All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 444

Dozens of kilometers away from luscan, a huge fleet of pirates has assembled.

As a nominal monitor sent by the arcane brotherhood, Zhang Cheng is sitting on the deck of his flagship, reading esoteric books borrowed from the library and eating fresh fish just roasted in the kitchen, completely ignoring the vigilant deepwater City Navy in the distance.

Of course, this is not because of his arrogance, but because there is no artillery. Most of the naval battles in Phelan are completed by catapults, catapults, bows and arrows and ship mages.

Mages, in particular, often use a three ring arcane skill - fireball, which can cause unimaginable damage to a warship in an instant. It is also normal to be nearly bombed and sunk directly.

So don\'t be too flustered until you feel the magic power.

In addition, Xini, an apprentice who inherited the power of the queen of the deep sea, was present. Unless the other party drove a high-tech or powerful magic warship that can get rid of gravity, if a huge wave goes down, they all have to go to the sea to feed fish.

From beginning to end, Chang Cheng did not intend to take part in the sea battle. He just wanted to get rid of the ubiquitous eyelids in the steeple, and then personally planned an attack to clean up the Del Tuggle and Harp allies from Lu.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the reason why the arcane brotherhood is strong lies in the rebellious high-level mages.

But in his eyes, it was these guys who kept fighting inside that made the whole organization unable to concentrate on the outside. Otherwise, only a few top mages who can perform the nine ring arcane skills need to be afraid of the intervention of deep water city.

Although cleaning up these high-level casters will lead to the temporary weakness of the organization, from the perspective of long-term development, it is tantamount to digging out a huge cancer, making the whole organization more cohesive, and no longer acting separately or even pulling back from each other as before.

However, for Zhang Cheng, either luscan or the arcane brotherhood are just toys to vent his lingering crazy thoughts and destructive desires.

He hopes to use these things that require a lot of energy to keep himself rational to a certain extent, and then collect and learn complex and profound magic knowledge in a rational state.

Otherwise, he can\'t guarantee that his soul will remember all the learned contents after leaving the body.

"Master! The fleet of deepwater City fleet has just issued a flag and wants to send messengers to negotiate with us." when Ian came to the side and reported in a low voice.

As he spoke, he had not forgotten to sweep the pirate captains who did not know what they were thinking with the light from the corner of his eye.

Although he was elected as the temporary commander of the fleet by virtue of the great prestige brought by looting the port area of Jue Dong City, he knew that these crafty guys were not convinced and kept connecting secretly, waiting to see their jokes.

Knowing the open and secret struggle between the pirate captains, Zhang Cheng didn\'t mean to intervene at all. He just laughed and joked, "negotiation? Do they think they can avoid war with the current situation?"

"Sir, you don\'t know about deepwater city. These self righteous guys always like to put on a high posture, so I think they are likely to exert pressure through negotiation to force you to bow down and admit defeat." a man aged about 50 with short silver gray hair stood up and explained.

"Well, it seems that they think I will succumb to verbal threats like those boneless idiots before?" Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and showed a contemptuous smile.

"That\'s right! In fact, most of the monitors sent by the minaret will choose to retreat in the negotiations. Therefore, although we have had friction and confrontation with the deep water city fleet for many times over the years, a war has never really broken out. Sir, are you really going to fight this time?" the pirate captain said with a serious look.

Not only him, but also the other captains who came to hold the battle Council raised their heads one after another, with naked ambition and desire flashing in their eyes.

There is no doubt that the pirates do not want to continue to tolerate it, and are eager to prove with a brilliant victory that they are the masters of this sea area.

"Ha ha, I like your eyes. Yes, I won\'t shrink back this time, let alone choose patience, so please return to your ship and get ready for battle. When the negotiation is over, I will send a signal. At that time, all you have to do is attack immediately and completely defeat and annihilate the Deepwater City fleet. Tell me, can you do it?" Zhang Cheng said with a smile.


"Ha ha! Sir! That\'s what we\'re waiting for!"

"Yes! Go to war! Kill the Deepwater City fleet!"

"Let the bastards in deepwater pay the price! The price of blood!"


For a moment, every pirate captain on the deck couldn\'t help shouting, trying to vent all the grievances accumulated over the years.

They don\'t care about shit, justice and evil. As long as they defeat deepwater City, there will be no decent resistance in Jianwan area. All passing merchant ships will be like ducks in the lake and let themselves hunt wantonly.

Appreciating the greedy appearance of these vulgar people, Zhang Cheng flashed a hint of fun in his eyes, turned his head and said to Ian with a smile, "remember, let those disobedient guys take the lead in a while, and the Deepwater City fleet will help you clean them up."

"Hey, hey! Understand, my evil master."

The understanding Ian cracked his mouth and laughed happily. At the same time, he made a gesture to a confidant.

The latter quickly hung up the flag symbolizing negotiation and then put down a small sampan.

Zhang Cheng jumped directly into the boat and let four sailors paddle slowly to the enemy\'s flagship a few kilometers away.

About ten minutes later, he boarded an "advanced" warship with a displacement of about 400 tons and carrying at least 200 soldiers.

Of course, this "advanced" is not in accordance with the standards of people on earth, but refers to a series of protective magic attached to the ship, such as flame barrier, arrow and so on, which can make it defend the common means of general naval warfare.

"Welcome, Messenger from luscan." a woman in a gorgeous silk robe bent down and bowed gracefully.

She wore a strange mask on her face. No matter who looked at it at first, she immediately felt a trance, as if her vision had become blurred.

Needless to ask, this is a magic mask used to cover up the wearer\'s true identity.

According to the gossip spread from deepwater City, anyone wearing this mask has only one identity, that is, a member of the mysterious Lord Council.

Aware of this, Zhang Cheng also bent down and saluted: "thank you very much. I didn\'t expect that deepwater city sent a noble lady to negotiate..."