All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 756

As one of the most powerful wizards in the British magic world, Albus Dumbledore naturally could not see the changes in Ron and subconsciously frowned.

But before he could figure out whether to stop him and say something, the Goblet of fire changed color again and ejected a piece of charred parchment from inside.

This strange phenomenon not only made him a little incredible, but also the other two principals and the noisy students under the stage were stunned, as if they saw something that could not be made.

You know, the reason why the top three competition is called the top three competition is that the three schools send a representative to participate in it.

But now, after the birth of all three players, there is another one.

For a moment, the whole hall was silent, and everyone was waiting for the headmaster to pronounce the name on the paper.

Feeling the increasingly strange atmosphere, the old man quickly cleared his throat: "cough! I have to admit that it was a little unexpected, but according to the magic contract of the Goblet of fire, I still invite Harry Potter, the fourth contestant in the top three competition, to the waiting room."

"No! I protest! How can Hogwarts have two contestants! It\'s illegal! It\'s unfair!"

As soon as the voice fell, Igor kakarov, the principal of demstrom School of witchcraft and Wizardry, jumped up and shouted impatiently.

"That\'s right! You have to give a reasonable explanation, or we have the right to strike," ollim Maxim echoed.

In any case, the top three competition is a contest about the reputation and status of their respective schools. The winner is qualified to claim that he is the best magic school in Europe before the next competition. Therefore, both the principal and students have summoned up their strength to bring back the glory of the last victory.

But the question is, at present, Hogwarts has won two places at once, the chance of winning has doubled, and it is still the famous Harry Potter in the magic world. How can it not cause a rebound.

"Sorry, guys, I don\'t think this is a place to talk. Let\'s go to the back first and slowly find out what happened." Dumbledore glanced at the indifferent boy in his eyes and offered a suggestion.

Since the complete fall out last semester, he has never talked to Harry Potter in private. He knows that the other party\'s character has been farther and farther away from his expectations.

"All right! Let\'s go to the next room."

"I hope it won\'t be a farce."

In the murmur of the principals, the adult wizards quickly left the table, leaving only Zhang Cheng sitting motionless, as if he didn\'t care about it at all.

But just because he doesn\'t care doesn\'t mean Harry doesn\'t care.

Taking advantage of no one paying attention to himself, the boy who survived the disaster quickly came close to him and asked in a low voice, "teacher, I don\'t understand why Ron was elected. Is there any conspiracy behind it?"

"Conspiracy? No, my dear student, a conspiracy has been around you since the Quidditch World Cup final." Zhang Cheng replied meaningfully.

"Around me?" Harry froze for a few seconds, but soon recovered. "You mean... Voldemort?"

"That\'s right! Think about it. Is there someone who is so enthusiastic about you recently that you feel a little unusual?" Zhang Cheng continued to give a hint quietly.

"Professor moody?! is he Voldemort\'s man?" Harry opened his mouth in surprise.

Although there are many shortcomings in his character, such as recklessness and stubbornness, this does not mean that he is a fool. On the contrary, he is quite clever.

But it was always designed and arranged by Dumbledore before, which led to these places where intelligence did not play at all, and finally became a disappointing fool.

Looking at the shocked expression on the other party\'s face, Zhang Cheng quietly hinted: "remember, sometimes what you see is not necessarily true, but a disguise. So be vigilant. This year will be a difficult beginning for you. You can take it as a test in the course of life."

"I see! Thank you for your advice." Harry bent down and bowed deeply before entering the next room through the door.


Meanwhile, Voldemort, hiding in his family\'s old house, was lying in his chair, listening to his men report on the latest progress of the plan.

More than ten minutes later, he moved his body and asked in a hoarse voice like a snake, "so little buddy crouch is sure to get Harry Potter out of Dumbledore\'s eyes?"

"Yes! Master! He swore that he would bring you back to life in the most perfect posture." the man wrapped up in his robe replied without thinking.

Hearing this answer, the Dark Lord nodded with satisfaction: "very good! It seems that he is more loyal than many Death Eaters I was optimistic about. On the day of success, I will give him supreme glory. But now I have another question, what is the mysterious oriental doing now?"

"According to the news from Barty crouch Jr., it seems that the other party has not made any noteworthy moves recently. Oh, by the way, he broke out a frontal conflict with Dumbledore in front of everyone not long ago, which may be good news for us."

"Oh? Conflict! Ha ha ha! Dumbledore, an old fool, I\'m afraid he still doesn\'t know what kind of people he\'s dealing with. But it doesn\'t matter. I believe our dear allies will send a big surprise soon. Well, go down and tell little buddy crouch to be careful and don\'t provoke that Oriental."

Then Voldemort waved his baby slender arm and signaled that the servant could step down.

The latter saluted respectfully and soon turned and pushed the door away.

As soon as he left his front foot, the Dark Lord couldn\'t help laughing and saying to himself: "My dear teacher Dumbledore, you have met a real opponent this time. Take a good look, he will tear off your hypocritical mask one by one, and let you hide in your heart. Your desire for power and power will be completely exposed, and you will be despised and reviled by the world like me. At that time, you will realize that you are no different from me I chose to embrace fate bravely, but you escaped from fate... "

The voice just fell!

There was a flash of lightning in the dark sky outside!

Next second

The deafening thunder arrived as scheduled, and then the rain the size of soybeans crackled on the window, as if crying for someone\'s future.

Voldemort looked at the dark sky without saying a word, and the whole man seemed to be in a state of meditation.

No one knows what he is thinking, and no one dares to guess what decision he will make next