All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 427

"Do I have a second choice? Dear master!"

After thinking for a moment, walindra cocked up the corners of her mouth and showed a smile that was enough to make most men jump.

As a moon elf who was born in the highest forest and lived for more than 100 years, she once received traditional magic education in her hometown, but soon felt that the slow education method of the elf had curbed her talent, so she turned to the human world and confused an old mage with her beauty.

However, only one year later, she killed her mentor and seized all important property, including spell books and a large number of magic items. Later, she was favored by the arcane brotherhood and took the initiative to join it as an agent.

Because of these unique experiences, she did not temporarily yield to strong forces and silently waited for the opportunity to fight back.

But unfortunately, I\'m afraid she\'s going to miscalculate today

Zhang Cheng, who seriously lacks a sense of security, never believes in anyone, especially betraying Phelan, which is as common as eating and drinking water.

So without thinking, he held a bottle of magic potion and handed it to the other party: "drink it! Don\'t try to use magic to prevent your gastrointestinal digestion and absorption."

Varindra\'s face changed slightly, took the medicine, forcibly covered up her inner panic, and asked softly, "what\'s this?"

"A gift and gift! It\'s also an insurance! I have my own unique understanding and definition of loyalty. All you need to do is obey, obey and obey again. Remember, I hate my men playing with small hands." after that, Zhang Cheng\'s nose spewed out two suffocating heat waves.

"As you wish..." the moon elf struggled for a few seconds. Finally, he bit his teeth, pulled out the cork and drank the liquid in the bottle.

She is not an idiot and knows that she has no right to bargain. Although there are several known spells that can prevent the medicine from being absorbed, considering the serious consequences that may occur next, she honestly let it flow into her stomach along the esophagus.


An indescribable burning sensation appeared!

Like a flaming flame, it quickly spread all over the body along the blood circulation.

About three or five minutes later, the skin on the body surface began to turn red and hot. Her itchy throat made her coughing violently, as if something was about to break out.


Unparalleled pain!

Walindra stared at himself in the mirror. Soon he saw that black scales gradually grew on the smooth skin, and his hands and feet became the shape of claws. A strong tail even lifted the mage\'s robe high, and a pair of horns with sword tips appeared on his forehead.

Dragon man!

Having read countless books related to magic, she immediately realized what the changes in her body meant.

However, what puzzles the female elves is that generally speaking, only the biological combination of male giant dragon and female humanoid will have a very low chance of birth. I have never heard that it can be realized through magic potions.

In addition, she also felt that there was a special organ under her throat. As long as an idea could make the hot flame gush out of her mouth.

"How do you feel?"

Looking at the second dragon man he made in the world, Zhang Cheng finally put down his guard, and a smiling expression appeared on his ferocious face.

The reason is very simple. The technology he uses to make medicine mainly comes from Nefarian, the Black Dragon Prince of Azeroth world, and also uses the blood flowing from his body. Therefore, although the dragon people can retain their original memory, character and way of thinking, they can never disobey the order given by their master, even if the order is to die.

Of course, there are countless powerful magical powers and gods on the Ferran Road, and it does not rule out the possibility that a very few dragon people break free.

But at least compared with the binding force generated entirely by oath, strength and common interests, it is undoubtedly several levels higher in terms of security.

He intends to use the technology of transforming the dragon people to complete the absolute control over the arcane brotherhood and the whole luscan, end the original chaotic management mode and become an extreme and efficient powerful force.

But it\'s not easy to do this, especially the red and blue crystals of the crater that need to be consumed for the modulation of dragon blood potion. At present, the stock of the magic backpack is only about a hundred dozen bottles at most.

Feeling the strength and vitality of the new body, valindra was excited and shouted, "great! I\'ve never been better than now! Thank you for your generosity, great and kind Master. I swear that all the stumbling blocks in your way will be mercilessly destroyed in the end."

"Very good! Now you can leave. Help me pay attention to who is worth attracting inside the tower. We need a lot of talents for the next grand plan."

With these words, Zhang Cheng moved his body and gave way to the only channel to the outside world.

"Understand! I\'ll give you a list later." walindra astringently controlled the power of blood, slowly returned to human form, bent down and saluted, turned and disappeared at the end of the dark passage.

She couldn\'t wait to go back to the room and try the new power she had just gained, so that she ignored the changes in her mental state.

You know, not long ago, she was still considering how to get rid of being controlled by others, but now she is full of joy and eager to eliminate all potential threats for her master.


"I really hope chaos and killing can come soon! Otherwise I will lose control of myself." Zhang Cheng, who remained in the room, took a deep breath and muttered in a low voice.

With the decline of desire for destruction in his mind and the whisper of the ancient god becoming clearer and clearer, he understood that the suppressed crazy thought had reached a critical point, just like the brief tranquility before the volcanic eruption.

If there is no movement in the tower within half a month, he can only find a place to vent wantonly like other dragons, otherwise he will definitely fall into hysteria and frenzy.

However, the result of doing so will arouse the vigilance of countless forces 100% in advance.

After all, there are not many fire breathing black dragons in the whole continent of Phelan. His size is so huge that he even exceeds the largest red dragon among the five color evil dragons.

In fact, so far, Zhang Cheng is not sure whether he who occupies the ice dead body belongs to the dragon of this world, or transformed into the dragon of Azeroth world by the pure energy of nesario\'s tears, or a mixture of two different dragons?

In addition, where is the frozen breath that originally belonged to the white dragon?

Will you start to awaken your innate spell like abilities when you reach a certain age, like the Dragons of philon?

Everything is still a mystery.

He needs time to study slowly. At present, the first task is to find a way to completely convert the mage professional template into the casting level of the world.

In short, he needs to learn more theoretical knowledge, more in-depth contact with the magic net, and then try to release those familiar spells in a new way