All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 744

Quidditch World Cup is a carnival held by wizards every four years. Its scale and influence in the magic world can almost be comparable to or even better than the football World Cup in the world of ordinary people.

After all, although the world cup of football covers most parts of the world, there are other fierce sports competitions to choose from, such as basketball, football, track and field, swimming, fighting and so on.

But wizards have only one sport, Quidditch. They have no second choice at all, so it\'s not surprising to be crazy about it.

In fact, ten days before the start of the game, around a hidden huge stadium in England, many enthusiastic fans arrived in advance and set up their tents. At the same time, there are a large number of vendors selling strange gadgets and souvenirs, as well as gamblers who want to make a fortune.

you \'re right!

It\'s sports betting!

However, it is obvious that wizards have not made any laws to restrict gambling, so from the elderly in their 70s and 80s to the children who can just talk, anyone who can take out real gold and silver money from his pocket can participate in it.

Appreciating the scene full of laughter and happiness in front of him, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but slightly raise the corners of his mouth, smiled and sighed: "it\'s really a group of carefree fools, isn\'t it? I\'m afraid they won\'t dream of what interesting things will happen next..."

"Totally agree! This is the world Dumbledore wants to build! If it goes on like this, the whole wizard community will become more and more degenerate and more keen on pleasure. At that time, we will gradually become slaves or even slaves of Muggles. He simply doesn\'t understand that the reason why the Muggle government doesn\'t dare to tell us what to do is not how friendly they are, but Afraid of the power of magic, once they find that the wizard begins to become weak, they will immediately tear off the mask of hypocrisy, catch us all and send us to the laboratory for cruel experiments. "

Lucius Malfoy clearly understood the darkness and greed of mankind, especially the ordinary human world, and the true meaning of the so-called "peace" in one word.

Since human beings entered the civilized society, the wars and killings between them have never stopped, and their cruelty is far more terrible than any species that ever existed on the earth.

But why did all the major powers stop the all-out war at the same time after the end of the Second World War and turn to relatively cautious war methods such as espionage, infiltration, supporting puppets and proxy war?

It\'s not that the high-level people in these countries have become noble!

But they can\'t afford a full-scale war!

The global thermonuclear war means that human civilization is likely to be destroyed. Even if some people survive, it is difficult to rise again on the dangerous waste land.

Those who know a little about creatures know that any creature needs to maintain a certain diversity to survive. The power of heat weapons is enough to cause fatal damage to the diversity of surface organisms.

Therefore, strictly speaking, "peace" is equivalent to "nuclear peace".

Many people who don\'t know the truth may be surprised that savage and bloodthirsty Europeans were so belligerent in the past. From Greece to Rome, from barbarian invasion to the dark middle ages, to the era of great navigation and modern times full of gunpowder, there was almost no year without war.

Why did he suddenly become peace loving during the cold war?

The answer is very simple. I was frightened by the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union waving nuclear sticks every day.

Although the two countries never really started a war in Europe, they chose Asia as the battlefield of the proxy war. People who understand geopolitics know that Europe is too important. Once a war begins, it must be a war, so neither side dare to fight.

On the contrary, Asia is not so important. A dozen will not cause the situation to get out of control. By the way, you can touch the bottom of your deadly enemies. Why not.

"That\'s right! Once the Wizards become docile, it\'s not far from extinction. You\'re smarter than I thought." Zhang Cheng glanced at the scrupulously dressed middle-aged handsome man around him.

You know, this guy\'s performance in the "original" is an idiot to the extreme. He doesn\'t look like an aristocrat who is proficient in conspiracy.

But now he suddenly realized that Lucius was not stupid. Many seemingly stupid choices were just forced. Once he got enough resources, he would immediately turn into a headache opponent. Even Albus Dumbledore could only knock off his teeth and swallow them in his stomach.

"Ha ha! Unfortunately, the greatest wizard alive pretends not to see this. I sometimes wonder if he is a spy sent by Muggles to lead us to self destruction." Lucius laughed and sarcastically.

"Spy? No, he doesn\'t deserve to be called a spy. At best, he\'s just a white left with a burned brain." Zhang Cheng glanced disdainfully.

"White left?" Lucius obviously heard the word for the first time and showed an interested expression.

"Ah, it refers to those idiots who boast of high morality and believe that they can use love and justice to affect the world. In their concept, the minority is always more important than the majority, animals are always more important than humans, and even to the point where they want to prohibit all humans from eating animals. Look at Dumbledore, isn\'t that the theory he preaches?" Zhang Cheng gave a meaningful explanation.

Just when Lucius was excited to express his views on such people, he suddenly saw his son coming face to face with Harry Potter. He immediately hid his sour face, smiled and said hello: "what, do you find anything interesting?"

"Nothing interesting, but we bought some souvenirs." Malfoy showed the doll and hat in his hand.

"Me too!" Harry raised his magic telescope.

"Where\'s Hermione? Isn\'t she with you?" Zhang Cheng immediately asked when he noticed that there was a missing person in the team.

Harry turned and pointed to a red tent in the distance: "Granger and Zhang Qiu are playing Tarot Divination with a gypsy over there. It\'s estimated that they won\'t come out for a while."

"Gypsy Tarot Card divination? It sounds interesting. Maybe I should go and have a look. Sorry, excuse me for a moment." Zhang Cheng flashed a strange look in his eyes and quickly walked towards the red tent.

Because he could feel that the tent was filled with a strange magical energy. Although it was difficult for ordinary wizards to detect, it was as conspicuous as a light in the dark.

Obviously, this is not divination at all, but a premeditated and planned approach.

Zhang Cheng, who has always considered problems from the perspective of the worst of human nature, doesn\'t think it will be a prank or a joke between friends