All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 531

"Violet house" is a comprehensive entertainment place integrating bars, nightclubs and hotels. Due to its recent opening, it has been carrying out various discount activities, attracting many local men and women with high income and tourists from all over the world.

Coupled with the considerate service, it always gives people a sense of lightness and pleasure that can not be described in words. Unexpectedly, there is a long queue outside the door.

They don\'t know that those beautiful feelings actually come from the huge magic gathering array secretly portrayed on the inside of the wall, ground and ceiling during decoration.

In short, the magic energy rich in every cubic meter of air here is particularly high. After a large amount of absorption, it will stimulate the brain of ordinary people to produce a sense of pleasure.

Obviously, this is no other place. It is the fully renovated fitness club. It is also the power center for Zhang Cheng to rule the underground world of Brooklyn.

"I buy GA! Don\'t tell me you drive here!" Aisha stared at the bustling scene outside through the window and couldn\'t help exclaiming.

You know, she was just a poor person who lived at the bottom of the society with a monthly income of no more than two thousand dollars. The most luxurious place she ever entered was Catherine\'s kiss restaurant.

Zhang Cheng smiled, shrugged his shoulders and replied, "strictly speaking, it belongs to the New York Council. But as long as I\'m not dead, no one can take it away from me. Come on, don\'t waste time here. I don\'t want the police to see your clothes covered with plasma and broken meat. It\'s very troublesome to deal with it."

"Shet! You damn rich people!" Aisha\'s face showed a typical expression of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Passing through the underground parking lot, Jesse Livermore parked the truck in an unknown corner, then jumped down and said to the white youth who stood there: "take the car to garage 4 for me! Remember, control your curiosity and don\'t open the back carriage, or you\'ll regret it."

"Don\'t worry, madam, I know the rules." the young man grinned and his muscles expanded rapidly. Finally, he became a little giant more than two meters and five meters tall. He raised the truck with both hands and stuffed it into a very hidden position on his head.


The sound of the elevator working was heard above, and the whole car was slowly lifted and disappeared out of the sight of everyone.

Perhaps his sudden transformation reminded Elizabeth of Bohr and hurriedly took her boyfriend\'s arm and tried to find a sense of security.

"Don\'t be afraid! All the residents of the underground world here are my men. They dare not do anything to you."

After a soft consolation, Zhang Cheng took out a key card and inserted it into the groove, taking the lead in walking into the private elevator leading to the top floor.

In the blink of an eye, the party came to this place almost completely isolated from the lower floors.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Tracy, wearing a professional dress, took the initiative to welcome him and presented a financial statement with both hands: "Sir, this is the money washed in the last two months. Please have a look. At present, there are about 35 million dollars in our Treasury, which can be digested in three months at most."

After glancing at the capital flow and loss on the book, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "well done! You are becoming more and more professional, which makes me very happy. In addition, you are no longer worried about the devil mark, and I have completely solved it."

"Thank you very much! I swear I will do my best to serve you in the future."

When he heard that the devil would no longer pester him, Tracy was obviously relieved. His face was filled with a smile of rebirth. At the same time, he secretly looked at the two new faces next to him.

When she saw Zhang Cheng holding Elizabeth\'s slender waist with one hand, her heart beat violently, and a trace of vigilance and hostility that could not be easily detected flashed in her eyes.

Similarly, as a sixth sense, Elizabeth also felt the hostility and looked up into each other\'s eyes.

Fortunately, they both showed great restraint and looked at each other for three seconds before ending the first confrontation.

After Tracy turned and left, Elizabeth couldn\'t help but probe carefully, "who is she? Is she your lover?"

"Lover? Why do you think so?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

"Eyes! When she looks at you, she is definitely not only a subordinate and boss, but also mixed with love. But don\'t worry, I don\'t mind if you have several lovers outside, as long as you guarantee that I am a genuine girlfriend." Elizabeth winked generously.

But her little trick was not even an introduction in front of the scheming former.

Zhang Cheng directly shook his head and denied: "no, we are not lovers, at least not yet."

"Really?" Elizabeth was obviously a little unconvinced.

"Really! To be exact, Tracy is still a virgin, so her soul is watched by the devil."

"Well, it seems that you should be a little more restrained than I thought."

"Oh? Can you tell me what kind of person I was in your original imagination?"

"Well - even if he is not a pornographic who wantonly vent his desires, he is at least a romantic guy who shows mercy everywhere. After all, few rich men are not lecherous, which is the common sense of the United States of America."

One by one, they chatted and walked through the corridor into the innermost room.

Under the leadership of Jesse, Issa went to the bathroom to wash the sticky and smelly mixture of blood and meat.


At the same time, on a huge cruise ship docked in New York port, countless staff are busy moving things completely sealed in metal boxes into the bottom cabin.

As one of the members of the North American Supreme Council, Laverne personally took charge to prevent accidents of several of the highest value goods.

Because before long, the annual auction will be held on this ship.

At that time, not only the Lords and parliamentarians of North America will attend, but also the high-level leaders of other regional parliaments will occasionally appear.

In particular, someone has released the news that there are dragon eggs at the auction. It can be predicted that it will inevitably attract a lot of right and wrong. Maybe even those ancient families who think highly of themselves on weekdays will send representatives to bid.

Just as Laverne began to consider whether there would be a bloody scene after the auction, Lauren Kony, the king of shadows, suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air and bent down to report in a low voice: "master, the Marcus family has sent a direct descendant and wants to see you right away."

"Marcus family? At this time?" Laverne\'s eyes showed two pure lights.

"Yes! I think they are probably for..."

Before Lauren finished his words, Laverne waved his hand: "I know what these guys want to do. Bring people here. It\'s just that I have something to rely on their strength..."