All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 420

"I\'m really sorry, master. You should know that Shizhen is originally a place where adventurers like to visit. Except Drizzt and some of his friends, all those with some ability have been recruited into the militia. Except a fairly excellent semi elf Archer, the rest is not worth your solicitation."

After that, the man took off his hood and revealed a pair of eyes with eyes like wild animals and a claw full of black scales.

"You haven\'t been able to control the power of dragon blood potion?" Zhang Cheng glanced and subconsciously frowned.

The man opened his mouth and smiled. There was a trace of excitement and fanaticism on his face. He replied softly, "no! Master! I deliberately left a feature! It can remind me what power is! Really powerful power!"

"Remember, Ian, don\'t be seen by too many people. Maybe people don\'t care about a little abnormal appearance in ice wind Valley, but south of the ridge mountains of the world, whether it\'s abyss blood, purgatory blood or dragon blood, they will be suspected and guarded. I don\'t want any accident before reaching the plan, okay?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and warned.

Needless to ask, this guy named Ian must have accepted the biological transformation experiment, from a pure human to a life between half man and half dragon.

Originally, Zhang Cheng intended to use Azeroth\'s Black Dragon Prince Nefarian\'s method to create loyal dragon men with his own blood.

But who knows, there was an accident in the process of change, resulting in the Dragon man not only having the Dragon man form, but also retaining the original human form.

This means that as long as I skillfully control the power of blood, I can transform between human and dragon people.

After all, Zhang Cheng is now a powerful dragon. According to the consistent tradition of Phelan continent, no matter good or evil, order or chaos, as long as it is strong enough, someone will follow.

As a famous "giant Hunter" in ten towns, Ian, over 40, longed for strength to stop his aging body, so he took the initiative to take refuge at home.

At present, he has become a half dragon man. He has not only recovered his prime of life of about 30 years old, but also opened his mouth and spewed out hot flames. His strength, agility and physique have been greatly enhanced.

Although he didn\'t quite understand why a black dragon spewed out flame rather than acid, it didn\'t prevent him from understanding his master\'s ambition, especially his eyes that often showed madness and destruction.

Without any hesitation, Ian quickly bent down and promised, "please don\'t worry, I know the measure. In addition, the newly recruited semi elf Archer Tracy, do you want to meet?"

"No, no, just make arrangements. Don\'t forget to get everything ready in advance and leave for luscan as soon as the spring of next year. A bigger and more wonderful stage is waiting for us." Zhang Cheng told us with an expressionless face.

"I see!"


Time flies. As the cold north wind gradually stops, the months long winter is finally coming to an end.

Although in the eyes of many southerners, the temperature outside is still frighteningly cold, for the residents of ten towns who make a living by fishing and grazing, they can barely work outdoors, otherwise they will start hungry soon after they run out of food.

Of course, for the old dwarf Bruno, after a busy winter, he can finally set out to find his legendary lost hometown - Mithril hall.

As one of the few friends, the Dark Elf Ranger trist dukheden volunteered to join, and the idle barbarian wolfga joined later.

The latter didn\'t know that after a whole winter, there were no more barbarian tribes on the frozen wasteland. They were either destroyed by the army under gar, or they laid down their weapons and became part of the army.

At present, the army is dormant in the depths of the wilderness, patiently waiting for the master\'s orders.

Standing at the gate of brin Sander\'s city, Bruno looked wary and stared at Zhang Cheng in black armor. He turned and whispered to his friend, "Hey, elf! Are you sure you want to take him? He\'s a dragon!"

"Relax, my good dwarf. He will only go to luscan with us and then go his separate ways. I believe you won\'t want to let a terrible dragon stay in ten towns after we leave?" trist smiled and patted Bruno on the shoulder.

"I hate that look! He looks at us like he\'s looking at some sad mole ants." wolfga, the barbarian, whispered with a powerful magic hammer.

"Believe me, he is quite modest among the dragons. I\'ve seen worse than this. Well, don\'t think too much. Anyway, he is a nominal ally of ten towns and helped us repel the monster army of akar Kessel." trist shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

He can understand the sincere vigilance of his two friends, but in order to ensure the safety of ten towns, this potential threat must be nipped in the bud.

However, Zhang Cheng obviously didn\'t care about the hostile attitude of the other party. He was looking up and down at the young and beautiful half elves around Ian. After a while, he asked with a smile: "are you a spy of the Harper alliance?"

"Hmm? Why do you ask?" the half elf who called himself Tracy became nervous subconsciously.

"No, nothing, just ask." Zhang Cheng smiled meaningfully and motionless made a gesture to Ian.

The latter understood it, walked quickly to the front and carefully tried, "master, do you think he has a problem?"

Zhang Cheng showed a chill in his eyes and nodded without thinking: "yes! Maybe I\'m not sure before asking questions, but now I bet he must be a spy of the Harper alliance. Find a chance to kill him on the way. Be sharp and don\'t leave too many traces."

"I see!" a bloodthirsty smile flashed across Ian\'s face.

He was still wondering why a half elf with good skills suddenly came to Shizhen. He turned out to be a member of the Harper alliance.

You know, when it comes to the harpist alliance, the whole continent of Fallon is known to everyone. It can almost be called one of the largest and largest intelligence organizations in this land.

I\'m afraid that the only thing that can compete with it is the santalin society, another intelligence organization.

Due to the appearance of broken magic crystal, the Harper alliance sent someone to inquire about the news, which is not worth making a fuss.

But the harpist obviously did something he shouldn\'t do, that is, he wanted to risk collecting more information about Zhang Cheng\'s black dragon, which was accidentally exposed.

As a passer-by, Zhang Cheng knows very well what forces in the world have to fight their 120000 spirit, and the harpist alliance is one of them, because their backstage is not others, but the famous magic goddess and voters