All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 718

One minute

Two minutes

Five minutes

With the passage of time, Zhang Cheng\'s patience is also being eroded bit by bit, but the plants emitting green light have not changed at all.

After half an hour, he finally couldn\'t help frowning and muttering, "Damn it! Won\'t this experiment fail?"

"No! It hasn\'t failed yet, my dear master. The life you created is still alive, but it needs some time to hatch." the supreme authority quickly expressed his views.

"Living doesn\'t mean no failure! You should know very well that my experiment is to create a complex autonomic neural network that can replace the mammalian nervous system. But now, it seems that it doesn\'t respond to external stimuli at all." Zhang Cheng explained in a rather impatient tone.

It\'s not easy to find an experimental body that can bear the pure arcane energy and creative power. He walked around the Diagon Lane pet store and finally got such a white mink.

Unfortunately, the ferret obviously did not complete the task it should have completed.

Just when Zhang Cheng was ready to use powerful magic to clean up this mass of things that he didn\'t know should be called plants or animals, the plant vein curled into a sphere suddenly opened slowly, stretching out a vine from the middle and a violet flower bud at the end.

Before he could react to what had happened, the flower buds burst open, revealing the seed of life hidden inside.

This seed is the size of a walnut and emits a bright green light!

When it landed on the table!

With a crack, followed by a small mink composed entirely of energy, his eyes showed awe and fear in his pupils.

Seeing this, the supreme authority immediately laughed and praised, "incredible! Great master! You have promoted an animal to the spirit of nature! This is something that many gods can\'t do!"

"Shut up! Don\'t disturb my thoughts!" Zhang Cheng scolded loudly, and quickly reached out and grabbed the little guy trembling all over.

The spirit of nature, as its name implies, is a special life body finally born through a series of coincidences in nature.

They can be animals that break through their own limits, or some ancient plants affected by energy, or even spirits and elements.

In short, the spirit of nature is the result of a specific environment and countless coincidences. In theory, it cannot be spawned by human intervention.

As for the strength of the spirit of nature, the most powerful is almost comparable to the spirit, and the weakest is just like the little mink in front of you. You can crush it with your fingers.

In fact, the wild demigods living in Azeroth can be classified as the spirit of nature.

"Tell me, little thing, what have you been through?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and showed a chilling smile.


Meanwhile, on the Hogwarts Express train, Draco was walking around the carriage alone, trying to find his old enemy Harry Potter and teach him a lesson.

Unfortunately, he couldn\'t see Potter in all the carriages, and even the annoying Valet Ron disappeared.

Obviously, for a 12-year-old boy who has a grudge and can\'t stay overnight, this is the cruelest torture in the world.

As a last resort, little Malfoy went directly to Hermione\'s car and asked coldly, "Granger! Where\'s Potter? He shouldn\'t be afraid of me and hide!"

"Afraid of you? Is this a joke? How can I remember that you failed every time you fought last semester?" the girl was obviously not a fuel-saving lamp and immediately made a merciless satire.

Not only her, but also several Gryffindor students sitting in the carriage.

After all, the contradiction between them and Slytherin students has not been a day or two. It can almost be called a feud, so once there is an opportunity to laugh at each other, it will never be let go.

But these students don\'t know that Draco is not the child who can only play tricks, but a wizard who has learned a lot of elemental magic and combat experience.

Although he is still very young, he already has his own tusks.

No hesitation!

He directly drew out his wand, aimed at the girl who laughed the most fiercely, and roared, "tremor, electric shock!"


A dazzling electric spark gushed from the top of the wand and focused directly on the target.

The poor girl suddenly convulsed a few times involuntarily, and then fell to the ground with a bang and fell into a coma.


"The impact of the wind!"

"Rebound air wall!"


In just a few seconds, little Malfoy knocked all the students who laughed at him to the ground, stepped on their bodies, came to Hermione, stared at two hazed eyes, pinched the girl\'s chin and said: "Humble mud seed! Tell Potter for me that it\'s best never to appear in front of me from now on, or I\'ll let him taste failure, pain and despair."

With these words, Draco turned neatly back to the corridor and disappeared quickly before the prefects realized what was happening here.

As soon as he left his front foot, Hermione, frightened by his back foot, couldn\'t help crying.

Weak, poor and helpless.

As a girl born of ordinary people, she has never experienced such a situation in her life. She trembled uncontrollably all over her body. At the same time, she realized that Malfoy, who used to be like a clown, has now become an extremely terrible guy.

Besides, just hitting a room of Gryffindor senior students is not what ordinary little wizards can do.

For a moment, she didn\'t even know what to do next, whether to report to the professor and the prefect, or hide it first and find her other two good friends?

I didn\'t find a silver shining line running down my chin and quietly into my eyebrows.

These things made by psychic powers can receive signals from far away like antennas.

As long as the caster activates it, even adult wizards are difficult to resist, not to mention a group of children who don\'t know anything.

Obviously, Zhang Cheng wants to use this way to study the soul fragments in Harry Potter\'s lightning scar without disturbing Albus Dumbledore.

After all, the sinister old fox has been staring at the boy who survived the disaster. If an adult approached rashly, it would arouse his vigilance 100%.

But if it was replaced by students and friends in the school, it would be difficult to detect anything. Unless these gadgets hidden in the human body were found, Dumbledore would not rashly interfere with the growth process of the "savior".