All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 404

"Are you crazy?!"

When Faust felt the terrible energy emitted by the red meteorite, the hairs on his body could not help but stand up.

He may not remember the last time he had a similar reaction, but he will never forget the trembling from the depths of his soul!

That\'s life\'s fear of death!

It\'s a subconscious warning signal from the depths of the brain!

Although Faust is not very good at elemental magic, he can still clearly realize that once the red crystal engraved with mysterious symbols breaks out, let alone himself, the whole debris world will collapse.

This is no longer a contest in the ordinary sense, but to tie explosives to yourself and die with the enemy!

"Crazy? No! I\'m very sober! Now choose, either give up capturing the core of the fragmented world, or taste my last card. There\'s no third choice. I\'d like to try whether you and your bandage corpse can survive a terrible energy explosion." Zhang Cheng\'s eyes still have an extremely crazy light.

Due to the constant erosion of evil energy and shadow, his mental state at the moment is very unstable, and even has an indescribable desire to destroy.

No wonder in Azeroth\'s history, those who accept shadow and evil energy are basically either completely crazy or become conspirators and ambitious.

This twisted power that affects the mind all the time is simply beyond the will of normal people.

What\'s more terrible is that the soul of the ereda devil, marosa, has not awakened from its deep sleep. If he regains consciousness, then what Zhang Cheng will face next is a double invasion.

"Detonate that thing, you and your men can\'t live either! I don\'t believe you will make such a stupid decision!" Faust warned with a solemn expression.

Zhang Cheng glanced with a sneer: "in that case, let\'s have a try."

The voice just fell!

A green light spot suddenly appeared in the center of the meteorite, followed by a few seconds and began to spread around, forming a dense vein like a spider\'s web!

With more and more veins! The scope is getting bigger and bigger!

Amazing power began to spread around!

It is like a highly unstable high-pressure energy group, which begins to tremble involuntarily!

"Damn it! Stop! Stop! You madman!" Faust finally panicked when he watched the crystal burst out strong energy resonance.

There\'s no way not to panic!

Not to mention whether the energy explosion can kill everyone on the spot, just the space collapse caused by the destruction of the debris world will squeeze everyone into debris.

"Ha ha! Sorry, it\'s too late..." Zhang Cheng opened his mouth, showed a crazy smile, raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


The transmission Rune in Pollack\'s hand began to glow, and disappeared in place only a second later.

At the same time, the rune on the hand of Reines, the demon at the other end of the fragment world, also began to flash. Without any hesitation, she immediately grabbed the hands of several others and disappeared with them.

Following the Fallen Angel Shamir and maintaining the form of a giant wolf, clover soon left the debris world under the effect of transmitting runes.

After confirming that all the transmission runes were triggered, Zhang Cheng gently threw the meteorite emitting dazzling green light forward, turned and jumped onto the dragon\'s back.

Kulo kelba no doubt understood the master\'s meaning. Without saying a word, he rose directly into the air and tried to climb high with the help of strong wings.

Just after he left the ground less than 50 meters, the meteorite finally fell at Faust\'s feet.

Next second


Under the erosion and guidance of evil energy, the meteorite that originally contained terrible energy finally produced a violent explosion!

Its power will tear the ground alive in an instant!

Several deep cracks go straight to the heart of the earth!

When the red common magma mixed with the twisted and polluted evil energy fire, it detonated the second round of destruction again.

I saw the whole earth like crushed biscuits, and began to turn, crack and collapse!

As for the desire witch Catherine and others, they were engulfed by endless energy storms in the first round of explosion. No one knows whether they are alive or dead.

Although Faust reluctantly defended against the first round of explosion with his powerful death spell, he fell into the collapsed crack after a while.

Condescending, Zhang Cheng looked at the debris world that was about to be destroyed, and there was no expression on his ferocious face.

As a powerful ereda devil who controls evil energy, shadow and arcane arts, he can clearly feel that with the destruction of the whole fragmented world, all the life and resources of the world are continuously transformed into energy and transform every cell of the body.




No wonder after the dark Titan Sargeras first discovered Argus, he immediately regarded the ereda as the only candidate to help him manage the Burning Legion. Even Kil\'jaeden and Archimonde became the masters of the Legion below one person and above ten thousand people.


A colorful stone flew out of the deep cracks on the ground!

"Core?!" Zhang Cheng\'s calm eyes showed a trace of surprise.

Although it was the first time he saw such a magical substance, he recognized it immediately.

No hesitation!

He immediately gathered arcane energy to form the shape of a hand, and firmly grasped and dragged the stone to his face.

At the moment when the palm came into contact with the stone, the parchment somehow flew out of its pocket and directly involved the core.

By the time he recovered, the stones had completely disappeared, and on the sheepskin was written in small letters: trial - seize the fragment world, complete. Reward and open the door on the first floor of the space-time tower.

"Actually swallowed the core of a fragmented world?" Zhang Cheng stared at the parchment with a faint light in his palm and subconsciously frowned.

But soon, the collapsed world forced him to return to his senses and quickly transmitted himself directly with the dragon under his feet with the help of the transmission power provided by parchment.

Oh, by the way, and the unknown black plush ball creature lying on his shoulder

As soon as his front foot left, the space formed by the whole debris world on his back foot began to distort and deform, becoming smaller and smaller, and finally compressed into a singularity that could not be distinguished by the naked eye, and then burst out 10000 times brighter than the sun!

But the light came and went quickly. In just a blink of an eye, the universe fell into boundless darkness again.

Obviously, without the core support, the fragmented world completely and permanently disappeared, just as it suddenly appeared.

To some extent, Zhang Cheng has destroyed a world with his powerful cards, although it is only a small fragmented world