All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 153

"Captain! Youlun is dead! That guy killed him!"

A crew member of the Invincible Iron loudly reminded Victor Leon grejoy.

Although the most important thing he wanted to do now was to turn the bow and run away like other ships in the fleet, considering the character of his captain and the severe means of dealing with traitors, he managed to hold back his inner fear.

But he was sure that if the dragon in the sky flew over the warship, he would immediately turn around and jump into the sea. What nonsense rules, punishment, and the grejoy family, go to hell and save his life first.

In fact, he was not alone. More than 90% of the sailors on the deck had similar ideas.

After all, the residents of the iron islands are not "good men and women". They grow up in a bad environment. They are more realistic than residents anywhere in Westeros. They never give their lives for the so-called "noble" reasons.

Victorian grejoy clearly knew this, so he clung to his beloved axe. If anyone dared to lead a rebellion, he would not hesitate to cut off each other\'s head.

Of course, he was more worried about the guy who just killed his brother than these familiar crew members.

In particular, the giant dragon hovering in the sky is like a sharp sword hanging overhead. It may fall down at any time and destroy the whole fleet.

No captain would think that his ship could run faster than a dragon flying in the sky.

Just when all the iron people became more and more nervous, Zhang Cheng on the deck of "tranquility" suddenly made a strange move, followed by the whole person and disappeared in an instant.

Next second!

He appeared directly next to viktalion!

This man, who has always been known for his steadiness, seriousness and loyalty to his duty, subconsciously raised his axe and cut it down

But before the axe touched Zhang Cheng\'s clothes, an orange flame spread in all directions with Zhang Cheng as the center. The hot heat wave forced viktalion back several steps, and even burned a large area of hair, beard and sweat.

When the flame completely disappeared, Zhang Cheng didn\'t panic. He threw away the sulfur powder used to help cast the spell, smiled and comforted: "relax, I\'m not here to kill you, but I hope to reach a consensus with you."

"Reach a consensus?" viktalion frowned, with a wary look in his eyes.

"That\'s right! If I\'m right, the target of your attack should be the shield islands and the river bend area, right?" Zhang Cheng ignored the nervous sailors with sharp blades and went straight to the subject as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Yes! What on earth do you want to do?" viktalion was obviously more rational than Youlun, and quickly realized that the other party had no intention to kill himself, let alone destroy the fleet proud of the iron islands.

"It\'s very simple. I think you can bypass the shield islands and directly attack the richer old town. As an ally, I can provide some additional help to ensure that you won\'t be discovered by anyone in advance. As long as you swear, kill all the direct members of the haitar family after you capture the old town." Zhang Cheng quickly made an offer.

As the second largest family in the river area after Tyrell, haitar is undoubtedly a huge obstacle for him who wants to usurp the rule of the river area.

Moreover, the Hatal family also supports Xuecheng and is determined to build a world without dragons, magic and supernatural forces.

To some extent, he is a natural enemy who yearns for the development of the world towards magical civilization.

At first, Zhang Cheng planned to take over the legacy of the tiller family and then slowly eradicate this great trouble, but now he has a new idea, that is, to use the iron people\'s love of plunder to destroy each other\'s foundation.

Viktalion stared at the young man standing in front of him. After a full minute, he sneered and asked, "since you want to form an alliance with me, why did you kill my brother?"

Zhang Cheng pretended to be helpless: "Sorry, I think you should understand that you Lun\'s brain is not normal. To be exact, he has been crazy for a long time. I don\'t like to cooperate with a madman, especially a madman who never knows what arrogant ideas he will have in the next step. But unlike you, you are a stable and mature leader, also a conscientious person, and won\'t break your oath casually. In addition, I I know you don\'t like you Lun and even wanted to kill him for some time. Now that he is dead, you should be happy, because you can take over the power and become the new king of all iron people. "

"But he is my brother after all! You must give me an account!" viktalion insisted with a serious expression.

"Hehe, OK, please state your conditions. Don\'t go too far." Zhang Cheng stretched out his right arm and made an invitation gesture.

Viktalion hesitated for a moment, immediately pointed to the huge dragon horn on the deck of the tranquility and said, "I want the Dragon bonder!"

"No! Change it!" Zhang Cheng refused the other party\'s request without even thinking about it.

He wouldn\'t give a powerful magic item to an enemy who might turn over sometime.

Although there are only three dragons in the story of the song of ice and fire, who knows where else in the world dragon eggs will hatch with the arrival of the red comet. If they are domesticated by the other party, it will be great fun.

"OK! I want the armor on euron!" viktalion quickly changed the second condition.

Obviously, he knew very well that it was impossible for Zhang Cheng to hand over the Dragon horn, so he deliberately used the first condition as bait in exchange for the passage of the second condition.

You should know that Youlun claims that his armor is a real valerian steel armor, which is worth a whole kingdom according to its current value.

It is said that people wearing varelian steel armor can be invulnerable on the battlefield. In addition to the equally sharp varelian steel sword, even the sharp spear can\'t leave even a trace on it.

Viktalion has long coveted this armor, and now he will not let it go if he has the opportunity.

"Armor?" Zhang Cheng was slightly stunned. He turned and glanced at the body on the deck not far away. He immediately found the iconic unique pattern on the armor surface, smiled and nodded: "no problem! Deal! It\'s yours."

"Really?" viktalion couldn\'t believe he had achieved his goal so easily.

"Of course it\'s true. I can also return you Lun\'s body to the iron islands for burial..."