All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 501

What are the consequences of a black dragon with a length of more than 100 meters suddenly appearing in the downtown of the United States of America?

Just look at the busy figures of s.h.i.e.l.d. agents.

Although New York only experienced a large-scale invasion of alien fleet not long ago, and many superheroes, including Avengers, are all at a glance. Now in front of the public, many people have high immunity to super powers, the dragon, a terrorist creature that only appears in myths and legends, is still a little too exciting.

In particular, Zhang Cheng\'s calmness and reason from beginning to end, as well as his fluent and proficient English, have made many guys who are full and have nothing to do have a strong interest.

Several videos taken with mobile phones triggered a mountain avalanche and tsunami like heated discussion on news and social media, so that after tossing for more than ten hours, well-trained agents failed to completely suppress the heat.

Some animal protection organizations even displayed a banner of "strongly protesting against the government\'s imprisonment of rare species and vowing to protect the rights and interests of giant dragons" and gathered at the gate of Washington, D.C.

In this country full of chaos and all kinds of wonderful ideas, only what you can\'t think of, and what the American people can\'t do.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Zhang Cheng. At the moment, he is lying in the underground parking garage of the Trident headquarters of the Divine Shield Bureau, enjoying the delicious food provided by the world\'s largest intelligence organization, occasionally assisting a group of experts in a small test, and generously giving each other a small bottle of his own blood.

You know, as a divine dragon, his blood is not ordinary. Even a drop can greatly improve the comprehensive physical quality of ordinary people and prolong their life.

I believe that with the scientific research strength of the Divine Shield Bureau, a small part of the mystery will be discovered soon.

The most important thing is that when the Hydra lurking inside finds this, he will respond quickly. At that time, he can sit down and start the price and get something he is interested in.

As for whether these two groups will take any extreme measures, Zhang Cheng has not paid attention to them at all.

To be exact, with the powerful power of spiritual power, he can control all personnel in the Trident headquarters every minute, and then connect with the world\'s largest nuclear weapon holders through the network here, so that thousands of nuclear warheads can enter the standard launch procedure, and turn the earth of marvelous universe into the era of radioactive waste land in a few hours.

However, it is a pity that no one has realized how dangerous the behemoth they brought back. The director of a one eyed dragon is still secretly glad that such a huge flood beast has not taken the initiative to hurt a person from beginning to end, and has taken a very cooperative attitude.

Looking at the real-time picture passed back from the monitor, Nick Frey took a deep breath and directly asked his deputy who had just walked in: "what\'s the matter? Has the test result come out? What is it? An alien creature? Or a living creature such as dinosaurs left over from the remote era of the earth?"

"Sorry, director, I\'m not sure. Our scientists found some incredible substances in the blood samples provided by it, which can greatly enhance the cell potential. Injected a small amount of mice, they almost smashed an inch thick bulletproof glass. Their intelligence, strength and divine reaction speed have been greatly improved, and they also have the ability of speeding regeneration and healing Ability. If the target is a person, I\'m afraid it won\'t be much worse than the captain. "

After that, Maria Hill threw a thick pile of reports on the table, her eyes full of vigilance.

There\'s no way not to be vigilant!

According to the scientific researchers in the laboratory, the life form of organisms with such blood has long gone beyond the scope of human understanding. Heat weapons in the ordinary sense are useless. Even the famous "dense array" can not penetrate the biological force field around the body, Not to mention the mysterious liquid metal flowing on the body surface and the scales harder than steel under the metal.

From a to Z, a powerful creature like this did not make any resistance. He followed Colson back to the headquarters of the Trident. What was the idea of playing the devil?

"You mean... Its blood can be used to make super soldiers?" Nick Frey took the report and glanced at it with an interested expression on his face.

Maria Hill nodded gently: "maybe! We don\'t know what kind of changes its blood will make when injected into the human body, but it\'s true in theory."

"What about the girl Colson brought back? How is she now?" Nick Frey continued without raising his head.

"The body function is normal, but there is a group of invading cells in the nerve center, which are rapidly dividing and filling every corner of the cerebral cortex. The activity of brain waves is 20 times that of ordinary people. For the time being, they are still in a coma and are not in danger."

"What did the Dragon say?"

"It means that in half an hour at most, our sleeping beauty will wake up and master a superpower called psychic power," Maria Hill replied with a shrug.

"Psychic powers?" Nick Frey subconsciously touched his bare head.

"Yes! According to its explanation, it should be an ability to obtain interference with matter and energy through idealistic self affirmation. It is very powerful and mysterious. During the experiment, the dragon can not only easily invade the thinking of every agent, make the invaded target obey his will through illusion and hint, but even create a miniature black hole out of thin air."

Maria Hill shivered at the thought of the black hole that appeared in the garage out of thin air two or three hours ago.

She could not imagine that once the black hole expanded infinitely, it would engulf the whole headquarters of the Divine Shield Bureau and even the whole earth.

"Damn it! It\'s even more dangerous than those zetarians?"

Invading thinking, controlling humans, creating black holes

No matter which one, Nick Frey felt a chill. He couldn\'t imagine what the earth would be like if the other party suddenly attacked the high-level governments of various countries.

Maria Hill obviously knew what the director was worried about and suggested in a low voice: "I think it\'s best to keep these information confidential for the time being, so as not to be known by the outside world, otherwise it may cause a strong panic. At least don\'t act rashly until you have the weapon to kill it."

"It\'s up to you to do this! Remember, make sure that all participants take care of their mouths. In addition, to arrange a meeting, I need to sit down with the dragon and find out where it comes from and what purpose it comes to the earth."


Meanwhile, Alexander Pierce, leader of Hydra, was also reading the report sent by his subordinates in another office of Trident headquarters.

After a few minutes, he pursed his lips and murmured, "is the dragon in myth and legend? It really deserves its reputation!"