of billions of dollars of income every year. Some people even feel that they are not exciting and bloody enough, and start holding some illegal fighting competitions to fight disability Kill your opponent as a condition of victory.

Of course, all this is pediatrics in the underground world.

Take old Nazis as an example. The participants in the sea death fight held by him are a group of guys with transformation ability or supernatural power. It is more ornamental and exciting than any existing fighting, and naturally attracts countless rich guests.

When rich people get together, it is certainly impossible to just watch the game, and gambling came into being.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng turned his head and asked Elizabeth immersed in joy: "honey, are you interested in relaxing with me and feeling the death fight in the underground world?"

"OK! You\'d better take Aisha again!" the girl nodded excitedly and agreed.