All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 783

"What on earth do you want to do?"

After watching Voldemort\'s upper and lower blood vessels burst and finally frozen into a hard ice by ultra-low temperature magic, Severus Snape finally couldn\'t help asking questions loudly.

He originally thought that the mysterious oriental and the Dark Lord were working together to rule the whole magic world, but now it seems that this is obviously not the case.

"What are you doing? That\'s a good question!"

Zhang Cheng smiled and stretched out a finger.

"Maybe you won\'t believe it. In fact, I didn\'t have any clear purpose, just wanted to do some research quietly. But the method of making Horcruxes by killing gave me a great inspiration, so I decided to use the death of more than 90% of human beings in the world to explore the mystery behind death. As for the establishment of a completely controlled witch The world ruled by the division is just an excuse for those pure blood nobles to contribute. I never really have plans in this regard, but I won\'t stop them from realizing their ideals. "

"Just to spy on the secret of death! You\'re going to destroy the whole world?" snape stared incredulously.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders carelessly: "Of course! Isn\'t this reason enough? You should understand that death is the most basic rule of the world and even the whole universe, and it is also a powerful force that no one or God can resist. As long as you can master it, even a small part is worth it. In addition, with the development of science and technology, mankind always considers itself the most special species on the planet, It is the only intelligent life beyond the control of nature, but it is not. "

"What on earth do you want to express?" snape frowned subconsciously.

"Don\'t worry, listen to me."

Zhang Cheng gently waved his hand and continued: "in the initial stage of the birth of life on earth, most life forms are actually anaerobic. They continuously produce oxygen through their own metabolism, changing the ecological environment of the planet.

Due to the complete lack of restriction and balance, the oxygen content in the air finally soared from the very low at the beginning to a level enough to poison most anaerobic life.

This means that the unlimited reproduction and expansion of anaerobic organisms has brought the first large-scale extinction in the history of life evolution.

Well, does it sound similar to human development?

In fact, with the current development speed of human science and technology, it is impossible to enter the era of cosmic colonization before exhausting the earth\'s resources.

With the growth of population, one day it will be self destruction, just like the first anaerobic organisms on earth.

In the process of great life evolution, human beings are not as special as they think, so what I do is just adding some interesting variables in this process. As for the result, let time prove it.

Oh, I almost forgot that in a few minutes, the first thermonuclear missile will be detonated over London. I sincerely invite you to watch this spectacular scene... "

The voice just fell!

Bright spots of light suddenly crossed the horizon, tore apart the thick dark clouds in the sky and flew straight towards the main cities of the three British Islands.

Unlike most rockets and aircraft, these light spots do not fly from bottom to top or horizontally, but fall from high places, just like a beautiful meteor shower.

But this "meteor shower" brings not only shocking visual impact, but also nuclear warheads that are enough to produce destructive power.

Before most ordinary people could react to what had happened, the harsh prevention and control alarm was sounded.

Woo - Woo - woo——

Different from the ordinary air raid alarm, the sound of the whistle is particularly rapid this time, and the waves do not stop and rise again. It is just like a triple helix, which repeats constantly, giving people a feeling of the end of the world.

But in fact, it makes no difference when the end of the world comes.

Because this air defense warning means that the attack of nuclear missiles is not the kind of petty fuss that German air strikes bombed Britain in World War II.

Before long, the first warhead finally detonated in the sky near the entrance of the Thames River.


The huge fireball, which is countless times brighter than the sun, rises in the air and directly vaporizes all the lives and buildings around. The terrible shock wave spreads rapidly from the central point to all around.

No matter the high-rise buildings built in modern times or those ancient streets, they have all turned into dust, and nothing can be spared.


Until the fireball expanded to the maximum, the deafening sound was finally transmitted.


Indescribable strong shock!

Especially for ordinary people, wizards who don\'t care about the world, realize for the first time that ordinary people they despise have unconsciously mastered such amazing weapons.

"Sorry, I may have to excuse you for a while." Zhang Cheng bowed slightly, and the whole person quickly disappeared in place.

Next second

He appeared directly on the earth orbiting space station more than 400 kilometers away from the ground, looked down at the bright flames rising from the earth\'s surface, and muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "destruction and death! What a beautiful picture! Come on, the rules of death, let me see your real face."

There is no doubt that the hydrogen bomb is one of the most powerful weapons invented by mankind so far.

With tens of thousands of nuclear warheads detonating one after another around the world, almost all cities were completely destroyed in the first round of attacks, more than 2 billion people disappeared forever, and even the complete bodies could not be preserved.

When hundreds of millions of souls gathered together, an invisible force finally emerged, guiding them slowly to the depths of the earth.

"Geocentric? Interesting!" Zhang Cheng\'s eyes lit up when he noticed this.

Because he realized that he seemed to have found a great secret, a real surprise.

Without any hesitation, he directly attached his consciousness to a soul, passed through the earth\'s crust, and followed the army towards the final destination.

Because of the darkness around, there is no light at all, so the perception of time becomes more and more blurred.

Most importantly, the souls of ordinary people who died began to lose their memory and self-consciousness during this long journey, and gradually evolved into a very pure and clean special form.

Just when Zhang Cheng was curious about this phenomenon, the great migration of soul finally stopped.

At the center of the deepest part of the earth\'s core, up to thousands or even tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, a golden light spot is beating, and these dead souls jump in one by one like moths to the fire.

Every time 10000 souls are swallowed, this light spot will become more dazzling, as if it has been evolved and sublimated to some extent