All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 403

"Evil, distortion, chaos! My God! What have you turned yourself into?"

Watching the terrible power emanating from the whole body of ereda devil, Faust\'s pupils contracted violently and could no longer keep calm. He was surprised to grow up.

Although he is a powerful necromancer, and even cracked the mystery of death, so that he can obtain "eternal life" to a certain extent, he still feels an unprecedented pressure in front of the higher magic civilization of the ereda people after thousands of years of development and the taboo knowledge taught by the dark Titan Sargeras.

"Hum! Tremble in front of the Legion! Mortal! Death will be your only destination!" Zhang Cheng has obviously been affected by the devil\'s soul at the moment, and his whole mind is in a state of almost crazy chaos. He doesn\'t know what he is talking about.

No hesitation!

After a short conversation, he directly controlled the energy and began to exert powerful magic!

In less than ten seconds, a huge evil energy fireball fell from the sky and opened the prelude to the battle.


With a loud noise, dazzling green splashes everywhere!

Different from ordinary flames, the fire of evil energy could not be extinguished at all. Faust could not dodge. He was only contaminated a little, and soon began to spread rapidly. Finally, he had to tear off a large piece of clothes.

But when he came back, he didn\'t wait to die. He quickly took out a handful of golden powder from his arms and scattered it on the giant bones.

In the blink of an eye, the skeleton was plated with a layer of glittering gold. No longer afraid of the fire of evil energy, he left his original attack target and turned around and rushed to Zhang Cheng\'s position.


Zhang Cheng disdained his lips and emitted a bubble of arcane energy from his fingers.

When the bubble came into contact with the skeleton, another loud sound echoed in the air.


The violent arcane explosion shattered everything at a distance of ten meters!

The huge bones were pushed into the air by the force of the explosion!

Before it began to fall, a shadow suddenly appeared on its forehead without warning.

The huge bones immediately followed seemed to be eroded by some terrible energy, and began to disintegrate in mid air. When they landed, they fell apart on the spot with a crash.

In just a few seconds, Zhang Cheng, who gained all the power of the devil, easily killed the huge bones that left many lords helpless.

In particular, the power of the last "Legion grip" that only higher ereda casters can master is far beyond his imagination.

As a man who yearns for great power from his heart, he has never felt so good as now, as if he has the power to destroy heaven and earth.


Overwhelming power!

Full of destruction and the power of the king!

Although marosa\'s memory and obsession constantly impact his soul, he is still not willing to give up this terrible power

Seeing that his creation was easily destroyed, Faust finally became serious, narrowed his eyes and muttered, "well, it seems that I have to take out some cards..."

With the last word blurted out, he tore down the miniature coffin made of gray wood hanging around his neck and threw it forward.

The small coffin grew bigger and bigger in mid air, and finally became a huge coffin about eight meters long and two and a half meters wide.


As soon as it landed, a huge force flew the coffin cover and climbed out of it a huge mummy wrapped in light yellow bandages.

In one hand, it carried a short sword emitting a faint red light, and in the other hand, it carried a strong chain with a sharp hook at the end of the chain.

Shadow thorn!

When Zhang Cheng did not intend to breathe for the sudden enemy, he immediately raised his hands and began to guide the magic energy.


A black, completely composed of shadow energy, pierced out of the mummy\'s feet and burst quickly.

Normally, a mummy with such a degree of injury, let alone a mummy whose original body structure is very fragile, even a real giant will be seriously injured or die.

Strangely enough, the huge mummy seemed to be completely unharmed. Standing in place and shaking for a while, he turned the chain and tried to hook his opponent with a hook.


Aware of something wrong, Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned and shot several shadow arrows in succession, trying to find out what was going on.

When Faust saw this scene, he pursed his lips and joked: "Why, are you surprised? I admit that the power you show now is indeed far beyond my expectations. But please remember what I just said, the world is much larger and mysterious than you think, and you see only a small part. Take this mummy for example, do you think it is just a created dead life? No, it But the real demigod remains from the mythical age. "

"Demigod?" chaotic thinking seriously affected Zhang Cheng\'s thinking ability. After a little hesitation, he immediately began to cast powerful spells again.



Shadow arrow rain!


Life siphon!

Soul burning!


One powerful spell after another is cast with almost unlimited energy supplement!

With him as the center, hundreds of people around you are shrouded in terrible magic. Even Kane and others not far away are baptized by the aftershock. They are embarrassed and dodge around. If they are careless, they will die without a place to bury.

They couldn\'t believe that the young man who was once considered to have considerable potential had such terrible power.

But what\'s more incredible is that under the attack of wave after wave of spells, the huge mummy still hasn\'t suffered any damage. The Yellow bandage wrapped around it seems to have a magical power that can rebound all spells.


Another evil energy fireball fell from the sky and knocked the mummy back two steps.

Faust seemed to be aware of Zhang Cheng\'s abnormal mental state, hid behind the mummy and reminded with a smile: "Give up! You can\'t destroy it. In fact, thousands of angel legions in the Vatican couldn\'t hurt it at all. You may be strong and have spell casting ability that I can never reach, but I go further than you on the road of death. My creation is invincible to you until you understand the true meaning of death."

"Invincible? Hahaha! No! You\'re wrong! I have another interesting gadget that will send you and this annoying bandage monster to heaven." Zhang Cheng laughs wildly and takes out a meteorite with red halo from his magic waist bag