All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 720

There is no doubt that the power of creativity is the most complex and difficult thing Zhang Cheng has encountered in his life.

It is quite different from magic energy such as arcane, evil and shadow. It has no corresponding entity, nor can it be observed through any spells and tools. Even it is said that the divinity and divine power that ordinary people will never understand are much simpler than it.

In order to understand the essence of creativity, the only thing Zhang Cheng can do is experiment, experiment, experiment.

By observing the changes and reactions of different experimental bodies, a corresponding system was summarized and established.

Of course, this is not easy. So far, no law has been found. It seems that each experimental body will eventually evolve in a different direction.

When he was at a loss, Hogwarts\'s chamber of Secrets finally opened again.

Gidrow Lockhart, who likes to be in the limelight, can\'t wait to jump out and announce the establishment of a duel club to train little wizards how to protect themselves.

Of course, to some extent, this idea is good. At least, it is easier to be recognized by young people with jumping personality than learning for practical use, rather than holding books and willing to boring theories all day.

Unfortunately, he obviously forgot that he was just a sleek liar and did not have the strength to really defeat powerful opponents.

As a result, during the demonstration, Severus Snape overturned directly to the ground, revealing an embarrassing ugliness.

Although strictly speaking, this has nothing to do with Cheng, when Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter boarded the duel platform, he suddenly realized that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity to spy on the response of soul fragments.

No hesitation!

He directly projected his consciousness into Draco\'s body and slightly optimized the chaotic magic in the boy\'s body.

After all this, he learned the special pride of the Malfoy family and bent down slightly.

This move undoubtedly surprised Harry, who knew Draco very well, and nodded politely.

Although he didn\'t understand why his sworn enemy became so abnormal, he didn\'t want to lose to each other in demeanor at all.

"Get your wand ready! When I count to three, you can start practicing spells to disarm each other. Remember, as long as you disarm, don\'t do anything superfluous. I don\'t want any accidents." jedro LOHA shouted.






With an order, Harry raised his wand and read out his best spell without thinking.

Not long ago, he had heard through some senior girls how Draco beat several senior sisters with a series of powerful magic on the Hogwarts Express train. He knew very well how powerful his opponent was.

Once Malfoy gets the chance to attack, he will lose.

"This is your strength? The boy who survived? The Savior of British magic? The famous Harry Potter?" Zhang Cheng skillfully avoided the magic shot by the wand and deliberately pretended to be contemptuous.

Obviously, in his eyes, this low-level magic duel is no different from children\'s family, and there is no threat at all.

To be exact, the magic system of the world itself has very significant defects, and there is almost no real directional magic.

As the name suggests, directivity is to directly lock the target. No matter how the other party dodges or runs away, the magic will be pursued until it runs out of energy or hits the target.

It can be said that directional spell is the most common and effective attack means in the battle of casters, otherwise a flash or short-range transmission can avoid most threats.

"What the hell are you trying to say?" Harry frowned.

"No, nothing. What I want to say is that fame is not equal to strength. You are so weak that as long as I wave my wand, you will fall to the ground and cry, like this..."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng imitated ordinary wizards, raised his wand and shouted, "greasy!"


A large black oil stain suddenly appeared at Harry Potter\'s feet.

He accidentally lost his balance and fell heavily on his back, making a dull bang.

Then an electric spark gushed out from the end of the wand, which made the boy tremble up and down involuntarily and recovered for several seconds.

When he struggled to get up from the ground with his teeth clenched, he found that his wand was gone, and his opponent\'s wand was standing on the lightning scar on his forehead.

"Well, what\'s the taste of failure? You\'re too arrogant. You always think you\'re special and have extraordinary talents, but in fact you\'re just a poor bastard who doesn\'t understand anything. Think about it. If I give you a death spell now, can you survive?"

While talking, Zhang Chengfei quickly mobilized all the magic in Draco, cut a small piece of soul fragment from the scar and kept it quietly in the wand.

Just as he had finished the last step, Severus Snape finally realized that something was wrong, rushed up and shouted, "Malfoy! Stop! Let go of Potter! He has lost enough face today."

"As you wish, professor." Zhang Cheng bowed gracefully, turned and jumped off the duel platform to accept the huge cheers from the Slytherin college camp.

The little snakes who have always been keen on the pursuit of power and power worship the strong ones who defeat their opponents with a rolling posture.

What\'s more, it was the famous Harry Potter who toppled Slytherin\'s hegemony over the College Cup last year.

After a simple celebration, Severus Snape quickly came to the door, stared at his uncomfortable eyes and asked, "Malfoy, tell me what happened to you today? And where did those strange spells come from?"

"Nothing, Professor, I just suddenly understand the meaning and value of my existence. Potter and his friends are just a bunch of fools and don\'t deserve to be my opponents. As for magic, don\'t you forget that your father invited me an excellent tutor during the summer vacation?" Zhang Cheng answered with a smile.

He knew very well that the double-sided spy with contradictions in his heart was suspicious of himself.

After all, although Snape hated Harry Potter, he didn\'t want to see him hurt, and even stood up to protect him at the critical moment.

"Tutor? Can you tell me what kind of person he is?" Severus Snape narrowed his eyes.

"Hehe, you are my father\'s good friend. If you want to see my tutor, you can come directly to Malfoy Manor..."

After saying these suggestive words, Zhang Cheng immediately turned back to the dormitory belonging to Draco, began to weave the boy\'s memory, and then left quietly.

He knew very well that after this incident, Dumbledore would probably become vigilant. He could not use such a small hand for a long time.