All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 755

On October 31, the lively Halloween dinner was held in the hall of Hogwarts auditorium as scheduled.

Different from last year, what the students most expect this time is not only the delicious meal, but also the announcement of the contestants in the top three competition.

Due to Zhang Cheng\'s intervention, 90% of the students in the three magic schools secretly put their names in, even if they clearly know that they are no more than 1% likely to be selected.

At this moment, human beings are fully reflected in selective belief.

It\'s like buying a lottery ticket. Almost every buyer knows that it\'s a chance of millions or even one in ten million, but still feels that he is the lucky one.

But if you change to another thing, for example, a certain food may cause cancer with a probability of tens of thousands of times, then people will regard it as a scourge and would rather not eat than take risks.

No wonder scientists say that whoever controls human psychology can control human behavior.

Appreciating the excited and expectant eyes of the students under the stage, a trace of fun flashed on Zhang Cheng\'s expressionless face, and focused on little buddy crouch not far away.

It has to be said that this guy doesn\'t know whether he has read the book "self cultivation of actors" and can play the crazy alasto moody vividly. Even Dumbledore, the old fox, has been cheated.

Of course, it\'s not that his acting skills are good, but that he has found a simple and clear way so that no one will doubt himself.

This way is to chase people who have joined Death Eaters like a mad dog, such as Severus Snape, a potion professor and Slytherin college, and Igor kakarov, the president of demstrom School of witchcraft and Wizardry.

Thanks to the blessing of Barty crouch, Zhang Cheng has been very comfortable this semester. For the time being, he hasn\'t found any small moves by Snape in private.

You know, last semester, this annoying old bat was like a shadow. It could come out of a dark corner at any time to frighten people. It even had to sneak in a little experiment.

But the so-called villains have their own way. When meeting a real madman, even if he is as strong as Snape, he should choose to give way. After all, he used to be the right hand of the Dark Lord, and his ass is not clean.

As the last remaining food on the plate was cleaned up, Dumbledore, who always kept a serious expression, finally stood up and waved his wand.


All the pumpkin lights and candles went out, and the whole hall was dark. Only the Goblet of burning blue and white flame emitted dazzling light.

As a medium for concluding magic contracts, the Goblet of fire is undoubtedly powerful enough to deter the vast majority of guys who want to take advantage of opportunism.

But unfortunately, it is just a dead thing anyway. It has neither soul nor independent thinking and discrimination. Once it meets a wizard with clever means, it will inevitably be deceived.

"It\'s time! Please go through the door behind the staff table to the next room." the old man didn\'t say much nonsense. After nodding to the other two principals, he stared at the cup and waited patiently for it to highlight the name of the first contestant.

About ten seconds or so, the flame cup suddenly ejected red sparks, followed by a charred parchment floating out of the flame.

Dumbledore grabbed it in his hand and announced in a clear and powerful voice: "the player representing demstrom in the top three competition is Victor Krum!"

For a moment, applause thundered in the hall, and many little guys even jumped up excitedly.

Obviously, as a seeker who has participated in the Quidditch World Cup final, this young man has quite high popularity, which is no different from the top sports stars in the ordinary world.

Without saying a word, he stood up and strode towards the designated door. After a while, he disappeared into the darkness.

When the sound of discussion in the hall became a little lower, the Goblet of fire spit out a second piece of parchment again.

"The representative of busbarton is Hibiscus Delacour!"

With Dumbledore\'s voice ringing again, a girl with palpitating beauty stood up, raised her chin high, and walked towards the next room with an elegant and proud attitude.

Wherever she passed, the boys couldn\'t help staring, breathing became jerky subconsciously, and the air was filled with a strong smell of hormones.

Fortunately, this embarrassing situation lasted less than 30 seconds, otherwise it might make some embarrassing jokes.

Seeing the girl with special blood leave, Dumbledore turned around and took out the third parchment from the Goblet of fire.

Just as he lowered his head to read the name above, he was suddenly stunned, and his old face showed an incredible expression. He announced in a deep voice after two or three minutes: "Ron Weasley, who represents Hogwarts in the top three competition!"


"My God! How is this possible!"

"The youngest son of the Weasleys? What qualifications does he have to represent Hogwarts?"

"That\'s right! This is the most absurd thing I\'ve heard in my life!"


For a moment, every Hogwarts student couldn\'t help protesting loudly, even Ron\'s Gryffindor college.

After all, in everyone\'s mind, there are only two people qualified to represent Hogwarts.

One is Draco Malfoy, who rose rapidly from grade two and became the recognized king of duel in the school;

The other is Harry Potter, the "savior" who can catch up with Draco.

As for Ron himself, when he heard these criticisms and abuse, he neither tried to explain nor refuted loudly. He just squeezed out of the crowd with his head down.

But through his clenched hands, it\'s not hard to see how angry he was in his heart, so that a light yellow light flashed in his pupils from time to time. He wanted to immediately turn to shut up those bastards who laughed at him.


The boy has never been so eager to get the power to crush everything!

At this moment, he finally realized that his previous behavior of being careful to please Harry Potter was ridiculous. If he didn\'t wake up, he would always be a clown around the "savior" in the eyes of others.

Under the control of strong jealousy, every cell in Ron\'s body began to absorb the magic energy in the surrounding air, and then suddenly released it.


After the violent air explosion, the marble under his feet collapsed and broke into countless pieces, scattering and splashing, so that all the students who were still denouncing closed their mouths.



to be puzzled!

Even the Weasley twins can\'t believe that their little brother can blow up a hard marble with magic without even needing a spell