All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 603

The mark of decay is located at the southwest end of the curse land, less than two days away from the dark gate.

There is a chilling smell of death and filth everywhere. Even the original red earth has turned into a dilapidated dark gray. As long as you get a little closer, you can feel the power of shadow and evil energy raging. Even the brave alliance soldiers in the watch castle will not get close to here easily.

The reason is simple!

The decay marks are not only polluted, but also left a large number of troops after the second invasion of Azeroth by the Burning Legion.

As long as you cross the red and gray boundary, you can immediately find tens of thousands of fear demons, doomsday guards and hell hounds

The commander of this Legion is the most loyal commander of the dark Titan, Kazak, and his adjutant kurur.

Of course, compared with the irritable abyss Lord, the sinister and cunning fear demon king, the doomsday Lord who once followed the Titans is undoubtedly very calm, has excellent strategic and tactical mind, and will never rush to catch up with the enemy as soon as his mind is hot.

In fact, after five years of silence, Kazak has been patiently waiting for Kil\'jaeden\'s instructions and secretly collecting fragments of the artifact, the Dragon King\'s blade.

But just a few weeks ago, the famous "fraudster" suddenly issued a strange order, that is, restart the dark gate, integrate all the demon forces of Delano, and attack Illidan, the Betrayer who occupied the dark temple.

You know, the last time he got the order, he let the demon hunter and a large number of his men go to Outland.

However, the Lord of doomsday, who believed in order and obedience, decided to follow Kil\'jaeden\'s instructions and start looking for items with strong magical power, ready to open the dark door to Outland.

However, it is obviously not easy, especially when the whole Azeroth devil is shouting and fighting.

In fact, in just a few days, nearly a third of the ten spies sent out died.

After all, nasrezm under him is not a powerful fear Lord like tikedios. Even if he meets a small group of elite patrol soldiers, he may be killed. Therefore, there is no better way except to wait patiently.

Just as Kazak stood up and planned to drag his huge body to inspect the surrounding conditions of the decay mark, a huge evil energy fireball suddenly crossed the sky and hit the ground not far away.


With the deafening sound and vibration, two hell hounds that could not dodge were smashed into meat patties on the spot, and many doomsday guards were burned by the splashing flames.

I saw an ereda warlock with violet skin slowly standing up from the terrible evil energy flame.

"Marosa?!" Kazak just looked at it and immediately recognized the identity of the victim.

"That\'s right! It\'s me! Powerful doomsday Lord!" warlock ereda stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly to show his respect.

Obviously, the newcomer is no one else, but the completely demonized Zhang Cheng.

It has to be said that as a spell caster genius on Argus and a nominal apprentice of fraudster Kil\'jaeden, mallosa still has a strong reputation in the Burning Legion, especially in the spell caster camp, only no more than 20 people are above him.

"Aren\'t you missing? Why did you suddenly appear here?" Kazak questioned with a gentle wave of his huge wings.

With a smile on his face, Zhang Cheng calmly explained, "missing? No, I just took some time to get back what originally belonged to me."

Then he took the Delaney skull out of his pocket.

"I see..."

Kazak glanced at the imprisoned soul in the skull, and a trace of clarity appeared in his eyes.

In fact, due to the "betrayal" of the prophet vinylon, many ereda demons in the Burning Legion have produced an unspeakable hatred and hatred, as if the original complete soul has been torn alive, even the commander under Kil\'jaeden and Archimonde and above 10000 people is no exception.

As long as there is a chance to personally kill the former "compatriots", every ereda will not let go, especially the close relatives, friends and lovers.

In the eyes of the senior demons of the Burning Legion, these are not secrets at all. The cunning fear demon king will use them to achieve some ulterior purposes.

After understanding this, the Lord of doom followed and asked, "then tell me, marosa, are you ready to play for the Legion again?"

"Of course! It\'s my honor to play for the great Legion. I\'m actually here for this." Zhang Cheng bowed again.

By peeping into the soul of ereda warlock, he has almost understood the hierarchy within the Burning Legion.

In short, the most powerful armed force in the Azeroth universe has a chaotic internal organizational structure. Usually, whoever has a big fist has a high status, and there are endless internal fights and backlegs.

Although sometimes the eredians get some special care, they should remain humble in the face of powerful demon lords who stand at the top of their power.

You should know that Kazak\'s position in the Legion belongs to the second echelon after the polluter Archimonde and the fraudster Kil\'jaeden. Even if the first lord of the fear demon king comes, you should bend down and obey.

"Oh? You got the same order?" a trace of surprise appeared on Kazak\'s ferocious face.

"That\'s right! I need to go through the dark door immediately!" Zhang Cheng showed his intention without thinking.

The Lord of doom immediately shook his head when he heard this sentence: "I\'m sorry, I haven\'t been able to open the dark door for the time being, at least not until I find something with strong magical power."

"No, you don\'t understand what I mean. I don\'t need a stable portal for the army to go in and out, just tear a small crack." Zhang Cheng explained in a low voice.

"I see! You want to get the specific coordinates of the connection point from me! I can give it to you! But you have to promise to help me activate the whole dark gate from the other side after arriving at Delano. It shouldn\'t be difficult for a powerful warlock like you to do this, right?" Kazak opened his mouth and offered an exchange condition.

"No problem! I promise that as long as enough people are gathered, I will immediately start to activate the dark gate and let Illidan taste the end of the betrayal army."

After that, Zhang Cheng took the data of the connection point of the dark gate from the Lord of doomsday, turned to cast the transmission spell and disappeared in place.

Kazak is completely unaware that he has been cheated. The so-called marosa is not an ereda devil at all, but a human disguise. His sleeping soul is constantly weakened and will disappear completely in a short time