All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 152

"Interesting... Is this blood magic?!" Zhang Cheng whispered in an uncertain tone, bending down to check Youlun\'s condition.

I saw that the man who had just been a tough guy was dying. The whole person seemed to have been boiled in boiling water. Not only his skin showed a strange dark red, but also his surface was full of dissatisfied blisters. The largest one was the size of a palm and was full of shocking pus and blood.

Of course, this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that his mouth and internal organs were also severely burned by unknown forces, constantly sending out the smell of barbecue.

According to the standards of modern medicine, his current state can basically be sentenced to death. Even if the most advanced medical technology is adopted, it is impossible to save his life.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng is not a doctor, but a mage, a mage with alchemy skills.

Without any hesitation, he took out a bottle of primary treatment potion and poured it into the other party\'s mouth.

Just a few seconds later, Youlun suddenly twitched, suddenly got up and threw up on the deck. After he vomited all the things in his stomach, he raised his head and asked fiercely, "damn! What have you done?! why does the Dragon horn ring when no one blows?"

"Ah! Relax, my friend, it\'s just a trivial test. Even if you explain it, you won\'t understand, because it involves the profound knowledge and knowledge of different kinds of energy resonance. Well, give me the Dragon bonder quickly, and then we can start discussing the issue of alliance." Zhang Cheng urged deliberately pretending to be arrogant.

Through a short observation, he can basically determine that the chic horn in front of him is a powerful magic item, strong enough to control all dragons of the song of ice and fire.

No wonder varelia dared to let thousands of wild dragons circle over the city, but never worried that they would suddenly have a whim to attack the residents of the city, or poultry and livestock.

The only disadvantage is that blowing the Dragon horn requires an unimaginable price. To be exact, the person who uses it must let the hot dragon blood flow in his body.

Obviously, the temperature of dragon blood is dozens of times higher than that of normal humans, so even in the blink of an eye, it will cause huge burns.

As for those never seen runes on the horn, further research and decoding are needed to find out the specific function.

In fact, with the help of this big horn, Zhang Cheng can infer how far the valerian civilization has gone in magic. Although it can\'t be comparable with Dalaran, the Magic Kingdom of Azeroth, it doesn\'t want to be so unbearable now. Magic in many places has become something that only exists in legends.

What\'s more ridiculous is that almost all people who master magic power are obsessed with idiot prophecies instead of trying to understand the root of their power.

We should know that among all magic systems, predicting the future is the most unreliable and vulnerable to various uncertain factors.

Instead of trying hard to interpret what will happen in the future through obscure phenomena and pictures, it is better to improve yourself and deal with dangers and difficulties with the most powerful side.

"Here you are? Ha ha ha! Dream! I have controlled your dragon now! Go to hell! Asshole! Kill him for me!" You Lun smiled grimly, raised the horn of the dragon and shouted orders at the Dragon crawling on the deck.

Kulo kelba stared innocently at two eyes, as if looking at a neurotic idiot.

Although the "dragon bonder" limits its action, it can\'t control its will. It\'s just because of the power of magic, it can\'t attack each other.

"Have you had enough? Give it to me as soon as you have had enough. Your parents have never taught you to never try to control the power you don\'t understand?" Zhang Cheng joked with a playful face.

As the name suggests, the real function of the "dragon bonder" is to bind the dragons and force them to yield with the help of external forces, just as humans use food to make dogs respond to commands and use nose rings to tame cattle farming, rather than directly control their thoughts.

This means that people who use the horn can make dragons lose their ability to move or even kill them, but they can\'t let dragons attack their masters involuntarily.

In addition, Zhang Cheng also signed a permanent magic contract with Kulo kelba. As long as the contract is not terminated, he will never have to worry about being attacked by his own dragon.

However, it is obvious that Youlun grejoy misunderstood the power of the Dragon horn and thought that it could force the dragon to obey his will. As a result, the scene was once in a very embarrassing situation.

With a smile on his face, the bold Eric suggested in a rather gloating tone: "Sir, I think this guy should be taught a lesson and hung on the mast for at least a few days. Trust me, with the current sunshine, he will kneel down like a dog to add your boots and ask for your forgiveness in two days at most."

Zhang Cheng hesitated a little and soon smiled and shook his head: "Sounds good! But the problem is, I still need this guy to do some things that are inconvenient to do directly. You should understand that even if nobles want to eradicate each other immediately, they should abide by certain rules. Of course, if you can find a substitute, I don\'t mind dealing with him according to your suggestion."

"Substitutes?" Eric was stunned. He immediately pointed to the captain of another huge warship in the distance and asked, "what do you think of that guy? If I remember correctly, his name is viktalion grejoy, the brother of Baron and Youlun."

Along the direction of his fingers, Zhang Cheng soon saw a powerful man with a huge axe, heavy armor and a strange helmet on his head.

At the same time, the man was nervously watching the movement on the tranquility.

After looking at each other for four or five seconds, Zhang Cheng quickly turned around and cut off Youlun\'s head with a sword.


The dazzling blood rose more than a meter high like a fountain, followed by the headless body and fell on the deck.

Because the whole process happened so fast, everyone had no time to respond, especially the sailors whose tongues were pulled out on the deck showed incredible expressions.

It is estimated that they can\'t believe that their ferocious, cruel and crazy captain was killed so easily.

"Sorry, my friend, you are useless..." Zhang Cheng took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood on the sword, whispered to Youlun who had just been swallowed by the soul arrest messenger.

Less than half a minute after Youlun\'s death, the power that bound Kulo kelba suddenly disappeared. When he regained his freedom, he quickly flapped his wings and returned to the endless blue sky.