All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 745

"Ah, Queen, this card represents a happy life, full of feminine charm and fruitful love. Congratulations, beautiful lady, your future is very strong."

In the red tent, a woman with a veil and only two brown eyes, covered with small and large amulets, pendants and other trinkets, held a tarot card and explained with a smile.

Sitting across the table was no one but Hermione Granger, who was invited to watch the Quidditch World Cup final.

Needless to say, like most young girls who have just entered puberty, she inevitably began to be interested in the opposite sex. In particular, the ambiguous atmosphere a few days ago encouraged this fantasy in her mind, so that she forgot her attitude of disdaining divination.

In contrast, next to Zhang Qiu is a little sad.

Because what she drew was a lover, and she still put it upside down.

According to the definition of tarot, this means that feelings are frustrated and lovers or friends will betray themselves, which is a real bad omen.

"Sounds good!" Hermione didn\'t notice the reaction of her friends at all, and her eyes burst out with excitement and expectation.

Just when she wanted to pay for the card as a souvenir, the masked gypsy woman suddenly stretched out a finger, pointed to the wooden box placed on the table and asked, "beautiful lady, do you have sexual interest to see a treasure, a treasure that can really change the fate of others? I promise, it will never disappoint you."

"The treasure that changes fate?!" Zhang Qiu suddenly stared with an interested expression.

Although a voice called reason kept reminding her that it was probably a small trick to cheat money, sensibility kept shouting that as long as it was not too expensive, she must buy it to reverse the bad luck brought by the inverted lover.

"Yes! This is my grandmother\'s treasure. A hundred Gypsy witches died to make it. Now, let me show it to you..."

As the last word blurted out, the gypsy woman pressed her hand on the lid of the box and opened it with great care and slow movement.

But before the lid was half opened, she suddenly stopped all her movements, followed by a slight uncontrollable tremor all over her body.

About ten seconds later, a familiar voice came from behind: "you have a keen sense and a smart mind. You know? If you dare to continue to open the lid just now, I\'m afraid it\'s already a cold body."

The voice just fell!

A dark figure came out from the darkness behind the tent. It was Zhang Cheng himself.

But at present, he has absolutely no friendliness disguised as usual, and his eyes are shining with the light of destruction and death.

"Big... My Lord, I can explain..." the gypsy woman was obviously frightened.

To be exact, she felt more terrible and desperate than Voldemort.

"Explain? No, no, no, you don\'t need to explain, and I never like to hear a pawn explain. I\'m very sorry, it seems that your partner must complete the task alone. As for you, I won\'t kill you, but I need to send a clear message to your master." Zhang Cheng raised his hand and aimed at the other party, emitting a light blue light.


Women feel that their sensory organs are infinitely enlarged, and even the light clothes and jewelry they wear become extremely oppressive.

Next second

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bones!"

"Ah ah ah!!!"

With Zhang Cheng\'s famous heart drilling mantra, the woman immediately screamed with extreme pain. Not only her voice was full of despair, but also her tears, snot, saliva, and even urine and urine were completely incontinent, as if she had completely lost her ability to think. There was only one task left for the whole brain nerve, that is, to bear the unspeakable pain of language.

You should know that playing with bones and heart is not torture in the ordinary sense understood by normal people, but a torture that directly acts on the nerves and even the depths of the soul.

Generally speaking, even Voldemort\'s punishment for mistakes rarely lasts more than 15 seconds.

Because once it exceeds this time, there is the possibility of mental collapse and becoming a madman or fool.

But now, the unlucky woman not only suffered from the heart drilling curse, but also her perception was magnified countless times. She went crazy almost the first time, and there was no possibility of reply at all.

This means that although Zhang Cheng didn\'t kill her, he gave her a more terrible torture than death. He will live without self-consciousness for the rest of his life.

Hermione was no doubt frightened by what happened suddenly. She covered her mouth and forced herself not to make a sound. It took seven or eight minutes to calm down. There was a shiver in her voice: "you... Why did you do this? What was in the box?"

"Believe me, you\'d better not know. I can only tell you that it is an evil magic item made by killing and distorting the souls of 100 witches. If the box was opened just now, you will be controlled by evil magic from soul to body, induce the dark character in the deep subconscious, and finally become a manipulated puppet."

After that, Zhang Cheng grabbed the box and squeezed it with his fingers.


The wooden box and its contents were crushed directly.

At the same time, countless black foggy skeletons flew out from the inside, constantly wandering in the tent, roaring and frantically attacking everything they touched.

He has always been dismissive of such low-level gadgets without technical content.

The essence of magic lies in understanding and control. If a magical object can\'t even be controlled by the maker himself, and is full of all kinds of accidents and uncertainties, it is 100% a failed work, no matter how powerful it is.

"Damn it! Who is she? She wants to curse us!" Zhang Qiu also recovered from her shock and glared at the crazy gypsy woman.

As a senior sister, she has read some books about curse and understands how vicious each other\'s behavior is.

"If you guessed right, she should be Voldemort\'s servant. I suggest you two better be vigilant and don\'t act alone these days. Few of the Death Eaters under the Dark Lord have a clear mind. Most of them are crazy people with abnormal brains and like to make their own decisions. Between you and Harry, there is a great possibility of being attacked." Zhang Cheng revealed some information half true and half false.

"God! This is terrible!" Hermione subconsciously clutched the wand hidden in her pocket.

She had never had a clear concept of the war in the magical world before, but now she personally experienced the madness of unscrupulous means and finally realized how wise her decision was some time ago.

Everyone must stand in line in this battle. No one can be spared