All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 530

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Where did these monsters come from? Is the end of the world coming?"

After a fierce battle, Changxi finally escaped from the basement, but the price is that his men and women are dead. At present, he is running along the alley to crowded places. At the same time, he keeps dialing 911 with his mobile phone and trying to ask the police for help.

I have to say, this picture is a little ironic.

But now he can\'t care so much. He just wants to save his life first.

Unfortunately, before halfway, a giant with pale skin and a height of more than two meters and five fell from the sky. With a bang, he blocked the only way. His right hand was like a claw like a blade, which was not very normal.

"Oh - no! No! No!"

Changxi completely collapsed. He raised his shotgun and shot wildly. Eight bullets were shot out, and he couldn\'t cause any damage to the other party.

In desperation, the only thing he can do is to step back.

But it only retreated about 30 meters, and the previous group of zombies also chased out and added the unlucky guy in the middle.



The simple minded and well-developed black man finally realized that he was about to die and was killed in the most terrible way.

At the thought of the bloody scene in which his men were thrown to the ground and eaten one mouthful at a time, he couldn\'t help surging up boundless fear at the bottom of his heart, and finally clenched his teeth and rushed towards the giant in front.

After all, in his understanding, it\'s better to die faster than to be separated alive. At least the latter can reduce many unnecessary pain.

But at the moment when he was about to rush forward, the giant not only did not choose to kill him, but grabbed his calf, picked him up upside down and threw him gently into the zombies.


With a sad cry, Changxi crossed a parabola in mid air and fell among the corpses with a bang.

A zombie covered with bullet holes immediately jumped up, bit on his arm and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood in an instant.

Other zombies were unwilling to fall behind, so they fell down and began to tear the unlucky body.

Interestingly, none of them touched the dead part. On the contrary, a female corpse ate the small stick of the black lower body as a sausage.

"Ah!!!!!!!!!! whoever it is! Please kill me! Let me die!"

At present, Changxi has completely given up the hope of living, just want to die quickly, so as to end this terrible pain and suffering.

Just as the dark red blood began to spread to both sides of the road, three women and a man suddenly appeared in his sight, including a woman with rich smoke makeup who looked familiar.

Obviously, these four visitors are the initiator who hid aside and planned all this with their own hands.

Appreciating that black life is better than death, Zhang Cheng asked without changing his face: "Well, my suggestion is good? Fear, pain, despair and death. In just ten minutes, he realized the strong stimulation that many people can\'t taste in a lifetime. If it\'s not to control the scope of proliferation, I can even let him linger between hope and hope, and eventually lead to complete mental collapse."

"It\'s terrible! But he deserves it." Asha\'s eyes showed relief and joy.

For any woman, being violated is definitely an unspeakable nightmare.

What\'s more, she was imprisoned for three days. She endured the violence of Changxi and his men day and night. She was very strong without going crazy.

"Everything is over! From now on, you can start a new life. We will become very rich and live a high-class life." Elizabeth quickly hugged her sister and whispered comfort.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m fine. By the way, which of you has a gun? I got to know him myself first."

"I have a shotgun here, but the recoil is a little big. You\'d better pay attention to it." said Zhang Cheng, taking out a secret Silver Double Barrel Shotgun from his magic pocket that has never been used since he bought it, and sending two bullets.

He bought it from a dwarf in treasure Bay last time he went to Azeroth.

As we all know, dwarves have only one requirement for guns and artillery, that is, they should have large caliber and sufficient power. It\'s best to blow up the enemy.

"I bought it! Is this... Is this a gun used to hunt whales? Are you sure my shoulder and arm won\'t break after I use it?"

Looking at the barrel that could be stuffed with a quail egg and the exaggerated characteristic bullet, Aisha grew up stunned.

"No! I\'ve added shock absorbing magic runes to the gun body, that is, my arm is dislocated at most, and there will be no risk of fracture." Zhang Chengding gave a guarantee.

He is not confident in the fire gun made by the dwarf, but in his magic.

"OK! If I break my bone, you have to cover the medical expenses. My deposit is only enough to call an ambulance of one eighth..."

With the last word blurted out, Asha skillfully stuffed two bullets into the gun chamber, stepped to the enemy whose consciousness was blurred, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Boom! Boom!


After two deafening noises, Chang Xi\'s whole transformation disappeared.

To be exact, it was blasted into pieces and splashed by terrible magic enhanced bullets.

Asha\'s face, neck, clothes, trousers and arms were all covered with these disgusting things. She couldn\'t help bursting out.

"Ha ha! My God! You can play the latest version of the chainsaw without makeup now." Elizabeth laughed first.

"Laugh again? Believe it or not, I\'ll give you a warm hug right away? Besides, I need a bath! Now! Now!" Aisha rolled her eyes angrily and threatened.

"OK! I\'m wrong! Don\'t get excited! I\'ll take you to take a bath now."

As soon as she heard that her good sister was going to hug herself, Elizabeth immediately raised her hand and surrendered. She doesn\'t want those disgusting mixtures of flesh and blood.

She simply wiped the dwarf\'s Secret silver double barrel shotgun with facial tissue paper, and Aisha handed it to Zhang Cheng with a reluctant face: "thanks! By the way, this girl is so hot, I\'m a little reluctant to give it back to you."

"If you like, just stay. I have nearly 200 special bullets here and give them to you. You know, it\'s not easy to live in the underground world as an ordinary person. You have to have some self-defense weapons. This gun is just one of them."

Instead of picking up the shotgun, Zhang Chengfei sent a large box of high explosive bullets made by the Ironforge project dwarf.

According to the description of the seller ovg copper hammer, even if a troll with strong regeneration ability is hit, it will not die, and it also has special effects against ghost spirit creatures.

Of course, only he knows how many of these words are commercial advocacy and how many are true.

Do not think that dwarves are naturally simple and honest. On the contrary, the proportion of profiteers in their ethnic group is no less than that of humans