All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 445

"Hehe, didn\'t luscan send you, the head of the North Tower?" the woman wearing a magic mask smiled and revealed one of Zhang Cheng\'s superficial identities.

However, judging from the quantity and quality of the troops on the flagship, she probably didn\'t know that the young man standing in front of her was not a human at all, but a terrible black dragon. Otherwise, at least one or two high-level mages, warlocks or priests would be present.

You should know that the Lord Council is an original administrative system of deepwater city. It selects qualified talents from all walks of life in the city through a series of unknown and secret ways, and finally decides to enter the highest decision-making level with the title of "Lord" through observation, screening and voting.

These anonymous people with the title of "Lord" are the highest authority ruling deepwater city. Some of them may be powerful mages, some may be famous adventurers, and others may be businessmen or vendors.

In any case, no one knows their true identity except the sixteen people in the Lord\'s parliament, and it is impossible to find out which old lord has retired and which new Lord has ascended.

Therefore, the attitude of the authority of deepwater city has always been to strictly protect the sixteen lords, for fear that one of them will be attacked and kidnapped, which will directly lead to the exposure of the identity of the remaining Lords.

What is the biggest fear of a political system that relies on hiding its identity to ensure the security of decision-making institutions?

The answer is undoubtedly identity exposure!

Because once the identity is exposed, it means that it may lead to endless temptation, threats and revenge. The Lords are likely to do something unfavorable to the deep water city for the safety of their relatives and friends.

Deep water city obviously knows this. It specially made a magic mask that can hide its identity. No matter which Lord goes out, it will be equipped with a large number of guard forces as needed to ensure that the Lord can escape safely no matter what happens.

But today, Zhang Cheng didn\'t feel any people or magic items that could pose a threat to himself from the warship.

This means that he can capture the Lord alive and detonate the most feared and feared political crisis in deepwater city.

Thinking of this, he flashed a trace of imperceptible madness in his eyes. Suddenly, there was no sign. His skill stuck in each other\'s slender neck, and then smiled and said to the stunned soldiers and guards around him: "Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, the negotiation is over. From now on, luscan and deepwater city have officially entered a state of war. As for this distinguished lady, she is my prisoner for the time being."

The voice just fell!

A young man in dark red leather armor first reacted, and the shadow formed by the whole man on the main mast disappeared with the help of the sun.

Next second


The dagger glittering with magic almost stabbed into Zhang Cheng\'s eye socket!

However, unfortunately, it was finally intercepted by the soul arrest messenger with black smoke.

Just when the other party wants to do it with the help of sensitive movements