All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 136

"How\'s it going? Has the other party agreed to our terms?" Colin Florent couldn\'t wait to ask as soon as the messenger returned to the city.

Not only him, but also all members of the Florent family showed nervous and expectant eyes.

After all, for them, every time they take more property, it means more hope for a comeback, and it also means that they can live a little better when they are homeless.

Unfortunately, the young emissary shook his head with a bitter smile and replied, "I\'m sorry, sir, the other party has no intention of negotiating at all. Moreover, he also made it clear that we must surrender unconditionally, otherwise all members of the Florent family will be executed for treason when the city is broken."

"What? How dare he!!!"

"Damn it! Is this guy crazy?!"

"Our noble blood can be traced back to the daughter of the" green hand "gals! Closer to the gardener family than Tyrell! We are the real masters of the river area!"

"Give this young man a little color to see!"

"Yes! Give him some color to see! Then he will understand how to respect an ancient family with a long history!"


For a moment, the hall was filled with all kinds of abuse and shouting, as if everyone selectively forgot how bad their current situation was.

Looking at these completely hysterical relatives, Colin Florent sighed helplessly and shouted, "enough! Since the other party wants war! Let\'s give him war! The Florent family can decline! It can perish! But it must not tarnish the honor that lasts for thousands of years."

"That\'s right! We have strong walls and fortresses! Even if the other party has a large number of people, it\'s not so easy to attack. When you taste the pain, you will naturally take the initiative to negotiate with us." a knight echoed with confidence.

In this way, under the command of acting City Lord Colin Florent, less than 400 soldiers were placed in the most important positions in Liangshui City, especially the towering arrow tower. Each was equipped with more than 20 archers, and even four bed crossbows produced by the school city. Even knights in heavy armor would be penetrated in an instant.

Most people believe that with a few towering arrow towers and sufficient food reserves, even if tens of thousands of troops want to attack, they have to pay a heavy price.

The reason why the feudal lords of Westeros were keen on building tall and solid castles was that the castles had strong protection ability and could offset the gap in the number of people. They often only needed one fifth to one tenth of the opponent\'s army to firmly protect themselves and their families.

In any case, the larger the army, the greater the consumption of supplies. Once the war is delayed for too long, many hidden contradictions and troubles may be exposed.

For Colin Florent, what he needs to do is not to defeat the army with more than 2000 people outside the city, but to delay as long as possible and wait for the situation to turn around.

You should know that the reason why aristocrats are aristocrats is that they not only master the land, but also have a complex network of relationships.

Take the Florent family as an example. This generation alone is married to influential families such as Leighton hattal and Randall Tali, old town men. Although this relationship is not enough for them to keep their territory and title, it is still no problem to ask for asylum at the critical moment.

With this confidence, Colin Florent did not hesitate to choose war rather than unconditional surrender.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng, who was far away from the city, couldn\'t help laughing: "ha ha! I didn\'t expect these idiots to cooperate so much! I really want to know what gave them the courage to resist?"

"Sir, the main members of the Florent family fled back to Longshi island with Stannis, so Liangshui city should not have received the specific news of the battle of the Blackwater River, so their understanding of you is limited to the outside army, not including you." Blanco explained with a smile on his face.

Perhaps in peacetime, he would worry about how much it would cost to besiege a strong castle.

But now, he only felt that those people in the castle were very pitiful and sad. Soon, the other party would see the attack far beyond his understanding.

"Well, the ignorant are fearless. I hope they can keep the spirit of resistance later." after that, Zhang Cheng waved to a mercenary who swore allegiance to him behind him.

Without saying a word, the latter quickly stepped forward, knelt on one knee and saluted with an almost fanatical attitude: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Go, take down the sealed box in the car, and then find some sharpshooters. I\'ll destroy the arrow towers in the way first." Zhang Cheng ordered without panic.

"As you wish!" the mercenary nodded, turned and disappeared into the crowd.

After a while, he carried a wooden box with a white seal back to his place, followed by five archers with long bows.

Gently tear open the seal and stick it with his own hands. Zhang Cheng directly opens the cover and reveals the neat glass tubes inside. Each glass tube is filled with sealed red liquid.

Needless to ask, these are the "dragon flames" made by him in his spare time. Even a drop can instantly melt steel and rocks.

"Are you going to..." Blanco obviously shivered and asked carefully.

"Ah! That\'s right! I want the Dragon flame to burn all the soldiers on the arrow tower. I believe after a round, the people of the Florence family will understand what a huge mistake they have made." Zhang Cheng took out one of the bottles, tied it to the arrow with a rope and handed it to a shooter.

Without any nonsense, the young man in his early twenties quickly approached the city wall under the protection of two shield infantry. Before the defenders could react, he shot a fatal arrow.


With the sound of bow string vibration, the arrow crossed a beautiful parabola and accurately fell into the arrow tower on the east side.

When the glass bottle collides with the rock and breaks, the red liquid immediately comes into contact with the air, releasing dazzling and bright flames.

Next second


The whole arrow tower turned into a sea of fire!

All the people standing inside, without exception, were swallowed up by the flames. Some even couldn\'t bear the pain of burning alive and fell to death directly from a height of tens of meters.

Just over ten seconds later, the seeping scream and wail stopped.

Observant people can even observe that the black rocks around the arrow tower have a trace of red melting!

"Ha ha, what beautiful fireworks! Go on, don\'t stop and burn the remaining arrow towers." Zhang Cheng hurried with a cruel smile on his face without looking back