All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 135

Two weeks after the battle of Heishui River, an army of more than 2000 people crossed kuqiao and walked along rose Avenue.

The leading Knight held up a violet flag, which depicted the cross pattern of a sword and a staff, which attracted many passers-by to stop and watch, trying to find out which family it was.

After all, 2000 soldiers armed to the teeth can not be supported by any noble. They should not only have a large territory, but also have sufficient financial support. Otherwise, the high daily maintenance cost alone will be enough to bring down the finance.

Unfortunately, even the most knowledgeable businessmen do not recognize such a strange family emblem, let alone the young nobles on horseback.

While the people were pointing and whispering, an old man in armor suddenly ran from behind the team and said in a low voice to the owner of the Army: "Sir, just now the tiller family in Gaoting sent someone to send three white war horses, 70 carts of food supplies, 500 barrels of ale, 400 longbows and 100000 good arrows. What do you think should be done with these materials?"

"Deal with it as you should. Don\'t worry, I will personally deal with the relationship with the tiller family. All you have to do is control the army. You know, we\'re dealing with not only the Florent family, but also more than a dozen families around us. Maybe they are far from my opponents alone, but once they unite, it\'s quite troublesome." The young nobleman ordered without expression.

Obviously, he is no one else, but Zhang Cheng, who plans to go to Liangshui city to receive his own fief.

As for the old man in armor, it was Blanco, his loyal man.

Since he made an alliance with Wallis and bertier berrisi, King\'s landing city has lost its attraction to him, and he doesn\'t want to participate in the next open and secret struggle between Tyrell and Lannister, so he chose to take the initiative to leave the vortex of power, occupy a territory first, and slowly wait for old tywin to be killed by the little devil, and cerxi, who is out of control, detonates the cathedral.

During this time, on the one hand, he can calm down and continue his research. If the situation allows, he can also meet danilis to find out where the tangorian family\'s ability to bathe in fire comes from.

If you still have leisure time, it\'s good to go to the north of the desperate great wall and search the only remaining son of the forest.

In short, there are too many things worth exploring and studying in this world. Only idiots waste their time in the struggle for power.

"I see!"

The old mercenary nodded hard, immediately asked the previous team to receive the materials, and then urged the whole army to keep moving forward. No one noticed that there was a black spot in the sky.

Through the scenic Gaoting, Zhang Cheng quickly left the road under the guidance of the guide and approached Liangshui city along the southwest path.

Because there was no intention to cover up the March, Colin Florent, the acting mayor of Liangshui City, soon got the news and called the family members in the city to discuss countermeasures.

After all, the Florent family lost most of their troops in the battle of the Blackwater river. Now there are less than 400 soldiers left in the city. Perhaps it is enough to maintain law and order and deter bandits, but it is certainly impossible to defend such a large castle and market.

For a moment, the whole Liangshui city was in danger. Many timid guys even proposed to take money and escape and seek shelter from Stannis on Longshi island.

However, before the left behind members of the Florent family could quarrel, Zhang Cheng\'s leading force, a cavalry composed of 500 elite, arrived first, completely cutting off their idea of escape

Anyone with a little brain knows that two legs can\'t run four legs, let alone carry property.

Standing on the wall, Colin Florent looked at the cavalry rotating and resting below and asked the trusted Knight behind him with a bitter smile: "hosman, do you think we have a chance to win if we choose to resist?"

Being called hosman hesitated a little and quickly shook his head: "sorry, sir, there are at least 2000 people on the other side, and there is the support of the tiller family and the Iron Throne of the high court. I think the best situation is to try to take more property through negotiation."

"Oh, you\'re right. It seems that the Florent family is going to lose this land for generations." Colin sighed helplessly.

If he could, he really wanted to defend the castle and prove the glory of the Florent family with his own blood.

But at the thought of so many women and children in the city, he immediately gave up the plan.

Anyway, if the territory is gone, you can find another way to get one, but if people die, there will be nothing.

Determined, Colin immediately ordered his attendants to bring their conditions and contact the cavalry outside.

About ten minutes or so, the young attendant returned safely and brought back the news that he had to wait for the arrival of the army master.

In this way, the two sides held each other across the city wall. It was not until ten hours later that the rear troops arrived one after another.

When Zhang Cheng got the offer from the Florent family, he couldn\'t help laughing. He laughed and said sarcastically, "ha ha ha! It\'s so interesting! You asked to take away all the gold and silver jewelry and half of the livestock and grain, leaving me an empty castle?"

"Sir, we think this is a very reasonable condition. Please think about it. Liangshui city has tall and thick walls and loyal guards. If you choose to attack, it will take at least a few months to six months, and more than half of your soldiers will be killed or injured. But now, you only need to give up a little property and you can get Liangshui city without effort. Is that right Isn\'t it good? "The young messenger bent down and asked with a serious face.

"Half a year? Half dead and half wounded? I have to say that you\'re really overconfident. Go back! Tell Colin Florence! Either come out and surrender immediately, and I\'ll allow him to leave safely with his family members; or I\'ll kill him in. When the city breaks down, all the Florence family will be executed for treason. Remember, I\'ll only give you an hour to think about it, and I\'ll open it in an hour Start an attack. "

After issuing the ultimatum, Zhang Cheng waved impatiently and motioned the guards to take the messenger out.

In fact, from the beginning, he did not intend to solve Liangshui city in a peaceful way, but planned to declare his rule over this land with blood.

Because only war and blood can make people feel awe, and awe is exactly what the feudal lords need most.

As for those lords who simply want to lead the people with kindness and fraternity, they are basically regarded as weak and deceptive, or they are killed by the enemy early.

Although it sounds sad, good people, especially bad people, are not qualified to live under the feudal system