All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 721

Draco Malfoy\'s excellent performance in the duel Club undoubtedly triggered a series of extremely serious chain reactions.

The most obvious one is that Harry Potter has fallen into a strong mood of self doubt and self denial. He has been listless for a long time. Even his favorite Quidditch game can\'t bring interest. The whole person is like a walking corpse.

As the headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, one of the behind the scenes figures in the British magic world, naturally could not have watched his trained chess pieces degenerate and hurried to a wave of heart to heart talks.

Finally, on Christmas day, Harry Potter returned to normal.

Of course, this is not because talking to an old man in his 100s has any incredible and strange effect, but Hermione\'s compound decoction has finally been prepared.

He intends to take this opportunity to expose the evil face of his old enemy Draco, find out who opened the secret room and launched attacks everywhere, and then stand in front of everyone as a school hero to prove that he is a brave man worthy of Gryffindor.

It has to be said that this idea is full of childish childishness.

But considering that he is only a 12-year-old boy in the embryonic stage of rebellion, no matter what he does, it\'s not surprising.

After all, human beings are always filled with all kinds of wild and unrealistic fantasies in their adolescence. Therefore, before establishing a perfect world outlook and values, whatever they do seems a little stupid and ridiculous.

At night, under the cover of the Carnival Party, Harry and Ron put ecstasy on two of Malfoy\'s attendants, Crabbe and Goyle, put on each other\'s clothes and sneaked into Slytherin\'s public lounge with a girl.

Draco was sitting in front of the fireplace, staring blankly at the burning flame, wondering what he was thinking.

However, no one dares to approach him easily or ask for trouble because of the strong power he showed this semester.

Although the defeat not long ago had been like a hungry mouse, constantly biting Harry\'s riddled self-esteem, he summoned up the courage to come near and pretended to say hello as if nothing had happened: "Hey, Malfoy! How was your Christmas?"

"Hum! Boring holiday! I won\'t waste my time on it. By the way, where have you two idiots gone? Forget I warned you not to run around recently?" Draco turned and stared at them.

With the improvement of his strength, his character has also undergone earth shaking changes. The whole person looks cold and serious. He doesn\'t look like a 12-year-old boy at all.

"Hug... Sorry! We forgot!" Harry shivered uncontrollably.

He will never forget the words that the other Party pointed his wand at his forehead on the duel platform, let alone the sense of oppression.

"Forget? What else do you two remember besides eating?" Draco scolded mercilessly.

"By the way! Chamber of secrets! Do you know who opened the chamber of secrets?" Ron asked, pretending to be stupid.

"I don\'t know! I wish it was me. You know? I really want to meet the person who opened the secret room and see if I can do something great together. Unfortunately, my tutor forbids me to have any form of contact with each other, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Draco obviously paused, with an excited expression on his face.

"Tutor?" Harry grasped the point keenly.

Malfoy nodded proudly: "That\'s right! Do you think my strength has increased greatly this semester? No! My father hired a powerful wizard to teach and train me how to cast spells. You can\'t imagine how powerful he is. Just a created illusion can defeat most adult wizards. I\'ve only been trained for more than half a month and become what I am now. Wait for this At the end of the semester, I will become stronger and firmly step on Harry Potter. "

"Merlin! You have a tutor? It\'s not fair!" Ron couldn\'t help exclaiming.

"Fairness? Don\'t be silly! Where is fairness in the world? My teacher taught me that the so-called fairness is just an illusion used to deceive people living at the bottom of society. It never really exists. If you want to become stronger, come to our manor for training during the holidays. I promise that under his training, even if you are as stupid as you, you will be reborn Changes in the environment. "

With that, Draco left the two and disappeared alone at the end of the corridor of the Slytherin common room.

Seeing him leave completely, Ron immediately lowered his voice and said, "Damn it! It seems that our action has failed! This guy doesn\'t know anything!"

"No! At least we know why he suddenly looked like a different person! A famous and powerful wizard was teaching him!" Harry\'s eyes seemed to light a fire, emitting a bright light.

"But what does this have to do with us?" Ron scratched his head.

"Of course it does! Since he can hire tutors, why can\'t we?"

"My God! Are you crazy? Let alone how much it costs to hire an adult wizard, it\'s very difficult to find a powerful wizard who is willing to be a tutor."

"How can I know if I don\'t try! I\'m not willing to be ridden by Malfoy forever!"

"Well, I\'m not reconciled. We\'d better go back and discuss with Hermione. Maybe she can come up with some good ideas."


While the two boys were discussing how to strengthen themselves, Zhang Cheng, who was far away in Malfoy Manor, finally received the dream Christmas gift, the wand originally belonging to Draco.

Through hypnosis and suggestion, he easily got a small piece of the Dark Lord\'s soul.

He carefully took out the spirit with gray light and put it into the container. He immediately couldn\'t wait to start a complex detection and experiment.

About ten hours later, a secret about the rules of death was finally revealed.

"Incredible! It\'s incredible! Is this the true face of death? The essence of making Horcruxes is stealing!" Zhang Cheng muttered to himself, staring at the constantly surging energy inside the spirit.

You know, this is very different from what you expected before!

He originally thought that Voldemort\'s Horcruxes should be very similar to the cloning of high-level mages in Phelan, but in fact, it has nothing to do with cloning at all. But tear down all kinds of strong feelings in subjective consciousness and part of the soul, and integrate them into the death rules enveloping the whole world, so as to form an independent individual very similar to himself but completely different.

In short, it is to deceive the death rules and steal life from the living world to maintain itself. Only a real madman will choose to obtain eternal life in this way.