All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 421

Facing the still biting cold wind, the party quickly crossed the endless frozen wasteland and planned to go straight to the shortcut located in the ridge of the world.

Although the path is a little dangerous and may encounter hungry beasts or monsters, Bruno, a bold artist, still chooses to go here.

In the eyes of the old dwarf, there is a powerful black dragon in the team. Even if you encounter any powerful monster, you will only add some dishes to dinner. There is no need to worry at all.

Of course, when passing by breemen, the halfling Regis caught up in panic and said that he had to complete the adventure with his "friends".

But anyone with a little brain can see that he must be in trouble so that he didn\'t even bring his basic luggage.

Looking at this famous adventure team in the north in the future, Zhang Cheng showed a trace of imperceptible playfulness in his eyes. At the same time, he said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "since Regis has escaped from Shizhen, Artemis ntrelli should appear soon. I just don\'t know whether this sharp dagger can be used by me..."

"Master! Trouble is coming!"

Ian seems to have found something. He quickly pulls out the long silver sword flashing white and is ready for battle.

A dozen huge wolves slowly emerged from around the valley and surrounded several people in the center from all directions, especially the leader. His hair was pure white and his eyes showed sinister and cunning light.

"Damn it! It\'s the winter wolf and the wolf!" Bruno cursed and raised his shield and axe.

As a dwarf who has lived in Bingfeng Valley for a long time, he is no stranger to these two intelligent beasts and knows how difficult each other is.

Not to mention the wolf who is good at using all kinds of despicable tricks, only the winter wolf who can spit ice gas is enough for the adventure team lacking long-range attack to drink a pot.


The leading winter wolf probably judged the form and immediately issued a harsh howl.

After hearing this, the wolves quickly dispersed and jumped down from a high place to launch a sudden attack with the help of terrain advantages.

"Tampas! Please give me courage and strength!" wofga shouted the name of the God of war, turned up his weapons and directly knocked a seated wolf to the ground.

The powerful magic war hammer smashed the poor beast\'s head with one blow, and the brain mixed with blood immediately flowed all over the ground.

But the reckless barbarian obviously didn\'t notice. Another wolf jumped up from behind, opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth and tried to bite his neck.

"Watch your back!" trist waved his machete to push the wolf back, and turned to remind his companions loudly.

But before wolfga could react, Zhang Cheng, who had been standing still, suddenly pulled out his evil sword and cut the wolf who launched the sneak attack in two.

In particular, the black smoke wrapped around the sword and the faint cry of pain directly made the young barbarians shiver, and their eyes were full of vigilance and fear.

Not only him, but also dwarves, dark elves and halflings stopped their movements and looked at them one after another.

"Hehe, why are you interested in my sword?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile, but the movement on his hand didn\'t stop at all.

In the blink of an eye, with the sword skill instilled into his brain by the professional template of the dark guard, he easily killed four wolves and swallowed their souls.

"No, we just didn\'t expect that you still have excellent swordsmanship." trist quickly exchanged eyes with Bruno and managed to squeeze out a smile.

Now he can\'t see through this way of doing things, and there are "strange" black dragons everywhere. He doesn\'t even understand what the other party is thinking and planning to do.

The only good thing is that the dragon has left ten towns. The next headache should be the ruler of luscan.

"As I said, learning and knowledge are the ladder of progress. As long as we have enough knowledge, even the weakest goblins can kill gods. Well, let\'s stop chatting. Let\'s get rid of these annoying beasts and add some fresh meat to our dinner."

The voice just fell!

Like an arrow off the string, Zhang Cheng rushed out directly to the location of the winter wolf.

Just when everyone\'s eyes were attracted by him, Ian raised his mouth to show a bloodthirsty expression, silently took out a cold dagger and gently scratched on the back of Tracy\'s hand.


The half elf swayed like a drunk and fell to the ground with a plop.

Seeing this, the two wolves rushed up and bit on their throats. They kept tearing. In the blink of an eye, the blood dyed the snow red.

"Asshole! How dare you?!" Ian pretended to be surprised and angry, stabbed one of them with a sword, followed by kicking the other, picked up Tracy\'s body and tried to stop bleeding.

But unfortunately, for a person who has swallowed his breath, hemostasis is undoubtedly useless. In the end, he had to put down the body and rush into the wolves to kill.

With their close cooperation and strong acting skills, they can easily remove the hidden dangers in the team.

After the battle, Drizzt and others, who knew nothing, also held a small funeral for the spy of the Harper alliance, and then began to clean the battlefield (mainly stripping the precious fur of the winter Wolf) and found a relatively safe place to prepare for camping.

As for dinner, it is naturally stewed wolf meat and roast wolf meat.

Although everyone knows that these wolves may have eaten living people, most people don\'t care about them at all in the extremely harsh environment of the frozen wasteland, and the greedy halfling Regis ate the weight of three people.

After dinner, while cleaning up the pot and bowl, Ian stuffed a harp pendant and an unsent letter into Zhang Cheng\'s hand.

Needless to ask, the pendant is a keepsake for Harper spies to identify each other, and the letter records information about broken magic crystal and himself.

"Interesting, harpist alliance? I seem to have found a good vent..." Zhang Cheng\'s pupils burst out the flame of madness and destruction.

He could feel that his reason was becoming more and more fragile with the passage of time. Even his dreams at night were pictures of killing civilians and destroying towns.

Rather than continue to suppress reluctantly, it\'s better to find an opportunity to vent appropriately. Anyway, his future road is destined to be an enemy of those guys in the good camp. He simply doesn\'t do it twice. He can waste each other\'s eyes and ears first.

The first step is to uproot all the harpist bases around luscan with the help of the arcane brotherhood.

I believe klin Simpson will be very happy to help the new owner complete this little game of cat and mouse.

Except for the mind snatcher and a few psychic warlocks, no creature can resist its power to capture people\'s minds