All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 517

Time flies, and half a month passes in a flash.

After a war between the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. and the Hydra parasitized in it, the whole world fell into chaos.

Although Alexander Pierce\'s insight plan eventually failed, the bad effects continue to ferment.

Neither the U.S. military nor the World Security Council, which has been severely damaged, intends to let the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d., a huge intelligence organization infiltrated by the enemy, continue to exist and begin to take over their strongholds and resources scattered all over the world.

At the same time, the remaining hydras were not idle. Some continued to stir up trouble to block the agents loyal to the Divine Shield Bureau, and others quickly contacted other Hydra leaders and secretly lurked down to prepare for the next operation.

Of course, the most important thing is that the captain of the United States, who is regarded as a heroic model and spiritual symbol by the whole western world

Oh, it\'s time for captain Hydra, Steve Rogers, to escape under the eyes of Nick Frey and several Avengers.

At present, the U.S. government is getting angry about this matter, and the accusations against the director of one eyed dragon are rising one after another. Some radical guys even think that he should be sent to a military court for shooting.

Unfortunately, this threat can only be verbal at best.

Nick Frey has been in charge of the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. for too long, so long that he has a lot of evidence that politicians and bureaucrats violate the law. Although the slogan is loud, few really dare to take practical action.

In the end, we can only make things small and trivial, secretly adding to track down the trace of Steve Rogers, and strive to catch the captain of the United States back as soon as possible to make him return to normal.

As one of the driving forces behind this series of disasters, Zhang Cheng has long disappeared out of public sight with the new director of the Divine Shield Bureau, Colson.

The only thing the outside world knows is that more than 100 Super Warriors who can freely switch between human and dragon forms have been incorporated by the Avengers.


In the new secret base of s.h.i.e.l.d., several agents are methodically tracking down the whereabouts of Hydra members and restoring part of the intelligence network system.

However, among the busy figures, there is an idle man sitting on the sofa, reading esoteric physics books and transforming the tea cup in his hand into all kinds of single or complex substances. The speed is unimaginable.

Obviously, he is no one else, but Zhang Cheng himself.

After several months of continuous training and exposure to new elements, his alchemy level has advanced by leaps and bounds, which has already surpassed miles. In addition, he has absorbed and integrated knowledge from Azeroth world and Phelan continent. No matter what kind of element, as long as he understands its internal structure, it can be transformed through alchemy stone, even Zhenjin, which is known as the first metal in Marvel Universe.

The only disadvantage is that in the process of transformation, the more complex the element structure is, the more magic energy needs to be consumed.

"It seems that it\'s time to find a time to make his own alchemy..." Zhang Cheng closed his book, narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

After all, the alchemy stone represents an alchemist\'s understanding of the relationship between matter and energy, as well as his inner world view.

It can be said that every alchemist has a different understanding, so the properties of the manufactured alchemy stone are also different.

Although other people\'s gold smelting stones are not unusable, they are not as easy to use as their own, and the consumption will be much less.

"Hey! What are you muttering about?"

Skye, wearing a black tactical vest, ran in from the outside and sat across the sofa.

Since she was able to master the most basic psychic powers, she took the initiative to apply to become a field agent. With her strange ability, she solved many troublesome enemies for the team.

"No, nothing." Zhang Cheng quickly shook his head, restored the cup to its original state and put it back on the table. "By the way, how\'s your task? You often go to the basement to catch up with your ex boyfriend?"

"Don\'t mention it! Colson doesn\'t know what\'s going on recently. He\'s always hiding in the room alone, and there\'s no one except MAE. As for ward, I don\'t want to talk about him now." after that, the awakened Zhenbo girl tore open a bag of potato chips and stuffed it into her mouth without any lady image.

It can be seen that the Hydra rebellion had a great impact on her, which can not even be described as a turning point in her life.

In addition, as telepathy became more and more powerful, she began to be able to read the shallow thinking of a specific target within a certain range. With this, she predicted the enemy\'s attack mode several times in advance.

"Hehe, well, it seems that you haven\'t been very happy recently. But I still want to remind you that spiritual power comes from the deepest self affirmation in your heart. Please keep this in mind. No matter what happens in the future, never doubt your choice. Only in this way can you become stronger and stronger. In addition, I\'ll leave around the fourth of next month, such as If you have any questions, you\'d better raise them early. "

After saying this, Zhang Cheng would not ignore the stunned reaction of the other party. He stood up and went back to his room and slammed the door.


After a full minute, Skye regained his consciousness, immediately stood up, rushed into the director\'s office of the secret base and shouted to Colson and may, "no! I have bad news for you! Mr. Dragon said he would leave around the fourth of next month!"

"What? What do you mean when you leave? Will he leave the world or us?" Colson asked loudly with a nervous face.

"Er... Sorry, I don\'t know. It should be the former. You\'d better ask him yourself." Skye scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Damn it! I hate this state where everything is out of control!" Colson murmured, followed by his old partner. "Help me to ask what\'s going on. If it\'s the former, it\'s best, but if it\'s the latter, make sure he doesn\'t leave our surveillance range."

"No problem!"

"I\'m with you!"

As soon as the two women walked out of the office with their front feet, Colson dialed the secret contact number hidden behind the wall.

About ten seconds later, Nick Frey\'s voice came from the other side of the microphone: "what happened?"

"The Dragon said he was leaving!"

"Leave? Leave our world?"

"I don\'t know at the moment, but I think so. What are you going to do?"

"Confirm first! If it is true, start scheme B to maximize the benefits as much as possible. I believe you know how precious his power is to us, whether it is those strange supernatural forces or dragon blood that can make super soldiers."

"I see."
