All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 780

"Harry! Tell me! Why are you like this? Have you forgotten that Voldemort was the murderer of your parents?"

Dumbledore tried to figure out what had happened while skillfully using protective magic to resist the boy\'s crazy attack.

You know, at the end of last semester, although they were very unhappy because of their ideas, they even went their separate ways, but they were far from turning into enemies.

But now, Harry Potter is like crazy. He has tried to exchange his life for his life several times. He doesn\'t care about his own life or death. It\'s like taking him as an enemy who killed his parents.

"Shut up! You don\'t care about my business!" the boy obviously didn\'t want to say too much nonsense. Raising his hand was a powerful death spell.

I don\'t know whether it is the effect of strong negative emotions or the change caused by the power of creation. In short, the power of his attack spell is much stronger than that of most people, especially the killing magic of the necromancer system like awada\'s life.


The faint green light broke Dumbledore\'s magic protection, and the shock wave generated by the explosion forced him to retreat for several steps to stabilize his body.

Voldemort standing aside saw this scene and immediately laughed and mocked: "Ha ha ha! How do you feel? You always say that justice will defeat evil and light will defeat darkness! But now? You are pushed back by a boy embracing darkness! There has never been any difference between justice and evil in this world, only winners and losers. Maybe I will consider having someone write a book after I rule the magic world Your biography is called Dumbledore the hypocrite. "

"Tom, have you fallen so low that you can only hide behind a boy?" the old man narrowed his eyes and tried to annoy his real opponent.

"Don\'t worry, dear Dumbledore, we have plenty of time tonight. After all, it\'s very necessary to have an appetizer before enjoying the big meal. Also, don\'t underestimate Harry Potter, otherwise you\'ll suffer a lot..."

After that, Voldemort sat down on the next chair, picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of hot tea, and took a leisurely sip.

Abufus, who had made up his mind to betray his brother, came to the side and asked in a sad tone, "what about the Oriental? I have completed my task. Now it\'s time for him to fulfill his promise."

"Ah! I have a slightly different view on this matter." Voldemort raised his mouth slightly. "I think you can do more, such as beating albus with Harry Potter."

"No! I refuse! It\'s different from what we agreed!" cried aberforth angrily.

"Ha ha! Do you think you still have the qualification to speak now? No, you don\'t have any qualification. If you don\'t want your lovely sister to die, you\'d better do it at once." Voldemort\'s eyes glittered with a terrible red light.

Since seeing Zhang Cheng\'s means of playing with people\'s hearts, he felt more and more that he was weak to achieve his goal by relying on simple violence and fear, and he couldn\'t help trying.

"Asshole! You don\'t keep your promise!" aberforth trembled with anger, but he didn\'t dare to disobey the other party\'s order. He turned and took out his magic wand to join the regiment.

After all, betrayal, as long as the first step is taken, the psychological obstacles in the next second and third steps will be much smaller.

Seeing his own brother become his enemy, Albus could imagine the anger in his heart, and the fire in his eyes could almost melt the steel.

But the problem is, whether out of family affection or rationality, he can\'t kill the two people in front of him, so he can only use the power of the elder\'s wand to release non fatal spells and knock them down as soon as possible.

Admiring the way his sworn enemy couldn\'t get angry, Voldemort showed a happy smile.

Just when he wanted to continue to stimulate Dumbledore with words, a white light suddenly flashed in the air, followed by a portal to tear the space.

Next second

Zhang Cheng came out from the other side of the door and joked in a fake surprised tone: "God! I thought I was going to miss this wonderful play, but I finally caught up."

"My dear friend, you\'re here at the right time. The good play has just begun. Come, have a cup of hot tea and enjoy the process slowly." Voldemort poured another cup of tea and handed it over.

"Thank you!" Zhang Cheng politely thanked, and then began to inspect the surrounding situation.

Obviously, as the Death Eater on the offensive side, he has firmly controlled the situation and compressed the members of the order of the Phoenix into a very small space. If nothing unexpected happens, the victory is only a matter of time. At present, the only variable is Albus Dumbledore.

As an old fox who has lived for hundreds of years, he is known as one of the two most powerful wizards in the world. No one knows what kind of cards he hides.

This is why Voldemort is reluctant to end himself.

In any case, magic is quite uncertain, and no one can confirm how incredible things will happen before the end of the battle.

The most typical negative teaching material is that when Voldemort invaded the potter family, he finally accidentally fell at the feet of a newborn baby.

Magic spells, especially ancient spells that are conditional on self sacrifice, often affect and trigger some extremely powerful forces.

Having suffered a loss, he was not sure whether Dumbledore would bury himself before he died, so he was unwilling to take a risk easily.

After understanding this, Zhang Cheng quietly touched the magic ring on his finger.

The crystal clear diamond flashed an imperceptible light and soon returned to normal without anyone\'s attention.

About two or three times, Voldemort suddenly asked without warning, "how are things handled in the United States?"

"It\'s done! Now the button to restart the world is in our hands! As long as you nod, we can immediately kill more than 90% of ordinary people on the planet." Zhang Cheng replied without thinking.

"Well, that\'s great. Dear Dumbledore, you may not know that we have controlled the ordinary world, a thing called nuclear weapons, which can destroy all densely populated cities in a few hours, and billions of people will die in this disaster..."

In order to force the enemy to show his cards as soon as possible, Voldemort took the initiative to expose their plan to jointly destroy the world.

He believed that with Albus Dumbledore\'s character, he would be furious when he heard the plan, completely abandon the last trace of reason, and even risk his life to prevent the disaster.