All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 516

Smaller and smaller

Smaller and smaller

Finally, the three huge flying aircraft carriers turned into an equal scale model of only tens of centimeters. They were pulled down from the sky by the power of spiritual power and slowly fell into Zhang Cheng\'s hand.

If he hadn\'t seen it with his own eyes, Tony Stark would never believe that this exquisite gadget like a model is a war machine that almost caused great damage to the whole world.

After a full minute, he recovered from his shock and asked in a hurry, "who are you? What cutting-edge technology has been used to reduce the proportion of objects to the original one percent."

"Technology? No, I don\'t know any technology. I use magic, a mysterious energy widely existing in the multiverse." Zhang Cheng explained carelessly.

While talking, he went deep into the iron man\'s brain directly with the power of spiritual power, and directly copied all the knowledge in the other party\'s mind.

The combination of mind power + broken Magic Crystal + mind grabbing demon\'s main brain cells is enough for him to copy what a genius has learned all his life in just a few seconds and save it in the long-term memory area.

Although it can not be used freely, it can be called as needed just like looking up materials in the library.

"Ha! Magic? Are you trying to make me laugh?"

Tony Stark has always been a firm scientist. Naturally, he would not believe in magic, a mysterious thing, and showed a disdainful expression.

"Just because you don\'t know and understand doesn\'t mean you don\'t exist. Remember, there are countless things in the world that you can\'t understand. Humility is the shortcut to the supreme truth."

After saying these meaningful words, Zhang Cheng directly stuffed three flying aircraft carriers into his pocket and planned to bring them back to the magic earth and put them in his home as decorations, ignoring the ugly face of the "marinated egg".

After all, this thing is much more popular than toy models in the ordinary sense. A single one costs tens of billions of dollars, and it can be pulled out and used at critical moments.

"Wait!" seeing that Zhang Cheng was about to turn around and leave, Nick Frey finally stood up and said, "hand over the flying aircraft carrier! It belongs to the s.h.i.e.l.d., not your toy."

"Ha ha ha! Divine Shield bureau? Dear director, do you think it is possible for the Divine Shield bureau to exist after the Hydra rebellion? Even if it survives, it is impossible to achieve its previous scale and influence. As for the three flying aircraft carriers, they were originally booty and I robbed them from the Hydra. What qualifications do you have to order me to return them to you?" Zhang Cheng asked back with a laugh.

Although he doesn\'t like these exaggerated shapes, the flying aircraft carrier with limited practical use will not be handed over in vain because of the other party\'s few words.

"What do you want?" the one eyed dragon director was not angry because he was rejected, and calmly continued to test.

He knew that the extremely dangerous guy in front of him was not the kind of object that could achieve his goal with threat.

To be exact, the existing weapons on earth, even nuclear warheads, can not pose a real threat to them.

Not to mention the huge body of hundreds of meters, just invading the brain, controlling thinking and instantaneous movement are enough to make people feel headache, not to mention the power of blood to create descendants of dragon people.

"It\'s very simple! Deal! If you want to get something, you must pay the corresponding price. As long as you can afford the price, I don\'t mind giving them back to you. In addition, I believe you should understand that the price I mean is not dollars, gold, gemstones and other things, but something really valuable in my eyes." Zhang Cheng made his own terms directly.

Anyway, for him, it\'s best to get something useful from the disintegrating s.h.i.e.l.d. Bureau. It doesn\'t matter if he can\'t get it. It\'s a big deal to take it back as an ornament.

"Deal? OK, I see. Finally, what are you going to do with these half dragon and half man guys?"

After solving the problem of ownership of flying aircraft carrier, Nick Frey turned his attention to more than 100 half dragons.

You know, he has seen the terrible destructive power of these super soldiers with his own eyes. He feels uneasy to sleep when he thinks that such an armed force is not under his own control or under the control of any national government.

Zhang Cheng obviously knew what director Cyclops thought and asked with a smile, "what do you think should be done? Are you going to let them work for the Divine Shield Bureau or the Avengers?"

"Can\'t you?"

"Stewed egg" narrowed his eyes and glanced at the half dragon man standing still.

"Do you remember what I told you just now? The dragon people are the extension of the dragon\'s blood, so I am the Supreme Master for them. Are you sure it\'s a wise choice to let such a group of guys become their own men?"

"No, I\'m not sure. But I think it\'s more dangerous to let them follow you. Let\'s make a deal. You give these dragon people orders to be loyal to the Avengers. How about I give them a small gift in private as compensation?"

There is no doubt that Nick Frey wants to monitor Zhang Cheng by monitoring these dragon people, and make use of their strong combat effectiveness.

"Oh, yes. But only if your little gift doesn\'t disappoint me too much, or your dragon army will rebel."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng turned directly and shouted at hundreds of dragon people: "restore human form! From now on! You must be loyal to the avenger alliance!"

"Yes! Great master! Your will is our command!"


With the deafening cry, the dragon people shouted and knelt down on the ground, and slowly changed their human posture.

"God! These guys are as terrible as crazy believers!" sighed the corner of eagle\'s eyes and mouth.

But in his stupefied effort, Steve Rogers immediately picked up his shield, knocked away the nearby black widow, spread his legs and rushed out of Alexander Pierce\'s office in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it! Catch the captain! Don\'t let him run away!" the one eyed dragon director warned loudly.

"Leave it to me! This old man can\'t run far!"

Tony Stark, who had been struggling with the captain of the United States, immediately started chasing out with his steel suit and constantly launched shock waves, which made the already flawed headquarters of the Divine Shield Bureau worse.

It is estimated that before the US military takes over, it will collapse first.

Listening to the noise outside, Nick Frey took a deep breath and said, "I need you to get Steve back to normal! Can you do it?"

"Don\'t need me! Don\'t forget, there is a girl in Colson\'s team. With her mind power, she can wake up the sleeping memory in the captain\'s mind..."