All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 602

From that fleeting golden mark, cromi felt a magnificent and huge power, including order, creation, life, time, space, soul and a series of supreme powers that only titans are qualified to control.

In order to confirm her guess, she suddenly flashed forward, lowered her voice and tried, "are you serving a Titan?"

"Titan?" Zhang Cheng was stunned at first, followed by a slight shake of his head. "Sorry, I don\'t know who I\'m working for, but she calls herself the creator. She\'s the first consciousness to wake up on the whole planet. It should be similar to the Titan in your mouth."

"I see..." cromi\'s face showed a thoughtful expression, as if he understood something.

But just a few seconds later, she couldn\'t wait to ask, "where are you going next? What are you going to do?"

"Hehe, trust me, you don\'t want to know." Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the direction of the cursed land in the south. A green light symbolizing evil energy flashed in his pupils.


His next stop is Draenor, the hometown of the orcs.

If you want to go here, there is an impassable barrier, which is the dark door standing in the middle of the cursed land.

At present, only two people in Azeroth can reopen the closed dark door.

One of them is the last guardian Medivh, and the other is the holder of the artifact Dragon King blade and the most loyal follower of the dark Titan Sargeras - Doomsday Lord Kazak.

"You don\'t want to sabotage the timeline I manage again?" cromi widened her eyes when she heard this.

"Ha ha! No! How could it be! I promise that this time will not cause any damage to the timeline. In fact, I will leave Azeroth soon." Zhang Cheng laughed and spread his hand to show his innocence.

He won\'t tell the other party that he plans to tear a small hole in the dark gate before the second quicksand war starts, and send it to find Illidan Stormrage, the king of Outland, for some cooperation, and see if he can get a few drops of water from the well of eternity.

"You swear?" cromi obviously didn\'t believe it.

If it were someone else, the Bronze Dragon could also find problems in advance from the changes of the timeline with its inherent strength, but Zhang Cheng, an external intruder, was different. His past and future were not on the timeline of Azeroth. Once irreparable damage was caused, it meant that it could only be made up bit by bit, but could not be corrected from the root.

"Of course! I swear!" Zhang Cheng pretended to be serious and promised.

Anyway, Azeroth still has a lot of things he wants. Unless he had to, he would not easily destroy his well-known "history", nor would he be an enemy to the powerful forces such as the Bronze Dragon, which ran through countless time lines.

"Good! I believe you once! Please remember your oath!"

Cromi grabbed the red quicksand Scepter fragments and soared into the air, turning into a huge bronze dragon. A golden light crossed the sky and disappeared quickly.

Looking at the time disorder left in the air, Zhang Cheng smiled and said to himself: "goodbye, dear cromi, I hope you will make the same choice as Onyxia the next time we meet again..."

The voice just fell!

He turned directly and jumped into the airship, kicked the goblin who was still in a dull state, and shouted, "idiot! Wake up! Turn around now! Our next goal is the cursed land."

"Curse... Cursed land?" the goblin jumped up. Shaking his head desperately. "No! I will never go there! That damn place is a devil except the devil! My cousin once tried to get something valuable in that place, but he hasn\'t come back since he went."

"Er... Dear teacher, I also don\'t think it\'s a wise choice to go to the cursed place. I once heard a passing Orc scout in the treasure Bay say that there is a powerful demon lord in the depths of the decay mark, and any guy who tries to get close will be mercilessly torn to pieces." Kara Cape echoed.

"Shut up! I know the situation of the cursed land better than any of you. Don\'t worry, you don\'t need to enter the core area. I\'ll talk to Lord Karzak in person." without nonsense, Zhang Cheng directly used his spiritual power to invade the thinking of the goblin captain and force him to obey his will.

Soon, the whole airship turned its bow and headed southeast.

Onyxia, who had already returned to human form, stood on the deck and asked in an uncertain tone, "I have changed my destiny, haven\'t I?"

"Yes! You have changed your destiny. From now on, we are on the same boat." Zhang Cheng replied in the affirmative with a smile.

"Hum! Don\'t sound so nice! I know very well that you actually only regard me as a fertility machine. But it doesn\'t matter. The fertility machine is at least better than cannon fodder. At least I have high value and won\'t be abandoned at will." the Black Dragon Princess lowered her head and stroked her high raised lower abdomen.

After a long time of breeding, she will soon give birth to a lot of dragon eggs.

It has to be said that compared with the giant dragons that only produce two or three dragon eggs in one birth in mainland Ferran, the giant Dragons of Azeroth are quite productive.

Not to mention that a person like alexstasa, the queen of the red dragon, can give birth to a "heroic mother" of an ethnic group. Onyxia alone can lay dozens or even hundreds of eggs at a time, and can hatch thousands of black young dragons in two or three years.

"No, dear princess, you are much more important than you think. Do you know that the powerful black blood of the black dragon is flowing through your body, but most of them are still in a state of deep sleep? And I have some ways to wake them up. See Kuro khba? He was far weaker than you when he was born, even as an animal. Relying on instinctive action, I don\'t know how to think complex. I let him evolve and become what he is now... "

In order to restore the confidence of Heilong princess, Zhang Cheng deliberately revealed some of the power and technology he had at hand.

In fact, as long as he wants, he can extract a little divinity and inject it into the other party at any time, so that he can obtain the evolution and transformation of the life level.

But before that, Onyxia must make a corresponding contribution.

As a saying goes, the easier things are to get, the less they will be cherished. This has nothing to do with the value of the thing itself, but a kind of subconscious psychological feedback.

But if you get something through suffering, no matter how cheap it is, it will eventually be firmly imprinted in your mind and will not be forgotten for a lifetime.

In this way, the old goblin airship swayed across the hot burning plain and entered a red cursed land within a few days