All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 21

Dominated by a great sense of crisis, this loose parliament passed a series of decisions with extremely fast efficiency, including continuing to recruit and train militias, expanding the scope of patrols, and sending messengers to Nanhai town.

There is no wrangling, no quarrel, and no mutual prevarication. Everyone has assumed their own responsibilities and obligations.

Because they all know very well what the word magic plague stands for. Once they lose their precious life, wealth, power and beauty will become meaningless.

Of course, none of this has much to do with Zhang Cheng. He just wants to make use of the power of the town to improve the task contribution as much as possible and strive to get the best reward.

In fact, the focus of the "new plague" mission was not here from the beginning, but in Dalaran.

Only by attracting the attention and vigilance of the kenrito Parliament can the plague be cracked.

Otherwise, his current knowledge of magic and alchemy alone is not enough to deal with such a profound and complex subject.

To be exact, he didn\'t even know what the basic composition of the dark green gas-liquid mixture in the bottle was.

While Zhang Cheng was eating the steaming stew and thinking about what to do next, Garrick suddenly burst into the room and shouted, "Mr. mage, the room is ready. You can rest at any time after you are full. In addition, the mayor asked me to inform you that three good horses have been fed with fresh oats. They will be in the best condition early tomorrow morning."

"OK, thank you. I\'ll go to bed after I finish eating. You know, I didn\'t sleep well all night last night, so I must make it up today." Zhang Cheng pointed to his thick dark circles under his eyes, then raised his glass and sipped the wine made in the town.

Although the inferior liquor brewed with the original technology did not meet his taste, he concealed it well and did not show it at all.

"Then you have a good rest, and I\'ll get ready and start with you tomorrow." Garrick didn\'t notice the difference at all, gently nodded his head, and then turned and left.

George, who had just walked away from his desk, asked him with great care: "Sir, are you really going to meddle in this matter? When I passed by Nanhai Town, I heard that some people were secretly investigating the plague, but they never came back after they left Nanhai town."

"Oh? You know?" Zhang Cheng raised his head in surprise.

"Well, I know a little. Among the forgotten are a group of organizations that call themselves the Royal Pharmacists Association. They are very mysterious. They often arrest some living people as experimental products. Anyone who tries to investigate deeply will die. You saved my daughter\'s life and me, so I hope something happens to you." old George said sincerely.

As a businessman who constantly travels to and from various towns, he has much more information than ordinary people and understands how dangerous the world is.

"It\'s not easy. You even know the Royal Pharmacist Association in the dark city. Don\'t worry, I know what I\'m doing and who the enemy I\'m going to face." Zhang Cheng deliberately pretended not to care, lowered his head and quickly ate the food on the plate, but then pushed the door open and walked into the bedroom.

Old George sighed slightly, drank up the wine in the glass without saying anything, just took his daughter\'s hand and went into the next room.

After a sleepless night, he was exhausted at the moment. He just wanted to go to sleep quickly. Tomorrow morning, he rode on a fast horse and handed the precious arcane crystal to the Archmage ansram ruinville, so as to save any more accidents.

However, old George obviously didn\'t notice. Just as Zhang Chenggang crossed the threshold, the whole person was stunned, with a very strange expression on his face, and then closed the door.

The reason is very simple. On his own bed, he saw a beautiful young girl, and the girl was only wearing light silk underwear. The looming curve added charm and temptation out of thin air.

"Who are you? Don\'t tell Frank asked you to come. I don\'t think women can afford silk in such a remote small rural town." Zhang Cheng joked while enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of him.

After all, he is not the kind of idiot who can\'t walk when he sees a woman. For any beauty who takes the initiative to send her to the door, his first reaction is vigilant, rather than directly jumping up and thinking with his lower body instead of thinking.

"Very keen observation. I now understand why the Duke values you so much. Come on, come to bed, I have a small gift for you." the woman licked her lips and invited.

Obviously, she is no one else, Sophia, who was secretly plotted by the demon not long ago.

Due to the influence of evil magic, she completely abandoned her proud self-esteem and became a sexy creature that can make men boil as long as she hooks her fingers.

However, Zhang chengmingxian refused to take this set and still responded in situ: "There\'s no need to go up and take out the gift directly. Of course, if the gift refers to you, please leave and leave the room directly. I\'m very tired now and need a good sleep instead of wasting my remaining energy on women. God knows if you will suddenly pierce my heart with a dagger when you\'re unprepared."

"Hehe hehe, are you afraid of a * * woman? Should I praise you for your prudence, or should I laugh at your timidity?" Sophia smiled, jumped out of bed and threw a yellow book over.

Out of caution, Zhang Cheng didn\'t pick it up directly with his hand. He watched the thick books fall to the ground with a bang.

Looking at the cover full of unknown patterns, he immediately frowned and asked, "what\'s this?"

"As you can see, it\'s a book, a book that records how to summon and control demons. We noticed that you seem to be very interested in the ceremony of summoning the void walker, so you sent it specially to show friendship." Sophia twisted her slender waist to come closer and explained in a voice full of temptation.

While she was speaking, she deliberately put her body close enough to let the faint perfume smell out of her body.

I don\'t know if it\'s an illusion. After Zhang Cheng felt that he smelled this smell, his interest in that aspect suddenly rose.

This kind of change made him feel the alarm bell in his heart, mercilessly pushed the other party away, and issued a warning: "don\'t get close to me, otherwise I promise you\'ll end up either a charred corpse or an ice sculpture."

"Wow, it\'s so ruthless. Now I feel like I like you more and more. How about you pretend to join the syndicate, and then we work together to kill the Duke. Then you will be the leader and I will be your assistant and lover?"

"Sorry, I\'m not interested. After the gifts are delivered, you can go. I\'ll give you ten seconds. Before you disappear from my eyes after ten seconds, you will understand how serious the consequences of provoking a mage are." Zhang Cheng raised his head and his eyes burst out a chilling light.

Needless to ask, he has begun to regard Sofia as an NPC in the game. If the other party still doesn\'t go, he will never show mercy because the other party is a sexy beauty