All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 500

"Woo woo... Mom! Where are you?"

A little girl in a pink princess dress, about five or six years old, finally couldn\'t help crying.

There\'s no way not to cry!

She stood just in front of Zhang Cheng. As long as the dragon\'s claws moved forward a little, the lovely little Lori would die in an instant.

"Be quiet!"

Zhang Chengcheng hated to hear children crying. He bent down and stared at his golden eyes and scolded with standard American English pronunciation.

You know, he hasn\'t attacked anyone since he crossed the gap. At most, several unlucky people were trampled and slightly injured in the process of escape.

But somehow, the scene looked like he had committed some heinous crime.

I don\'t know if she was frightened. When the little girl saw the huge head of the black dragon and the sharp fangs in her mouth, she immediately stopped crying and held the teddy bear in her arms, shaking all over her body.

After a full minute, she summoned up the courage to ask, "evil... Mr. dragon! Will you eat me?"

"No! No! How can you have such a ridiculous idea? There is no such creature as human in my diet!" Zhang Cheng waved his paw impatiently and secretly noticed the movement outside.

Because in just a few minutes, he had felt the strong magical energy in the world.

There is no doubt that this earth is not an ordinary earth, but a world full of supernatural forces, but it is not easy to determine whether it is a game or film and television work in your memory, or a completely strange and independent place.

"Really... Really? You really don\'t eat me?!" the little girl seemed to realize that the behemoth in front of her was really not hostile to herself, and her courage gradually increased.

"Yes! I promise..."

Before Zhang Cheng finished speaking, a figure approaching the extreme suddenly rushed out of an old van and rushed towards the position of little Laurie at a speed that could hardly be captured by the naked eye.

Obviously, this guy is trying to save the girl from the monster.

Usually, the average person has no time to respond.

But Zhang Cheng is obviously not an ordinary person. To be exact, he is not even a person.

With the superhuman physique and reaction speed brought by divinity, he easily raised his claw and slammed it to the ground at the moment when the other party was about to touch the girl.


The great power made the reckless black man cry bitterly.

But for some reason, the broken arm recovered in just a few seconds, and its recovery power was comparable to that of the trolls in the continent of Fallon.

"Eh? What is this?"

Zhang Cheng seems to have found something interesting. He gently tore each other\'s sleeves and found a centipede shaped device filled with unknown liquid.

Combined with the other party\'s familiar black face, it was instantly connected with a film and television work in memory.

However, before he could figure out what to do, several black SUVs galloped in. In the blink of an eye, they shaved more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers from the car. Two of them carried thick pipes. At first glance, they were rocket launchers.

Fortunately, these people did not rush to attack, but just entered the corresponding position and surrounded the whole station from top to bottom.

About half a minute or so, a middle-aged white man in a black suit with a barely smiling face walked in carefully from the entrance.

As he raised his hands to show that he had no weapons, he approached slowly and said in a relaxed tone: "Hello, dear Mr. dragon, my name is Phil Coulson. I belong to the homeland strategic defense attack and logistics support Bureau. I know you can understand our language. Please release the girl and the wounded at your feet immediately. We can sit down and talk."

"Of course! No problem!" without hesitation, Zhang Cheng took two steps back, cocked up the corners of his mouth and showed a meaningful smile.

Obviously, this is no other place. It is the famous Marvel Universe, and it is also the plot of s.h.i.e.l.d. agents at the beginning.

"Er... That\'s it? No strings attached?" Colson was obviously stunned.

He never dreamed that a huge dragon that looked ferocious, terrible and full of deterrence could speak so well.

"Oh, no, of course not without additional conditions. My additional condition is to bring the girl in the iron box outside." Zhang Cheng gently pointed to the shabby van outside the station.

When Colson heard this, his face suddenly became ugly, frowned and said tentatively, "why do you want that girl?"

"In order to complete the contract!"

"Contract? What contract!"

"Magic contract! Don\'t you think I appeared out of thin air? No! I came in response to the call!" after saying that, Zhang Cheng raised his front paw and gently hooked one of his fingers.

Daisy Johnson, who was about to awaken, immediately felt like she was out of control and flew directly over.

Oh, by the way, she still doesn\'t know who her parents are. She still uses the name "Skye".

"God! Colson! What the hell happened?"

No one can keep calm in the face of a giant dragon hundreds of meters long, so the young girl can only ask the most reliable person present for help.

Zhang Cheng ignored the vigilant eyes of the people around him, pretended to be close to each other\'s face, and asked in a deep voice, "are you the human who calls me?"

"Call? What call? I don\'t know! I don\'t know anything!" Skye shivered all over his body.

Because she was too close, she could even feel the heat wave exhaled from the nostrils of the behemoth in front of her.

"No! You called me! I can feel it! Forget it, let\'s finish the contract immediately, and I can leave the world as soon as possible."

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng knocked on the broken magic crystal with strange light shining on his head without warning.


A very thin tentacle squeezed out from the edge of the broken magic crystal and directly pierced the skull, parasitizing a group of cells belonging to the main brain of the heart snatcher near the central nerve of the girl\'s brain.

Before Colson could react to what had happened, Skye released interesting spiritual powers under the action of severe pain. The whole person slowly floated up and emitted dazzling white light.

"Damn it! What did you do to her?!" Colson jumped up quickly, grabbed the girl\'s left leg and asked angrily.

"Don\'t worry, I just gave her the power she wanted according to the contract. Next, I will teach her the use of psychic powers as agreed until she can master them..."