All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 782




Yan Red\'s blood soon soaked a lot of clothes, and the sword tip stolen from the back kept dripping.

There was no doubt that the blow pierced Albus Dumbledore\'s heart directly.

Now as long as the sword is pulled out, he will immediately die of massive bleeding in a few seconds. No one can stop death.

Because this is not a simple deformation magic, but a vicious necromancer magic. The black sword is not a sword in the ordinary sense, but carries a fatal curse.

For the unlucky person who is stabbed, the wound will never heal normally, even the healing potion and magic spell are no exception.

"Well done, Potter."

Voldemort, who felt that he had won the game, was not in a hurry to kill his opponent. Instead, he turned and nodded to the "savior".

Only after experiencing the full power of the elder\'s wand can we understand why Dumbledore is called the greatest wizard of our time.

Although he had obtained more powerful body transformation than before when he was resurrected, he still didn\'t take any advantage in the battle just now.

If it were not for the success of the final sneak attack, I\'m afraid it would be difficult to tell the outcome without a few hours of effort.

However, Harry Potter, blinded by hatred, obviously didn\'t have time to pay attention to the praise of the Dark Lord. He went straight up to him, raised his wand, smiled and roared, "I swear! I want you to taste the extreme pain! Now it\'s time to repay your wish! Dig your heart and gouge out your bones!"


Dumbledore fell to his knees with a thump and made a sad cry.

No one can resist the severe pain caused by the heart drilling curse!

This spell does not work on the body, but directly on the spirit and soul!

Just as like as two peas, Harry Porter, who wants to vent his anger and hatred through torture, the other Dumbledore, who is exactly the same as the clone, quietly appears in the dilapidated house. He aims at the boy to read the same spell: "dig out your heart and cut it out!"

"Ah ah ah ah!!!"

No accidents!

The "savior" also fell directly on the dusty floor, curled up in pain, and his eyes widened, as if he couldn\'t believe that two Dumbledore appeared in his sight.

"Ha ha! My God! This is the most interesting picture I\'ve ever seen in my life! Look at this poor little guy, he doesn\'t even know what happened." Voldemort opened his arms and burst into a wild laugh.




All this was a carnival of revenge for him.

Whether Dumbledore or the self righteous "savior", they are just pawns manipulated.

As the initiator of all this, Zhang Cheng squatted down with a smile, looked into Harry Potter\'s angry eyes and said meaningfully: "I think you must want to find out the situation now, right? In fact, the answer is very simple! I cloned a copy of Dumbledore using genetic technology, and the person who attacked you and killed Zhang Qiu was not Dumbledore himself, but his copy. In addition, do you think Zhang Qiu really fell in love with you? No, the poor girl was also controlled by me."

"For... Why! Why did you do this to me?" Harry struggled to raise his head, his eyes full of shock and confusion.

"Why? Of course, it\'s to use you to deal with Albus Dumbledore. Now that the goal has been achieved, you\'re of no use. But I won\'t kill you. On the contrary, I\'ll let you live well and live in pain and regret for the rest of your life. You know? Many people say that the world is full of hope, but in fact, the truth is desperate. I like the dark world. I prefer to appreciate those who are full of hope and eventually fall into the ugly state of darkness. "

After that, Zhang chengti helped the boy to hold his glasses, turned around and looked at the old man who refused to die at the last breath.

The latter exudes a strong smell of death, but his eyes are still firm. He can\'t see a little fear or hesitation, as if he had expected this day long ago.

"Dear headmaster, you don\'t seem to realize what I\'m going to do to you, do you?" Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth slightly and showed a cruel smile.

"No matter what you do, it can\'t affect me, because death is an irreversible process. Once I die, whatever you do has nothing to do with me." Dumbledore responded with strong pain.

"No, no, no, death is not an irreversible process, at least not for me. Next, I will pull your soul out of your body and imprison it in a desperate space completely isolated from the outside world. I am curious about how long you can go crazy in this environment? According to the principle of energy interaction, the more you are alive Pure, kind and noble, then the more evil, distorted and morbid his fallen soul will become after his death... "

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng took out the black crystal already prepared, mobilized the unique ability of Azeroth Warlock to absorb the soul, and forcibly stripped Albus Dumbledore from his body.

As there was no cover up, everyone present clearly saw the scene.

Voldemort, in particular, suddenly contracted his pupils and quickly reminded him in a slightly hoarse voice, "my friend! This matter is different from what we discussed!"

"Hehe, don\'t you understand? Your Excellency the Dark Lord! In fact, you are no different from Dumbledore. You are just chess pieces in my hand..."

As the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng raised his right index finger and gently fiddled with it in the air.


The blood vessels in Voldemort\'s body suddenly burst and burst, splashing a large amount of black and red plasma with a strong smell.

The next copy and Ron also launched an attack without thinking, overturning the death eaters who had not come to remember the reaction in the old house.

In the blink of an eye, the winner who was still swaggering became a prisoner.

"You... You moved your hands and feet at the resurrection ceremony?! why didn\'t I feel it?" Voldemort asked with narrowed eyes and gnashing teeth.

"Remember the black liquid in the glass container and the arm Ron cut off? These things contain an energy called creative power, and I am the source, creator and controller of this energy. Now, every drop of blood and every cell in your body are under my control. I can let you die in a few seconds if I want Go. "Zhang Cheng gave an explanation carelessly.

In fact, he has made a breakthrough in the research of creativity, and even launched an interesting "human completion plan".

After thermonuclear weapons wipe out more than 90% of the world\'s population, Hermione Granger will launch a low earth orbit satellite to release a screened and optimized creative force in the clouds all over the world, and then spread to seven continents and four oceans through rainfall.

In this way, it will not be long before all the lucky creatures on the earth will slowly evolve a variety of magical abilities. Even ordinary people will have the potential to become wizards.