All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 20

"It seems very lively inside?" Zhang Cheng stopped, smiled and asked.

Garrick shrugged his shoulders with a bitter smile and explained helplessly: "Yes, we\'ve been arguing for a whole month. You know, since the last elite led by Marshal garrises was completely annihilated by the dark queen, most nobles either died in battle or fled to the storm Kingdom further south. Therefore, we don\'t have a legitimate leader and ruler at all. We have to unite to govern together, form a temporary Parliament and discuss with each other Common threats. "

"Parliament? Can you tell me how this so-called parliament works?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin with interest.

According to his understanding, the human social form of Azeroth should be a typical aristocratic feudal system. Whether it is the destroyed kingdom of Lordaeron, the storm kingdom in deep trouble, or selamo as far away as Kalimdor, its top rulers come from the original ancient empire of mankind - the Saladin empire.

In other words, people here are more willing to believe in the inherent noble blood than ability. In theory, only the nobles canonized by the king can have legal rule.

But now, an interesting phenomenon appears in front of us. With the destruction of the last remaining military power of the kingdom of Lordaeron, there has been a rare power vacuum in the north.

The desperate storm kingdom is temporarily unable to extend its tentacles, and the dilapidated torrent castle is also unable to shelter these farmers. Therefore, in order to protect themselves, they have to form a small alliance to try to solve all kinds of problems.

Zhang Cheng would like to know how to maintain such an organization without clear leaders and strong binding force.

"Ha! It\'s very simple! Every farm and village that voluntarily chooses to join will elect a representative to become a member of Parliament and be responsible for the decision-making of the whole Parliament. Each of them has the right to vote. In case of differences, they will vote under the auspices of the clerk, and more than half of them will pass and implement it. Of course, every farm and village has its own position and idea, So meetings are always spent in constant quarrels, "said Garrick with a helpless sigh.

I don\'t know whether he is sighing for the future of Parliament or for the selfish nature of mankind.

"Don\'t worry, it will get better. Believe me, as long as they know the truth, they will definitely give up the quarrel and unite again." Zhang Cheng patted each other on the shoulder, pushed the door open, bought the threshold and went in.

"I hope so..." the young man whispered and followed quickly.

As soon as they entered the hall one after another, they immediately attracted the attention of many people. One of them was panting on crutches and shouted impolitely: "who let you in? Get out!"

"Who is this barking old dog? Hasn\'t anyone taught him what manners and upbringing are?" Zhang Cheng sneered and said mercilessly.

He is not the kind of person who will swallow insults, let alone let an old bastard shit on his head.

"Master, please calm down. He is TOLES, a representative from the lakeside farm. His son died in a sneak attack by the dead two days ago, so his mood inevitably got out of control." Garrick, who had seen the power of magic with his own eyes, hurried forward to dissuade him for fear of any bloodshed.

"Well, I forgive him this time. But please remember, this is the first and last time. If I hear similar insults again, I don\'t mind freezing his mouth with ice." after that, Zhang Cheng waved his right hand fiercely and set off a bone chilling wind mixed with snowflakes.

He knows very well that if he doesn\'t take some deterrent action, he can\'t expect to attract attention at all, let alone get a voice.

When the cold snowflakes fell on everyone\'s skin, they suddenly realized that the young man in front of them was not an ordinary person, but a master of arcane power, a mage who could shape fire and frost into various terrorist forms.

For a moment, the originally noisy parliament hall was silent, and even the two sides in the quarrel chose to shut up.

Looking at those eyes full of vigilance and awe, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction. At the same time, he was secretly glad that he had chosen the professional template of MAGE instead of the thief accompanied by shadow. Otherwise, he would be facing a different situation.

"You guys, I think you all want to find out who I am and why I broke in suddenly. In fact, I\'m here to warn. You may already know that the forgotten are constantly pouring a dark green medicine into your barn and wheat field."

As Zhang Cheng spoke, he came to the middle of the hall and held up the test tube with thick and thin fingers, so that everyone could see it clearly as much as possible.

"But you don\'t know that its function is not only to rot the food, but also to make any people and animals who have smoked become manic and irrational, and madly attack all the living lives around. In short, this is a new magic plague under development, and you are the test object of the plague."

"What!! plague? Those damn souls are experimenting with us?" a slightly bald middle-aged man suddenly stood up from his chair, with a mixture of shock and anger on his face.

"Are you?"

"I\'m the mayor here, Burnside. Mr. mage, is what you just said true? What evidence?" the middle-aged man asked impatiently.

Knowing the identity of the other party, Zhang Cheng immediately turned around and waved to Garrick: "come here, take out the body of the sparrow and show it to our mayor and members of Parliament."

"OK!" without a word, Garrick threw the bloody body on the table.


"My holy light! This... This is a sparrow?" Burnside stared, unable to believe what he saw.

After all, a normal sparrow can never grow sharp teeth and bleeding red eyes. As for the pair of black glowing claws, they obviously show signs of being eroded by shadow energy.

"Yes, this is a sparrow. To be exact, it was an ordinary sparrow before sucking the dark green plague. If you don\'t want stansom\'s tragedy to repeat here, you\'d better give up arguing and unite to deal with the crisis."

Burnside nodded. "I see what you mean. Please tell me. What do you need us to do?"

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Zhang Cheng asked bluntly: "It\'s very simple. First of all, strengthen the vigilance and don\'t give the forgotten any opportunity. If you can, you\'d better catch one or two living captives. Secondly, send someone to Nanhai town to see if there is any intelligence that can be shared. Finally, prepare some fast horses. I\'m going to rest for one night today and leave for Dalaran early tomorrow morning to hand over these plagues to kenrui Trust the hands of the Council to see if the wizards can crack the secrets. "

"No problem! Garrick, take the mage to eat first and inform the stables to prepare some good horses..."