All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 428

With the help of Xini, a senior apprentice familiar with the internal situation of the arcane brotherhood, the rebellion of Beita was soon suppressed.

To be exact, before several bought mages had discussed how to get rid of Zhang Cheng without leaving a trace, they were blocked by a stream of water out of thin air, and then quickly suffocated into a deep coma.

When they woke up, they found that they were already in the tower owner\'s private room, and all the magic items on them disappeared, and their fingers were forcibly broken, so they couldn\'t make any casting action at all.

"Ah, you finally wake up."

Zhang Cheng, who was restored to human form, was standing in front of the alchemy station, distributing black liquid with a faint scorching smell, and turning his head to show a scientist\'s smile of "little mouse".

"Damn it! You... What do you want?"

"Let us go, or master deltagore zelender will not let you go!"

Two middle-aged mages who felt the danger began to shout loudly.

Needless to ask, they try to use the name of the planner behind them to get out of the current dilemma, at least save their lives first.

"Relax, don\'t be nervous. I just invite you to do a little magic experiment."

Zhang Cheng ignored the other party\'s gaffe and added unknown powder to the black liquid. From time to time, he would look through an old note next to him, which impressively wrote a lot of theories and conjectures about the transformation of the caster to the immortal form - Lich in common language.

Since the arcane Brotherhood has no real Lich and does not have this knowledge, most of them are collected by the supreme leader Akram Grice, and some are his speculation. No one knows whether it can work.

After all, everyone has only one life, especially the mage who enjoys the supreme privilege in luscan. He doesn\'t dare to joke about his own life. Therefore, no one knows whether a senior caster can be transformed into a powerful Lich form according to the above ceremony.

Standing not far away, Xini stared in awe at the boiling black solution in the glass beaker and asked carefully, "master, do you need me to block their mouths?"

"No, they don\'t need to. Anyway, they won\'t live long." Zhang Cheng deliberately stressed the word "live".

When the black solution in the beaker began to become transparent, he quickly divided it into three parts according to the number of people, and then picked up three raw diamonds that had not been polished and came to the prisoners: "You are all mages. I believe you should understand the content of this experiment without my explanation. Now, I will activate these gems with the power of the mage tower to make them become the life box needed to transform the lich, and then you drink the immortal life potion. If you succeed, you will be successfully transformed into a lich and become my servant; if you fail, you will die Die completely and become a meaningless body. "

"Madman! You\'re crazy! It\'s impossible to succeed!" a mage retreated madly.

After all, the Lich transformation ceremony is a very complex and dangerous thing. If there is a slight difference, there will be no burial place. Otherwise, Akram Grice would not drag his old body for so many years and refuse to put it into practice.

"Sorry, you are not qualified to refuse if you fail." Zhang Cheng raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


A dazzling white light hit three diamonds in his hand.

Because of the experimental nature, he did not intend to make a "life box" in the real sense.

Anyway, it\'s not him who wants to be transformed into a lich. Whether the life box is hard enough and can resist the attack of powerful weapons and magic is no longer considered from the beginning.

Feeling the strong magic energy from the diamond, the captives realized that this was definitely not a joke, showed their frightened eyes one after another, and forced themselves not to reject the whole ceremony.

As we all know, the Lich transformation ceremony needs to be completely voluntary, otherwise it will probably lead to disastrous results.

Of course, the gifted mage samast also invented another unknown method of Lich transformation, which does not need my consent at all. He used this method to forcibly transform the Dragon into a dragon lich, and founded a terrible organization called Dragon Lich religion.

Seeing the strong desire for survival revealed in the eyes of the three mages, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction, quickly connected the diamond with each other\'s soul, and then winked at the female apprentice not far away.

Without any hesitation, Sydney immediately hooked her finger.

A third of the black liquid quickly penetrated into the mage\'s stomach from his nostrils, and even gave them no chance to swallow.

Next second

The mage began to twitch violently. In the blink of an eye, he fell to the ground with a blue face and swallowed his last breath.

There is no doubt that they were killed by the poison contained in the immortal life potion. The next thing to do is to wait patiently.

About a few seconds later, one of the diamonds cracked out of thin air, and the corresponding body quickly emerged with a faint negative energy.

"Damn it! This failed." Zhang Cheng dropped the diamond powder scattered on his robe and shook his head in disappointment.

According to the records in the notes, the guy whose life box broke on the spot after drinking the potion means that the conversion ceremony failed. Their bodies will be reborn in 30 days and become garbage with similar abilities to the real lich, but no memory and mind at all.

Less than half a minute later, another gem was broken into powder.

Just when Zhang Cheng began to suspect that there was something wrong with the description in his notes, the last body began to rot and deteriorate rapidly, emitting bursts of stench.

At the same time, the diamond as a life box also began to emit a bright magic aura

"Oh?! he succeeded in one!" he raised the gem in his hand, and a playful expression appeared on his face.

"Lord... Master! Have you created a lich?" Sydney stared, her voice full of unsure exclamation.

You know, Akram Grice tried to transform himself into an immortal form a few years ago, but somehow he chose to give up at the last minute. This is no secret within the arcane brotherhood.

But now, someone succeeded at the first attempt. Although two failed, one-third of the success rate is absolutely enough to encourage those old mages whose lives are coming to an end to work hard.

"Don\'t make such a fuss. It will take me six days to determine whether I really succeeded." Zhang Cheng smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

In fact, the reason why he could dispense the elixir of immortal life was all due to the alchemy stone brought from the magical earth.

It was this stone that helped him complete the most difficult part of the potion, that is, the transformation from life to death.

"Congratulations! I think as long as this news is revealed, many old mages will be willing to offer loyalty to you in exchange for the opportunity to turn themselves into lichs. Oh, by the way, a soldier guarding the city gate used to work for the spotted wizard dandiba. He hopes he can have the opportunity to serve the new Lord of the North Tower..."